The white friar’s face turned white and scared and shouted, "Don’t you dare to waste me to repair my brother, and I will spare you."

"I’m waiting for him to come." Haikui’s five fingers gave a hard grasp and a white monk’s head and skull were cracked by Haikui.
The eyes slowly changed from panic to god, and finally the whole body became soft, and the head and black hair were visible to the naked eye. The speed of gray body and skin contracted, and the white monk instantly aged for dozens of years, and his life also passed in the blink of an eye.
When his real body is about to be absorbed by Haikui, the body baby struggles to rush out and still can’t escape being caught by Haikui. He throws the white monk’s body and grabs him, and Yuan baby sucks hard.
Yuanying gradually darkened and finally became a little crystal awn, which was absorbed by Haikui Department to dantian.
Dantian colorful Danzeng grew a circle, and the color showed a little.
The monk in white lost a lot of vitality and looked like a young man in his thirties. At this time, he became a 70-year-old man, especially Haikui, who had just scratched his head and suffered a heavy blow. The whole person was in a coma. His vitality was weak in the past and he seemed to die at any time.
Wu Daozong’s younger brothers were frightened by this scene. The white monk Hai Kui didn’t know who it was, but they did. It was a rare master in the Sect, but it became like this when he blinked in that little hand that looked about twenty.
Before talking to Haikui, the woman in the foundation period was also frightened at this time. Her eyes were frightened and she watched Haikui’s body tremble involuntarily.
"Give you ten minutes to inform Chen Weichen or I will destroy Wudaozong." Haikui said with a wave of his hand, and a hurricane rolled all the young students of Wudaozong all over the floor, and the female students in the foundation period even rolled and climbed to the distance to escape.
Haikui waved and lay down. The white friar who had become a cripple slowly floated up and blew out a mouthful of true vitality around him. He slowly repaired the injury for him.
After less than a minute, the white monk opened his eyes and his eyes were clear and turbid, and his eyes trembled and looked at Haikui.
"It feels great to be scrapped," Haikui asked with a cruel smile on his face.
"You’re a devil." The white friar gritted his teeth and squeezed out these words.
"Evil Way" Haikui sneered at two "What is evil and what is magic" and pointed out that his eyebrows took out Jingxue from his eyebrows and put it into the white monk’s eyebrows. At the same time, the gods separated a ray into the white monk’s body to forcibly drive away his soul.
The white friar’s eyes are getting blurred. How can he resist Haikui’s spirit and control his body when he is repaired by Haikui?
"Say I’m a demon and I’m a demon. In fact, I’m not mad enough, but I always feel mad and feel great." Haikui stared at the white friar with a smile and left him on the ground.
Friar in white lay prone as if he were in a coma again.
Haven’t you appeared yet? Haikui frowned slightly, put his hands back and secretly calculated. Anyway, killing one person is killing two people and killing me. I cursed myself to die miserable. Then today is my killing day, Li Yi. You are lucky to have so many people to die with you.
Haikui was thinking of a fairly strong breath approaching him. He looked up and saw a familiar figure flying rapidly in his direction. Haikui snorted coldly. Chen Weichen, you finally came.
Chen Weichen flew in the distance and looked at it. Haikui could feel his strong rage. He was on guard in his heart. Before the sound came, he went to "Pavilion is a person who came to my Wudaozong site to make trouble."
"Chen Weichen, don’t you know me?" Haikui said without moving his face.
Chen Weichen came to a distance of dozens of feet from Haikui and stopped. Looking at it carefully, Haikui felt a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember whether it was sacred.
"I’m sorry I didn’t recognize the pavilion."
"Ha ha, you are really forgetful. You don’t remember me, but I have been missing you for many years. You are so deep in my heart." Haikui said with a smile.
Chen Weichen’s face is a little gloomy. He can’t see whether Haikui Xiu is beyond the infancy of Yuan Dynasty. He can feel that Haikui Xiu is not weak, and he is full of hostility, which makes Chen Weichen cautious.
Chen Weichen is a crazy practitioner and likes to find someone to fight, but he doesn’t want to have conflicts when he meets this kind of angry monk, because this kind of anger is the source of killing, which will make people cruel and bloodthirsty, and killing more will become murderous.
Judging from this violent Chen Weichen, there are not many small murders in front of him, but they are evolving to the murderous Lord.
