As a result, that person is even more fearful. He took the cake and picked his eyebrows at the people around him, and erected scissors as if to say that he was ready to take pictures!

Then lift the cake and throw it at Chai Xueshen.
It is conceivable that if Chai Xue’s new suit is really smashed, it will be ruined. How distressed Chai Xue will be!
However, the plan couldn’t be changed, and a miracle happened when the two snickered and were ready to press the shutter.
Shenjin quietly moved to Chai Xue’s side, pretending to accidentally touch the man’s hand, and then mysteriously, the cake turned in a direction and went straight to the man’s other side.
"Pa" is more accurate than cream splashing on that face and hair.
"Ha ha ha!" The whole house laughed at the camera and lost no time in flashing several shutters, recording this scene happily. Finally, even the photographer bent over with laughter.
It’s really stealing chickens and not eating rice! The man reached out and touched his face to show his eyes, which was both funny and annoyed. Finally, he simply raised his hand and touched the photographer.
So a chase after me, many people followed suit and attacked the people around them. The scene was chaotic but hilarious.
Chai Xue was protected by Shen Jin to avoid being hit by someone, so she was bored. Why didn’t anyone hit him? I really want to see his face in a mess.
Because in Chai Xue’s image, Shen Jin is like the sky is falling, and the wind is light and the clouds are light, and the whole body exudes a figure that is fatal from refined temperament in Chai Xue’s ignorant years. He was once obsessed with following him.
However, when we meet again, Chai Xue doesn’t feel the heartache when he was young. On the contrary, he is indifferent and a little embarrassed.
Maybe Chai Xuexin has been filled by someone, and there is no place to put anything else.
Suddenly, it hurts in the center of the earth. Chai Xue can raise his hand to cover his chest and frown. Every time he inadvertently thinks of someone’s heart, it hurts.
However, this time, it was so painful that Chai Xue wanted to sweat. Before she knew it, the pain was getting worse and worse. There was a feeling that it had penetrated into the bone marrow.
"What’s the matter with cher? His face looks ugly, "ShenJin asked earnestly, and stretched out his hand to hold Chai Xuezhen worried that Chai Xuezhen would faint.
Chai Xue had to give a hand and squeeze out a far-fetched smile. "Maybe it’s too stuffy here and suddenly a little dizzy." Then he bowed his head guiltily.
"Why don’t you sit and drink some water! I’ll call someone to get a cup of warm water. "Shenjinxin’s true voice became somewhat urgent.
"No, I’ll just go out for some air." Chai Xue refused. "You help me tell Min Min one." Say that finish without waiting for ShenJin to reply and quickly went to the door.
Shen Jin’s eyes flashed a bit lost and quietly watched Chai Xue hurriedly leave. In fact, the whole night Shen Jin vaguely felt that Chai Xue’s eyes were avoiding his once clear eyes, but now they are full of loneliness.
What kind of life has she lived all these years? Or meet someone? Shen Jin frowns and feels distressed when he thinks of this. Did he really miss her?
Chapter 35 I hope he will remember
There is a smoking area at the end of the bar corridor. As the name suggests, it is for guests to smoke here. It seems that it is considerate of customers to answer the phone.
Chai Xue didn’t dare to catch his breath until he came straight here, but the pain in his heart was still there, although it was relieved
This is really abnormal. Even if it hurts, it will not be so obvious and last for so long.
Section 12
Gradually Chai Xue had a little palpitation, fearing that his love for Qiao Rui was already deep in mud or deep into the bone marrow.
It’s okay if Qiao Rui accept it.
It happened that Qiao Rui never set her eyes on Chai Xueshen, and her unilateral stubborn love was doomed to a tragic end.
Chai Xue leaned against the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the night before was already deep through his eyes. Not far away, the neon lights flashed, and the street scene was extending all night.
Today is Chai Xue’s birthday for three years. I remembered my birthday, but I was remembered unexpectedly tonight, with a surprise!
There is no denying that Chai Xue is very happy, but behind this great surprise, she cruelly laughs at her. In recent years, her life has been so low that she has never been noticed.
Even the nominal husband didn’t know Chai Xue at all, and he even sneered at Chai Xue’s birthday.
False Chai Xue is still in Qiao Rui on his birthday every year. He washes his hands and makes soup to make a big table. Qiao Rui loves it most, but he is always waiting to clean up the mess again.
Chai Xue painfully closed her eyes. Why is she alone in this marriage? If so, what’s the point? Might as well just sign it!
Suddenly Chai Xue opened her eyes and was startled by the sudden idea. Sure enough, she was still very reluctant.
Someone seems to be coming this way.
Chai Xue felt heartbroken and suffocated when she found out. She wanted to find a place to hide, but there were other things here besides a few sofas that could be covered up stiffly.
Qiao Rui walked in while talking, still dressed in a formal suit and neatly unable to see a wrinkle. The gas field is very strong, which is different from feeling deep and oppressive when going to Chai Xue, making people dare not look straight.
Chai Xue noticed that Qiao Ruishen frowned and gave orders to the words coldly like a quick pleat.
Maybe business is in trouble!
Embarrassed, Chai Xue didn’t dare to stare at Qiao Rui nervously, as if he had accidentally disturbed him and made him more angry.
Finally, Qiao Rui said and hung up the phone, looking up at the eye. Why is she here?
Chai Xue saw that he could avoid it, and took a pale face and smiled with a smile. "What a coincidence to meet here!"
What are you doing here? Qiao Rui asked coldly.
"Hehe, I came to pay tribute to my classmate’s birthday." Somehow Chai Xue didn’t want to tell the truth and lied wildly.
Maybe I don’t want to hear Qiao Rui say that I don’t know her birthday, but I still stare at him expectantly and fantasize that Qiao Rui will remember it.

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