Others were stunned to see the whole scene when they couldn’t react to the scene. Besides, there was no sound of the dragon eagle flapping its wings. Then someone reacted for a long time, and then there was a gasp and then they all looked at Huangfu Zhantian in horror. They didn’t expect that the most powerful general among them couldn’t hold up a trick in front of him. Only then did they find that they and others seemed to have made a serious mistake, that is, they misjudged the young man’s fighting power, and then everyone resented watching the wind. Section 474: Destroy and destroy.

Seeing so many people look at themselves with this expression, they shrink their necks with fear. Everyone here is higher in rank than him. Before these people, he has no words and can look at Huangfu Zhantian with resentment.
After blowing the middle-aged man to the ground with one punch, Huangfu Zhantian rubbed his fist lightly and said, "Who is one?"
After listening to the words of Huangfu Zhantian, everyone in the place can’t help driving the dragon eagle back a few steps, and one by one’s face becomes extremely ugly. This middle-aged man should be their head, but now the strongest among them, Huangfu Zhantian, can’t get out of a move. If these people go, they will be humiliated. At this time, no one will be the early bird.
"Ahem …"
There was a crash, followed by a cough, and then a messy figure climbed out of the pile of broken rubble. At this time, his clothes were broken into a piece that could barely cover his body, while his hair was erected by the thunder of Huangfu Zhantian. His hair was covered with dust and mixed with some broken walls. Did you dry the blood at the corners of his mouth? Every cough would lead to his injury and then a burst of blood spurted out. It seems that he was injured this time [
"Bastard, why are you all there? Kill that bastard for me. Whoever killed him will get the dragon saliva fruit." The middle-aged man mercilessly wiped a handful of blood on his mouth, pointing to Huangfu Zhantian and roared.
After listening to his words, everyone has stopped retreating. One by one, you look at me. I hope that the panic in your eyes will be replaced by greed. Because most of these people are gold fighters, they want to break through to blade master. In addition to their good understanding, they need a chance, and this opportunity includes natural resources and treasures. Because of these things, they can slightly increase the chance of breaking through to blade master.
Think of an older man in this avenue, "Did you quit? If no one quit, then everyone will contribute. He is only one person. Are so many of us still afraid of him? Why don’t we all kill him together and take revenge on the general?"
After listening to his words, everyone’s eyes were red. Of course, it was not because the general wanted revenge, but because the former general said that he was the one who killed Huangfu Zhantian. That means that his chances of breaking through to blade master have increased again.
With this in mind, everyone has temporarily forgotten that Huangfu Zhantian is fierce and fierce. One by one, they are not afraid of death and rushed towards Huangfu Zhantian. All kinds of attributes and colors of quarrelling broke out and swept towards Huangfu Zhantian. At this time, no one kept it, and they all blushed and broke out their most proud fighting skills.
Seeing these people really rushed over, Huangfu Zhantian pulled out a grim smile at the corner of his mouth, and the whole person disappeared in place, and then he heard the sound of a fist hitting the meat, and then a figure fell from the sky not far from the general. Section 475: Destroy and destroy.
Then it began to rain with human dumplings, and with these figures falling, there was always a sad sound, but the landing points of these people were all the same, and the general was surrounded by the general. The scene was quite funny, especially when the expression on the general’s face fell, everyone could not help but twitch. Now it is estimated that his face will twitch and cramp.
He didn’t expect suspection.i Zhantian to be incredibly tough, so many gold-level fighters such as himself and others failed to hurt him. Instead, suspection.i Zhantian’s hands were driven out like SangGuQuan.
After the last person hits the ground with one punch, Huangfu Zhantian stands proudly behind his hands, and the huge wings are constantly flapping to drive the breath, which will set off Huangfu Zhantian like a statue of God of War.
Looking at this, it’s like a god of war. At the end of the year, all the gold fighters can’t afford a trace of fighting spirit. Although they are all gold fighters, the momentum of Huangfu Zhantian is as timid as that of Sangguquan.
"What about the antidote?" HuangFuZhanTian cold way [
Huangfu Zhantian hates their shame, but he doesn’t want to kill them. Otherwise, if so many masters fall, the fire empire will certainly take advantage of it. This is not Huangfu Zhantian’s wish to see the situation worse. At this time, Henaan’s body doesn’t know how to solve it, and he has to get the antidote from them.
You look at me and I look at you when you hear that Huangfu War is cold. Finally, everyone’s eyes are on the wind. When you see that everyone is paying attention to yourself, you panic. What the hell can I do if I didn’t see the antidote when I got this gas dispersion? What to do …
Seeing those people looking at the wind, Huangfu Zhantian also looked at the wind, but the performance of the wind made his face colder and colder, so the wind was like a cat on hot bricks.
Seeing this situation, the cold light flashed in the eyes of Huangfu Zhantian. "There is no antidote, right? In that case, there is nothing left for you. You can go to die."
The last word said suspection.i war days wind Hou and his frightened eyes disappeared, and then the bottom they felt a figure pass by them, and then the strong wind blew through them and heard a physical crash.
When everyone looked at the position of Fenghou, they saw that Fenghou had disappeared, and a long blood trail spread from the place where he disappeared until a wall stopped. Therefore, Fenghou was lying across the wall and the corner was as motionless as a dead dog. It was a nightmare to see Huangfu Zhantian being so ruthless and so aggressive, so it was not easy for the Lord to make such an attack decisively.
Any suspection.i war days coldly looking at his people and all suspection.i war days eyes are relatively bottom head.
"We came here only after listening to the weather, but the gas powder didn’t come with us. It was released by the weather independently." One person was trembling in Section 476: snook 1
Of course, I don’t believe what he said. If it weren’t for the wind, you guys would dare to come here, but he didn’t expose it. Of course, Huangfu Zhantian is not the kind of woman with benevolence. If it weren’t for these people being military generals, today Huangfu Zhantian really wants to slap them to death, but if something happens to them, the whole fortress is estimated to be chaotic and slaying the imperial generals is tantamount to treason. If you really do this today, you will kill Huangfu’s family. This is not what Huangfu Zhantian wants.
However, if you let them go like this, wouldn’t it be said that you are too easy to bully? It’s hard to forgive the death penalty, but you must give them an unforgettable lesson, otherwise the military atmosphere will not know what it is like to be corrupted.
Thinking of this, the cold light in the eyes of Huangfu Zhantian flashed, and the face turned into a black shadow. The hands around these people were like flashing. Although they wanted to resist, they were all frightened by the biting of the former Huangfu Zhantian, and they failed to organize an effective counterattack. The hands of Huangfu Zhantian were very accurate. They were all snorted and the whole person shrank.
"What on earth have you done to us?"
At this time, the general was frightened by being pointed to the place, while others looked ugly and looked at Huangfu Zhantian, waiting for Huangfu Zhantian to answer [

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