But she was even more flattering. "It’s my honor, Master. Please be me."

South-south three views are broken. Are you kidding me?
Does this woman have no dignity?
If it were her, she would rather live than die on her knees.
But the man in gray obviously likes this set of "I will accept you if you survive this certificate and your value"
What value? What is the value of drug slave testing?
South-South heart is broken. This is abnormal.
Ding Minmin was pale and sweaty "Master"
She fell to the ground and held herself in her hands, biting her lips in pain.
The man in gray gave her a cold look and then turned to Jojo. "What about you?"
Jojo raised his eyebrows. "I can be you if you want to die."
Still so arrogant!
A flash of eagerness in the eyes of the gray man aroused the fanatical desire. "It’s a pity that a proud girl met me. You can’t refuse hahaha …"
He burst out laughing, with unspeakable thoughts in his head.
Jojo sleeve flung a white light and the man in gray got an arrow "Ah" in his throat.
Blood spurted out, and suddenly the other side was caught off guard.
Yun Qiaoqiao made a move without saying anything, but the position was not well controlled, and the shot missed the point.
The man in gray felt a sharp pain in his throat and quickly pulled out a few acupoints to stop the blood.
He was furious. "Yunqiaoqiao, you psycho, don’t you want the antidote?"
"Don’t want it" Yun Qiaoqiao Shi Shiran stretched himself and then got up to display his hands and feet freely without any different colors.
The man in gray froze. "You … aren’t poisoned?"
Jojo looked at him like an idiot. "Yeah, did you just find out? It’s so slow to react. You haven’t been around for many years. "
The man in gray rubbed his eyes and was greatly shocked. What went wrong?
"How is that possible? I can’t believe what you did? "
"Changed face" Jojo pointed to the table soup bowl with a faint smile on her lips as if everything was under her control.
The gray man’s head turned white if he was struck by lightning. "… you knew we were following you?"
This explanation is the most reasonable!
The pain made Ding Minmin more stimulated and out of control, screaming "impossible"
She has painstakingly planned all the laws, which I believe have long been seen through.
Jojo smiled and the aura was very strong. "It was not easy to stare at us half a month ago, but I also spent a lot of time designing to draw you out."
Being stared at without knowing it is impossible for a team that has experienced several battles.
In particular, there are people in the team who are particularly sensitive to the environment and consciousness, and nothing can hide them from their eyes.
Moreover, investigation and counter-investigation are compulsory courses for them, and they must also have common sense.
It’s these things that make you invincible for many years.
Ding Minmin was right when she was in a bad time. It seems that she is not Hu said.
"You deliberately led us out?"
Jojo looked at the girl who was dirty and had no sympathy at all. Even kissing people was not worthy of being called people.
"The enemy is in the dark, and I am making me very uncomfortable. When I am unhappy, I will do things."
Mom, is this still a normal person? Ding Minmin has gas scold not to come out all strength.
Her opponent is a psychopath, and she is often a psychopath. She is really miserable.
People in gray are particularly unhappy, and it’s hard to get the feeling of crossing the rivers and lakes in those days, but it’s destroyed by a little girl.
"It’s arrogant to say such a thing in front of me. It seems that I want you to taste my five poisons. I have ten poisons that can be planted in your body …"
Jojo was not only not afraid but also curious and asked, "What poison is it? Just listen to it. I’m very interested. "
Her reaction was beyond the expectation of the gray man. He frowned and just wanted to make a move. Suddenly, his throat ached "Ah!"
His face changed, and he was surprised and angry. He was poisoned.
An unheard-of toxic color and smell is poison smeared on arrowheads.
He swallowed a bottle of antidote pills for the first time until his throat stopped hurting, and he took a long breath.
And Ding Minmin screamed hysterically, "Yun Qiaoqiao, you little witch, you have done this to me and I will not let you go."
Jojo Jojo didn’t care and said, "It’s your master and apprentice who love each other and kill each other. I’m a koo, okay?"
Ding Minmin has severe pain all over her body, especially the severe pain in her heart, which makes her breathless.
"Ah, ah, ah, I’m Miss Ding Gu, the future imperial concubine. I order you to detoxify me quickly."
The man in gray is angry. Are you kidding me?
"Pa" he told Ding Minmin is slap her body to fly.
Ding Minmin fell to the ground with a heavy fall, and his whole body was as painful as being torn down, and tears came.
"Please, I’m on my knees. Give me the antidote. I’ll do anything you want."
The gray man looked at Jojo with cold eyes and murderous look.
"Give yourself a knife in the arm."
Who is this for? Who are you warning? Jojo is like a stranger, with black eyes shining and full of interest.
Ding Minmin has lost his mind in pain. "Good"
The sword fell Ding Minmin drew a poison against poison on his arm, but he was awake for a few minutes through pain.
The gray man looked down at Ding Minmin’s arrogance and "lick my shoes clean"
With this, he looked at Jojo again, and his eyes were meaningful.
When Beibei saw it, he was so annoyed that he clenched his fists and wanted to dig his eyes.
What are you looking at? It’s so hateful
Ding Minmin looks terrible. "You …" It’s cruel!
Chapter 1952 Cheating corpse?

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