Looking at two non-guests who are obviously trapped in the island, he doesn’t care at all now, but the fewer enemies, the better. He doesn’t want to do it himself.

He went over and stood up to alert Xiaoyu Butterfly Lang and said, "Two friends? Why don’t you tell me something? Song Changgeng, the head of the sorrow gate, is polite. "
Bai Qiu, the old man, said after a ceremony in the Bank of China that "the old man, the bodhi old man, was trapped in the North Sea, and his younger brother, the North Sea ice sheet, Lingwei, came to visit with his friends and generous real person. A few days ago, Xiao Lingqi offended Taoist friends and showed much mercy."
See each other so polite Song Chang Gung also don’t want to shout dozen shout kill, he laughed "turned out to be trapped bodhi old zu gaotu grovel your son although reckless, but it’s just a frivolous young man.
Speaking of which, we still have some fate to become sworn friends with Yi Mei, a wonderful fairy, and Xu Fei Niang, an old teacher. I often don’t want to get up with me, but it’s an honor to meet Taoist friends here. "
The old man with a red face and a slight camel is a generous real person. He said with a big smile, "Hahahaha, I didn’t expect to see that little girl brother Xu Feiniang here. Let’s do a few tricks to see what you can do?"
Say that finish without waiting for Song Chang-geng’s answer, he directly shipped his own unique five elements of true qi, five Guanghua dances like like like this, and Song Chang-geng released his newly refined blood sword and put Xiaoyu Butterfly Force to deal with it.
He was interested in making friends when he heard Lingwei say that the old man with a red face and a camel was a generous real person, but strong people like them didn’t let them admit anything, and they didn’t want to make friends with others. Now it’s time to fight, not only to prove that he can make friends with him on an equal footing, but also to verify his recent gains. Instead of being unhappy, he became excited.
When the five elements of Qi met the innate sword, the two were evenly matched, which could not help but surprise Song Changgeng. Speaking of it, the Taoist practitioners of the five elements of Qi all practiced it, but it was a stage.
After this stage, I switched to other places, but Song Chang-geng, who specializes in the five elements of Qi like generous real person B Hugh, is especially careful to deal with them.
Generous and realistic, the five elements of qi are very powerful and mutually changing, which is not only powerful but also impossible to prevent. Song Chang-geng was in the wind when he was newly refined.
However, with his skillful strokes and harmony, he gradually became a draw, and both of them were evenly matched. Gradually, he became generous, and the real person Yi Xiu seemed a little unwilling to draw, and the situation suddenly changed.
Or the golden water is born with endless strength, or the fire and water come together and explode at the touch, which makes people in a hurry, or the fire and soil are accompanied by ignorance and hard to ponder.
Soon, Song Chang Gung was beaten down again. Although he was struggling to support it, he became more familiar with the innate swordsmanship and at the same time mobilized his own strength more smoothly.
The generous real person Yi Xiu hasn’t played with anyone for more than 50 years, and now he finally has a rival who is also sexually active. Suddenly, the five elements and the true qi are combined and the coping force of Mount Tai is greatly attacked.
This ingenious method made Song Changgeng even more clumsy. Seeing that he was suppressed, he was very generous. The real person took a break from Song Changgeng, and the prepared withdrawal ended gradually.
But Song Chang Gung suddenly screamed and raised my hand, and a red light flew out of Yi Long. In an instant, a red dragonfly with a length of more than ten meters came out. Its huge body resisted the generous reality and the five elements of qi. Two people fought together again.
The fifteenth volume Go against the two men Chapter one hundred and forty-five God camel B Hugh
This is the fourth time today. Although I’m sorry, I still have to say that I’m a newcomer. Give me a monthly pass. I haven’t moved for a week and my subscription is less. This month is estimated to be finished. Please help me. Thank you, brothers and sisters.
"good!" The great power of the Red Dragon has greatly increased the pressure on the generous real person to take a break, and at the same time, it has inspired him to do his best to save his hands. The situation between the two men is more intense.
