"You can’t just give up. It’s just a car. If you work hard, everything can come back."

"I hope so too."
Chapter one hundred and eleven I’m waiting for
On the day of salary, Yan Jiaxin counted all the employees who had stayed here for a long time, and Yan Jiaxin gave them extra money subsidies according to my meaning.
The old employees took the money, first they were happy, then they showed that they were facing me, and then they came up to me and said, "I’m sorry, boss, we really have no choice."
"I don’t blame you for not knowing your difficulties."
Their leader also said, "Boss, we can’t take this extra money from the bar. Now it’s like this. How can we take this extra money out?"
They were going to give me back the extra money, but I refused. I said solemnly to them, "Take this money and consider it as a contribution to your bar. I have nothing to help you. If it comes to money, I am not stingy at all. It is called getting together and getting apart."
"But boss"
Yan Jia Xin came up to me and said to them, "Just take it. This is our idea. After all, after all the things that have happened in the bar, we are very grateful to you for coming to help us through the difficult day ahead."
We talked to each other for a long time, and finally they were willing to give them the money from me. I joked with them and said, "When you go to a new place, introduce me more about the boss, and I want you to excuse me more."
Although I said this, I didn’t expect much. Relatively speaking, this is a polite saying that we must tell it in this world with an unrealistic attitude. Maybe this kind of random saying really makes things a little better.
Because of my actions, they were going to leave today, but looking at me, there are not so many people here for the time being, and they decided to stay with me until Friday as the biggest reward. I am very grateful to say "thank you" to them.
After doing everything, Yan Jiaxin sat in a chair wearily, and I walked towards her. She rubbed her forehead and said to me, "Lei Hao, I have decided to go out for a while to get a job. Since local investors are not too interested in our bar, we can find a way out from outside."
I looked at Yan Jia Xin in a complicated way. She seemed to see my worries and said to me, "Are you worried about me?"
"How can I not worry about going out like this, and I’m engaged in this business?"
Yan Jiaxin smiled. "All businesses come out, and investors won’t come to you. If we don’t declare that we can keep the status quo forever, I have to go out, but you have to believe me, I will take care of myself."
I’m a little shy. She put her hand on mine. "You believe me, right?"
"Well, I believe you, no matter what you do, because you are so excellent in my heart. In fact, without your help these days, it is very likely that the bar will choose to give up because of my various situations."
She replied, "I haven’t given up yet, so we will seize every opportunity. This time, I will go out for a month. I will contact you when I find it. I will definitely not let you worry. I will also try to get things done. You must get everything ready at home."
I nodded at her, she smiled, and then took out her mobile phone and took a look. There was a message in her group, "Nansheng Jedi reborn."
We were both surprised to see such a sentence, and she quickly asked questions in the group, and the group soon responded.
It turned out that Nansheng Group suddenly received a large investment when it was on the verge of bankruptcy. This investment directly stabilized Nansheng’s share price and slowly regained its life.
I’m a little surprised that this thing has changed so quickly, because even in this case, Nansheng can come back to life with a Jedi counterattack. What about me? I’m so much better off than them. Why can’t I work so hard to fight again?
At the beginning, it was also a time when Lu Boyan and I received such a great development. No one can predict that although we both have difficulties in living and struggling now, neither of them has been defeated by this difficulty. It is also their persistence that made Nan Sheng live like this. Maybe we should all work harder.
After closing this night, Yan Jiaxin took me to the stone road that is now being demolished. We crossed the horizontal bar and walked into the stone road. She finally said to me at the moment of going inside, "I want to see everything today because I am afraid that I will never see this road again after I come back in a month."
I accompanied her to the inside, and the surrounding tree lights were not extinguished. Perhaps these demolition people were kind enough to deliberately use this light to give some passers-by who like this road a chance to feel it again.
When we first came here, we both saw fireworks, which seemed to make us feel the best years these days, including crying and laughing.
She pointed to the sky. "Do you think there will be fireworks today?"
"there will be"
"What will happen?"
"I guess"
I guess it’s right. Fireworks really bloom. I think today is the day after the college entrance examination. These studies are crazy and have the courage to express their love for the people they like. They have suppressed it for a long time and chose to release themselves, but there are also a group of people holding fireworks to feel the beauty of life and let more people in the world see their colors.
She came to me and stood on tiptoe in front of me again. I hugged her from behind and watched the gorgeous day quietly.
At this moment, we feel the best years as we did at the beginning, and it is also the last time we feel on this stone road. This time, we will remember it better than ever.
She laughed and smiled lightly. I asked her, "Why do you want to laugh so much?"
"Because of good things"
"It’s a secret that I can’t tell you for the time being. I’ll talk about it when I come back."
I touched her face with my hand. "I’m waiting."
Chapter one hundred and twelve Goodbye
"Okay, I’m leaving. You go home."
"It’s okay. I’ll see you again."
Yan Jia Xin came forward and gave me a parting hug, but this hug made me feel that I didn’t want to part with anything.
"I got on the bus." Yan Jiaxin waved to me and then followed the crowd into the parting high-speed train.
The stop was short, and the car passed in front of me. At this moment, I felt her and my world was getting farther and farther away.
I took out my last bank card, which is very complicated in the sun. If only it were a gold card, then I wouldn’t be bothered by such a thing.
Now I can take the last 10 thousand to find some suppliers to buy some wine that needs to be stored, and I have to go around to find distributable workers
But how can this 10 thousand?
This afternoon, I still sent a recruitment message in the mobile phone groups. When I was busy at night, the bar was deserted, but it made me quiet and very resistant to this moment.
"Why are you here alone?"
When I heard the last sound, I immediately turned around and saw Fei wearing a serious expression. She had no hat in front of me, but in her hat, it was such a beauty that people lamented short hair.
She asked me again, "Where is Yan Jiaxin?"
"She’s out."
"Go out" Yu Fei’s eyes turned around and walked up to me. "What’s the matter with your bar being so short of people now? What the hell happened to you?"
"Nothing happened in business. Isn’t that it? Of course, there will be losses to make money. Didn’t I just make a lot of money before? But it’s just bad luck. Of course, it’s nothing."
Yu Fei broke my hole at a glance. "You have a problem with your money now, right? The bar is going bankrupt, right?"
"No, you think too much." I suddenly became a little guilty. Yu Fei sat next to me and shook his head.

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