She stretched out a hand and squeezed the man’s waist and soft meat in a very small tone to "Go, you’d better go faster …"

Xiao Jing’s thin lips became a straight line, and it was hard to hide his pleasure. He was about to say something, but Li Ma’s voice came behind him. "Isn’t it necessary for Mr. and Mrs. to have supper before leaving?"
Hanging eyes at the eye almost plunged into his body, and the woman’s eyes slipped a lot of playful smiles. If he didn’t go upstairs, she would be ashamed to death.
"If you don’t have a thought, you may be ashamed to eat it."
Li-ma almost understood it in seconds and then smiled.
Section 599
By this time, the man had held her around the stairs and the overlapping figure disappeared in front of Li Ma.
While Anyan was still pinching him, he criticized "Is it so difficult to save some noodles for me?"
She not only pinched her, but also consciously moved the man in his arms, sighing half-comfortably and half-painfully, and pinching her flesh. "If you pinch again, you will give a pinch."
Anyan’s eyes blinked, and then he reacted and looked at himself. They had reached the stairs and Li Ma was gone.
The alarm was temporarily lifted.
But I don’t know if it’s her illusion or if men talk a little more or less. Why does she feel that there is a place that is a little different?
She bowed her head and bit him on the shoulder with six points of strength.
The man felt a little, but after a gentle hissing, he held her firmly and walked towards the building.
"No matter what your reaction is, give me pressure to sleep in the second bedroom next door tonight."
At the landing of the stairs on the first floor and the second floor, he changed his posture to hold her and let her teeth leave his shoulders. He bowed his head and looked at her softly. "I don’t do anything to you, but I love you, and then let me sleep with you, huh?"
An Yan just looked up at him, bowed his head and bit the same place, then shook his head. "But I don’t want to sleep with too bad people tonight, and you are obviously bad to the extreme."
The first volume Chapter 329 Then I’ll go back and have porridge and Chinese cabbage.
There was almost no resistance, and at this time, her face was still red, and there was quite a little shyness that belonged to a little woman.
Xiao Jing’s heart bent down and a kiss was printed on her forehead. "Don’t be angry, huh?"
Then he held her and continued to walk upstairs, smiling in his eyes.
After waiting for the second floor, I heard the woman talking slightly, "I promise you will do. I will ask someone to install the bathtub in the bathroom and sleep with you tonight."
"Haoji" man agreed almost without a pause.
An Yan also put his arm around his neck and lolled on his shoulder. "That’s the day."
"Time," he said, slapping her hip with the palm of his hand and "twisting a door."
He held her, even if Anyan’s body was thin, she was an adult, and she couldn’t spare her hand to go to the door. Of course, according to his usual wind, she mostly kicked the door directly.
An Yan turned from him and stretched out his hand to twist the door handle. "Are you the same concept as me?"
There is no light in the bedroom, it is dark, there is a sparse corridor, and the light seeps in through the crack of the door.
An Yan’s first reaction was, of course, to reach out and pat the light directly, but the man holding her didn’t give her the chance, but went straight in the direction of … should be the big bed.
Not only did he have no light, but he also hooked the door with his back foot.
This bedroom is even darker. There is no only light source seeping in from the outside, and there is no moonlight outside this season. The bedrooms are almost all dark.
Anyan suddenly entered Wuqi from a bright place, and the dark bedroom was almost blind.
She hung on the man’s body and looked at the French window, where the curtains were floating, as if there were some shadows there like ghosts.
"Ah …" Yan Yan hugged Xiao Jing’s neck and legs and made his waist clip more closely followed by screaming. Then even the tone changed. "Xiao Jing, what are you doing? What is black and black? "
Listening to her flustered tone, the man was very resistant to her chin and comforted her. "Are you still afraid at home?"

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