"whoosh! Whoosh-"After Zhang Xiaotian completed the initial recognition of the ring, the two foggy areas quickly contracted and finally merged into the two rings.

Zhang Xiao, as some slightly surprised, but soon recovered some curious looking at the hands of two rings.
At this time, the two fireworks have disappeared! The whole body is dark and occasionally there is a flash of dark blue and red flame!
"The spirit of the water and fire is no longer escaping!" Suddenly, a voice rang out in Zhang Xiao’s mind.
Hearing this sound, Zhang Xiao, as a heavenly heart, was surprised and asked in a somewhat calm tone, "How can you speak in my mind?" With a hint of questioning in the tone, Zhang Xiaotian heard the sound just now. It was in the extremely cold land that the dark blue hand gave a sound. The king of extremely cold land should be the ice spirit that the fire spirit said.
"You have a preliminary recognition of the ring. Now it is our half master. We can talk in your mind. You can also talk in your mind! Not only that, you can also observe two endogenous things! " Hear Zhang Xiaotian speak a sound carefully in Zhang Xiaotian mind said.
Zhang Xiaotian recognized this is the sound of fire! Fire spirit didn’t call him Xiao Tian as Zhang Xiaotian said, but the honorific name "you"!
After hearing this carefully sound, Zhang Xiaotian was just a little relieved to make sure it wasn’t fire spirit. They were setting themselves up.
Separate a spirit immersed in two rings, and suddenly everything in the two rings appears in Zhang Xiaotian’s mind! Two Fiona Fang miles inside a scene and a thing let Zhang Xiaotian feel clearly!
For the first time, I felt some shock in Zhang Xiao’s heavenly heart on such a large scale. It took a while to recover.
"Just now you said that Li Lingli no longer escapes?" Silent for a while Zhang Xiaotian asked.
"Is just after you just put the ring to recognize the Lord! Li Lingli will no longer escape! Bing Ling and I were appointed by the former owner to manage these two rooms. We can feel it! " Fire spirit to sound respectfully in Zhang Xiaotian mind.
"Does that mean that even if I don’t repair this ring, I won’t go to the psychic to let these two absorb it and it won’t be destroyed?" Zhang Xiaotian asked with a hint of surprise in his tone.
"no! Although Li Lingli no longer escapes outward, there are other factors consuming Li Lingli! The growth of creatures in the forest will consume spiritual power! Maintenance will also consume spiritual power! The energy in fire inflammation and extreme cold is too single, and it will collapse and destroy when the spiritual power is consumed to a certain extent if it does not meet the conditions of spiritual power! " Fire spirit sounds slowly in Zhang Xiaotian’s mind.
"Don’t all have to meet the conditions of spiritual strength?" Zhang Xiaotian frowned and asked
"Dead and living things in general are dead and dead, which usually don’t need energy to maintain! You only need some energy when you are playing! And the creature is to allow the creature to enter it, which usually needs energy to maintain! If the organism does not meet the conditions of energy generation, it is necessary to continuously input energy into it to maintain consumption! " Fire spirit thought for an export and said
After hearing the fire spirit’s remarks, Zhang Xiaotian suddenly remembered that the cage needed to be filled with soul force at all times! He now loses some of his soul power every once in a while. He was originally caused by making them! The quantity is also very, very small, and he doesn’t care. Now that I think about it, those soul forces are to maintain consumption
"well! I know! " Zhang Xiaotian nodded slowly and suddenly frowned. "Can you see what’s going on outside?"
"We can see a scene in Fiona Fang outside! Of course, we can’t see it if you don’t want to! " Fire spirit first embarrassed said see Zhang Xiaotian frown more and more severe not added.
Zhang Xiaotian didn’t feel at ease until he heard the words of fire spirit. He didn’t want to live in the eyes of others all the time.
"What else does this ring have?" Thought for a moment Zhang Xiaotian asked again.
"Ring the original ability a lot but now there are few! If you can feel it, you should sink your spirit into the ring and feel it carefully. I guess … they won’t help you much now! If you want to make more rings have the ability to repair them and finish refining! " Fire spirit thought out and said
"hmm!" Zhang Xiaotian nodded his head broken like this magic weapon want to also won’t have any ability.
"I can adjust the fire and water in the ring?" After sinking the spirit into the ring for a moment, Zhang Xiaotian suddenly asked with surprise.
