"That’s-"Even the sea blushed and sighed a little embarrassed. "My mother vomited blood and fainted because my father’s restless concubine escaped Jane. If you have something to do, can you help us get her back? She only escaped today and can’t go far!"

Even Fang Zhou and Jane didn’t know about it. I didn’t expect this concubine to move fast!
Jane hasn’t spoken yet, even Fang Zhou "Oh" picked her eyebrows and said Gherardini, "Did my cousin’s aunt just escape? Didn’t you search for money? "
"How do you know!" Even the eyes of the sea suddenly lit up and there were two points of vigilance and suspicion staring at Lian Fangzhou.
If you are not blind, you can see that you are suspicious of Lian Fangzhou in this statement, just like Xiaoya’s escape is convincing Lian Fangzhou.
Jane face a black cold way "this also ask? Anyone with brains can know that if she just escaped, Aunt Joe would be angry at best, how could she be so angry that she vomited blood and fell into a coma! "
"I, I don’t mean anything …" Even the sea face workplace, hurriedly explained.
This explanation is better than not explaining it.
Even Fang Zhou snorted and looked away.
She still has two points. I’m sorry Xiaoya disturbed their home, but now there is no point.
This family really does not have a good thing!
Jane shook her head and said, "cousin thinks highly of me too much. I’m not that big. You’d better go after it yourself!" "
"I won’t go!" Jane is adamant
Even Fang Zhou said coldly, "Cousin, this is your housework that tells us to do what this is! Cousin doesn’t think it’s a bit too smooth to say this! "
Even Fang Zhou was really angry and asked Jane to get his old concubine back? Luckily, he can figure it out!
"Fangzhou" even sighed with a bitter face. "I have no choice! Besides, it’s just easy for you-"
You!’ Even fangzhou was so angry that she didn’t know what to say!
It’s nothing for them, so they should be driven by him?
"All right, Fangzhou," Jane shook her hand in judo. "This is something to be angry about! Cousin, I’m not as busy as you think. Besides, that’s your father’s concubine. I’ll find out what’s going on. You’d better find another way to do this! "
Even in the heart of the sea, it’s easy for you to say. What can I do? If there is a law, what else can I ask you to do!
But the eyes want something, and no matter how dissatisfied you are, you can’t say anything complaining.
Even the sea was silent when even Ze and Zhang Xiaojun accompanied the doctor to come.
Even fangzhou and others were greeted.
Even the sea pledge at the doctor Lin fuels slightly arch hand is very sorry to say "it’s so late and Dr. Laurin to this trip is really sorry! It’s about saving people, such as putting out a fire. Mother is ill, so don’t worry about bothering Dr. Lin! Please go inside Dr. Lin! "
"Oh, good!" Doctor Lin nodded and sighed with emotion, "Even the scholar is really filial! Sighing! "
"Where is this supposed to be!"
"Oh, if only everyone thought like a scholar!"
"Hehe, Dr. Lin is so flattering!"
Even Fang Zhou gawked at Lian Hai and Dr. Lin and had a very unreal feeling.
"This, this is simply-"Even Ze’s flustered words are incomplete.
Zhang Xiaojun lips also moved equally dumbfounded.
Jane smiled and patted even Fang Zhou with a smile. "Just watch a magic trick!"! Don’t be angry! "
Alas, it’s really a must to be ashamed of yourself to this point!
Or it’s already a reflection of his consciousness in Lianhai, so he did it without considering anything else.
"I’m not angry!" Lian Fangzhou’s tongue was a little long and she spat out a sigh and said, "I want to laugh!" "
I said it with a really "sloped" smile and gave a wry smile. "I really admire him!"
Jane and even Ze and Zhang Xiaojun couldn’t help laughing.
Lian Ze angrily said, "A good man can’t let him do it alone, sister, and you can go in!"
"What’s the hurry!" Jane took Lian Fangzhou to sit leisurely and said, "Don’t bother if someone has a son around and the doctor is diagnosing!"
"Say yes!" Lian Fangzhou sat and blinked. "We don’t have to go if they are here!"
Even ze is a little puzzled, but my sister and brother-in-law can’t be wrong, so they "oh" and sat down.
In a short time, even the sea came out from the inside, but it was a little dawdling, and it took a long time to walk to Lianfangzhou and rub their hands unconsciously.
It took a long time to rub it. "That Fang Zhou is a drug-you also know that my father, the concubine, took away the property at home when he fled. There is no silver at home …"
Even ze heard my heart fire up heart way is also a reader difference how so big! Why don’t you just say you want to borrow money? Beat around the bush to suggest that others should take the initiative to lend it to you, right?
If Che Er becomes like this in the future, I will-
I won’t allow him to read it again!
"There is still this thing!" Even ze surprised cried not sympathy to even the sea "this is really not good news! I wonder if my cousin has any plans? "
Even the sea heart dark scold a "no expression of eyes" didn’t answer even ze words, but suddenly look at him to recognize even fangzhou.
Even Fang Zhou did Sarah laugh and lowered her head. I don’t know what Jane was doing in the novel, but she didn’t receive his eyes.
My mother is still sick. Can you have some sympathy? One by one, right? Even the sea side hand tightly squeezed into a fist and hated it very much.
But he didn’t take any practical actions to show that he didn’t want to show resentment in his face even if he hated it again. He had to force himself to twitch his cheek muscles and smile.
If you want to say that he has no backbone, he will definitely say that he is putting up with humiliation and taking a step back!
Even the sea took a breath and said, "I have no good idea. I want to borrow some silver from you."
Even ze an eyebrow was about to promise suddenly changed mouth say with smile "cousin this diagnosis! How do you say Aunt Joe used to be our big aunt? This medicine is nothing! Let’s just go out! "
"Yes! Cousin, don’t refuse! " Even Fang Zhou smiled and stood up and said, "I’ll ask Dr. Lin what prescription he prescribed and how much it costs!"
Said, and went into the 585 chapter 585 the so-called filial piety.
According to Dr. Lin, Qiao’s vomiting blood and coma were caused by sudden fire, panic and anger. Perhaps it was because of too much stimulation, depression of liver-qi, tightness of chest and diaphragm and a little fever. You have to prescribe a pair of drugs to relieve liver-fire and reduce fever for two days.
Can you get hot if you are stimulated too much? Even Fangzhou knows that the fever is caused by the cold after lying here for a long time!
Even the sea may not know why, but he naturally won’t say it.
Even Fang Zhou was too lazy to puncture him and laughed. "Then please ask Dr. Lin to write a prescription!" Tell Aze and them to take you back and get the medicine back! "
Dr. Lin smiled and said that he would write a prescription with a few strokes in the dim light. He smiled and said, "One pair is a money and a total of San Qian!"
Even Fang Zhou smiled and thanked him, paid the money, took the prescription and looked at it, but said nothing.
"Even the girl is really virtuous. Alas, there are not many good people like even the girl!" Doctor Lin shook his head and sighed.
Where did he know that Xiaoya escaped and took away Lian Li’s money? It was when he saw that Lianhai had been attentive and worried before, and when it came time to pay for medicine, he hid himself. This contrast was too great, and he couldn’t help but look down on it in his heart.

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