Constant success in not arranging family business is to list the situations that Ballack may encounter on the court and then let him use Lazio’s new tactics to figure out what to do

It is tantamount to asking Barak to organize an attack, but it is not enough, but it is solved on paper.
This is a bit like giving a conditional solution to the problem.
It’s really talented for Changsheng to treat the students in Barak directly …
He asked Barak to show himself his designed attack routine when he came to training tomorrow. There is no punishment for doing it wrong, but he will tell him where it is wrong. The correct way is how to do it …
Barak himself feels fresh.
I didn’t expect that I was almost retired and became a student once.
Chapter two hundred and thirteen Still wanting more
When Barak took his family business and asked him to rent an apartment in Rome, his wife wondered that her husband didn’t accompany him.
Barak told him he had something important to do.
"The training is over and Michelle is now in private," the wife frowned.
"Training is over, but I still have a family business."
My wife was struck by lightning.
"Football training and family business?"
So Barak told his wife everything he had experienced today.
My wife felt incredible after listening to it.
"They told you to do this alone?"
She asked.
Barak nodded his head.
"So I don’t want to give up this opportunity, I want to try again. I don’t think I’m here to hug my thighs. I’m here to contribute my own strength."
The next day, Changsheng and Baraka arrived at the training base early, and Changsheng checked Barak’s "family business" completion.
Answering Barak often wins his own opinion.
But he didn’t simply tell Barak whether it was right or wrong.
Because these things are actually wrong.
Changsheng is also very good at choosing ways and means. He wants to help Barak, but he can’t stimulate Barak’s self-esteem. He has never put on his name from beginning to end, but communicated with Barak on an equal footing.
Let’s take the matter of "batch industry"
He didn’t rudely tell Barak that he had done something wrong.
Even if there is a problem, he will come up with his own solution, and then he will not tell Barak that you have done something wrong, but discuss it with Barak.
The two sides discussed how to play the coach’s perspective that always beats others in this situation, while Ballack explained his views more through his playing experience.
When they discuss it, the afternoon training will be soon.
The new day’s training is the same as before. Barak is the protagonist in the training, and everyone is around him to arrange their own training plans.
Then there are two training sessions in the afternoon, and after class, the advantage is to watch video and tactics, and after class, there is family business.
It’s like this every day, and no one notices that it’s passing except the training is changing.
At this time, there are not so many multimedia reporters in Lazio training base, and everyone’s attention falls to the national team match day.
The 21 ST World Cup is over, and all European countries need to play the qualifiers in the European Cup two years later, while South American and Asian teams will play the qualifiers in Brazil in 214.
The world sports media are all paying attention to these competition qualifiers.
For Chang Sheng, this is a good thing. He doesn’t want to be disturbed by the media when he carefully trains Barak.
This quiet atmosphere is what he wants.

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