"Yes … yes!" Hear Zhang Xiaotian this surprise sound fire spirit some hesitation should tone the spirit force in the ring? Is it not to export the spiritual force? He’s worried that his psychic powers are getting less and less. Zhang Xiaotian actually thought of exporting psychic powers to let such a person recognize the ring as the main fire spirit and wonder if their decision was right!
"Rest assured! I won’t waste energy! " See fire spirit hesitate Zhang Xiaotian light smiled and said, stretched out his hand and threw the fire and water Yuan Ying, who had been fixed with black substances, into the extreme cold and fire inflammation.
"How much I psychic! How many lingshi will be put into it! " Zhang Xiaotian said with a light smile that it is not convenient to absorb lingshi when fighting. He is also worried that there will be no fire, water and spirit to absorb him when fighting in hell. What should I do now? It seems that I am not worried.
"I want you to find more places with strong spiritual force to let the ring absorb some spiritual force. How much spiritual force you make is called! It won’t collapse! " See Zhang Xiaotian after throwing a baby into the fire spirit embarrassed and said.
"hmm!" Zhang Xiaotian nodded, although the monster beast can’t come out to help himself, and he can’t easily hide in it to take refuge! But it’s great that the psychic force can help him casually, and these two big things are also very convenient, and these two things are more stable than the secular world. Compared with this, Yang Xiao’s ring with a length, width and height of 1,000 meters is rubbish! This extremely cold and fire Enzan Ijuin is not white!
Thought of here, Zhang Xiaotian looked at Zhang Dianfei with a smile on his face. This Zhang Dianfei is really his lucky star. Come on, his strength is barely based in the secular world. Even the six ghosts of the Li family will not be able to cope with it! But Zhang Dianfei’s appearance brought them the Four Elephants, which definitely strengthened his strength a lot! With the ability to fight against the Li family, we have the strength tied with the four ghost repair families! The strength of the submarine fairy house has made him flee again and again. Not only has ghost cultivation reached the stage of ghost cultivation, but it has also changed and become able to practice fire, water and spiritual power! I went to Minstrel to look for three talent steps, but I didn’t find them, but I got six elephant steps! All this happened because of the appearance of Zhang Dianfei.
If it weren’t for Zhang Dianfei, maybe they would have been blinded by the six ancestors of the Lee family. Six ghosts will make moves at the same time, only seven stars and two meters. They are no match.
Thought of here, Zhang Xiaotian looked at Zhang Dianfei’s eyes and was even more grateful
"Zhang Dage! You are quick to revive Miss Liner! I’d like to meet a girl who can make you a master and a ghost king so obsessed! " Look at the side to Zhang Dianfei Zhang Xiaotian light said with a smile.
After hearing what Zhang Xiaotian said, he has been meditating. Zhang Dianfei woke up and asked with a faint smile, "Is there anything wrong with the fire, water and spirit ring?"
"No problem!" Zhang Xiaotian smiled and shook his head and said that his face looked at Zhang Dianfei with a smile.
"Now … is resurrection appropriate?" Seeing Zhang Xiaotian’s expression, Zhang Dianfei was embarrassed and said that reviving Liner is something he has been working hard for hundreds of years. He always hoped that now he finally reached the resurrection conditions, and he could not help but hesitate. Of course, he didn’t want to resurrect Liner, but he didn’t know how to face the resurrection. After all, Liner died because she married him. After all, Liner’s soul is not the original one! After all, it has been hundreds of years. After all, there are many, many more!
"Well, let’s find an island first and then bring your son back to life!" Zhang Xiaotian looked at Zhang Dianfei with a face of teasing and said.
"All right!" After hearing Zhang Xiaotian’s words, Zhang Dianfei thought for a face and said,
In a small island with fairly beautiful scenery, the two stopped.
"It should be ok here!" After landing on the island, Zhang Xiaotian exit said
Zhang Dianfei nodded his head and carefully solved the black box behind him. The black box was scattered with violent energy fluctuation, which was greater than a fourth-order baby and a ghost king’s body energy fluctuation! This is because it is relatively stable inside. Of course, not all relatively stable things will emit such strong energy fluctuations, just like the fire, water and spirit ring, which is very large and stable inside, but there is only a hint of if-if energy fluctuations outside the ring.
I’m afraid a magic weapon like Fire, Water and Spirit Ring can only be made by this magical nature! It’s hard to say that you can’t say that you can’t say that you want someone to refine it.
Chapter two hundred Lin Er
"pa!" The black box cover was lightly punched and a layer of light white light curtain appeared.

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