However, the feeling of wearing white Qiu Lingwei is full of twists and turns. First, he heard that someone killed the monster indiscriminately and ruined him. His words were disrespectful to the trapped bodhi old zu.
He came to teach a yogi who didn’t know the depth, but when he met Song Changgeng, he knew that he was wrong. The other person was obviously a master. How could such a person be so miserable?
After knowing that the other party was interested in letting go of his own son, his affection increased greatly, but when Song Changgeng’s innate sword came out, he didn’t know that the other party was so polite when he made friends with his own master at the same level.
When Song Chang Gung’s Red Dragon made a move, the fierce power surprised him, and at the same time, he was delighted. An idea suddenly came into his mind, and he thought more and more about it while watching the game.
Seeing that two people are getting stronger and stronger, it is estimated that they will hit the real fire for a while, and it will not end well when they come. He thought of a long whistle here, got up and got up and got the capability to work, and peeped into an opportunity. When he raised his hand, Lingwei Sou released his innate swordsmanship, and there was a freezing chill in the huge latent pressure of glittering and translucent snowflakes wrapped around a dozen meters of golden light.
His innate swordsmanship skillfully broke through the gap between two people and directly crossed between them. Then he shouted, "Don’t fight here, you’ll ruin it, won’t you?"
Generous reality B Hugh and Song Changgeng heard Lingwei Sou’s exhortation, and they all gradually withdrew their own strength. They also knew that if they called again, they would have to take out the department and receive it, which would be an endless situation.
Both of them felt very carefree, and this exchange of lessons benefited a lot. After they stopped, they both fell back and forth to Night Island, and both of them had appreciate each other’s intention.
The generous real person B Hugh laughed and said, "I can’t believe that it’s really a pleasure to have a master like my little brother, but it’s not my brother. Although I’m talkative and your collar is strong, why does it seem that the foundation is unstable?"
Seeing such a generous person, Song Changgeng didn’t want to hide anything. At the same time, he had his own ideas and smiled indifferently and said, "I know my own things. Daoyou is right."
Alas! I, Song Chang-geng, a man who has only been practicing for less than a hundred years, can fight against such a thousand-year-old master as a generous real person by using profound dharma tactics and various magic weapons.
It is inevitable that the foundation is unstable, but it is difficult to solve this problem. I have realized it now, but it took me a long time to realize that there are almost no shortcuts. The best way is to practice step by step.
There is such a down-to-earth practice to make up for the lack of coagulation, but I didn’t pay attention to these things before, and now I think it is the lack of long-term coagulation and meditation that will make the foundation unstable. "
In fact, this is also a big drawback, because all skills are plundered without long-term accumulation, and it is a hidden danger to fail to adapt to one’s sexuality and strength for a long time.
Therefore, his thoughts are all mortal blood, not the real practitioner’s indifference to the world, to everything and to life. Without this indifference, he did many things that went against the sky.
Now, listening to Yi Xiu, a generous real person who just met him, he has nothing to hide. After all, he is not afraid of anything now because his strength and influence are growing every day.
At this time, people like Yi Xiu, a generous real person, are still hiding anything. He will know sooner or later that it will only win his favor if he is despised and calm. After all, the two people are equally powerful
Generous real person B Hugh and Lingwei Sou can’t help but be frightened when they hear that he has only been practicing for less than a hundred years, and such a master can’t help but cry, "What? How is this possible? "
After a while, the generous real person B Hugh said, "It seems that what you said is true and there is such a way to explain your unstable foundation. Hahahaha, you are so unavoidable."
Good enough to be frank, my old B likes you. Just let me know if you have any questions, but if I can do it, my old B will definitely help and never say anything. "
After a moment’s reflection, Lingwei said seriously, "Although I have to ask the master for instructions on big things, I can still make my own decisions on some things. If you don’t abandon something in the future, you can help me if you are old."
After saying what he said to the head-turning sound, he saw the white boy fly out for everyone to see the gift. Lingwei introduced that it was his own son’s wonder and gave Song Changgeng a gift for his own frivolous that day.

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