"I didn’t know that Ge was looking for Wu Daozong, and I really didn’t know Ge." Chen Weichen really couldn’t remember who Haikui was, and his hasty scene had been forgotten by him in most of his practice time.
"I don’t know. I flew by here ten years ago, and you blocked my way, so you fought me for no reason. When I was delayed, my parents’ soul was pulled out because of you. You are also a murderer." Haikui stared at him and said every word
Chen Weichen thought hard according to Haikui’s words, and his face changed. He finally remembered it, although it was a little vague, but it did happen. But in those days, the minor repairs had the initial strength of Yuanying, and now how did he feel higher than himself? How did he grow so fast in ten years?
"Why do you think of it? You should pay the price for what happened before. That is to say, if you don’t die, you won’t die." Haikui said that a small umbrella floated slowly in front of you, and the small umbrella flashed with cyan Lei Guang, slowly supporting each point, and the blue thunder condensed more.
Chen Weichen looked at Haikui somberly. "It is impossible for you to kill me."
Haikui sneered, "Well, I’ll kill you and try." At the same time, he pointed to "Do you know?"
Chen Weichen looked in the direction pointed by Haikui’s finger and saw an old man lying on the ground, but he didn’t know who it was after looking for a long time.
"Why don’t you know him? You are his brother." Haikui shook his head slightly and sneered more.
Chen Weichen, the "younger brother", became more and more familiar with it. His clothes were his younger brother.
"Don’t believe it? Your teacher younger brother’s physical training has been ruined by me and swallowed up by life, and it has become this ghost." Haikui Tantan hand said.
Chen Weichen was angry and low-drinking. He reached out and grabbed his younger brother’s body and flew close to him. Sure enough, his face was somewhat similar. "You are so cruel."
Chen Weichen holding the coma teacher younger brother hate to grind his teeth to HaiKui said.
"This is called the causal cycle. When you indiscriminately shot at me and consumed me, I couldn’t get back as quickly as possible, causing my parents’ souls to be whipped. At this time, you actually said that I was cruel, I was revenge and you were evil."
Haikui said that Aoki fenglei umbrella had been crackled by him, and the green gas around it condensed towards the umbrella.
"Send your grandmaster to" Chen Weichen said with his head to the younger brother who has not gone far behind him, and immediately a younger brother came to take over the white monk.
But at this moment, the white monk suddenly opened his eyes and gently opened his lips "brother"
Chen Weichen’s face changed greatly, but he couldn’t dodge his heart with the white friar’s close roots. He looked down and saw a heart beating in the old hand of the white friar.
"Teacher younger brother, you" Chen Weichen looked stunned. He didn’t want to kill him.
"This is what goes around comes around." The white friar shouted at Chen Weichen with a ferocious look. After that, the white friar lay back and fell to the ground with a bang, and Chen Weichen’s heart was crushed by his last effort.
Godsworn’s strength lies in the fact that the heart will die even without the body, but the soul can be reborn if it is there, and Yuan Ying can be repaired in that suit.
Chen Weichen turned to look at Haikui "It’s you"
"What am I, Chen Weichen? Your sins ended on your own. You will die in a short time, and you will be physically cultivated." Haikui said lightly as if he were in the sight of this scene.
"Drink" Chen Weichen drank a lot and slowly raised his hand to a clap on the roof. A stick of cement and steel condensed slowly appeared in his hand. He waved his hands and hit Haikui with a stick.
"Let me see your martial arts sect." Haikui said with a wave of his hand, Aoki fenglei umbrella counted several ways. Lei Guang flew towards Chen Weichen rapidly. Chen Weichen didn’t dodge the stick and broke a Lei Guang in one fell swoop. In addition, three Lei Guang hit him, and his body trembled slightly and moved on.
Haikui’s hands pinch the umbrella in front of him, and the rotation speed is getting faster and faster, and the high-speed rotation makes a noise. A huge thunder ball slowly appears, and finally a basketball-sized one is caught by Haikui.
The figure appeared in front of Chen Weichen in a flash. "Wu Daozong Chen Weichen disappeared from today."
As Haikui finished speaking, the thunder ball was pressed against Chen Weichen’s body, and Chen Weichen’s hand was hit with a stick. Haikui’s protective qi gave a bang.
Chapter 221 Destroy Yuan Ying
Haikui’s figure did not move, but the stick was shattered by the anti-seismic force of Qi.
Chen Weichen’s body trembled violently, and Haikui quickly retreated and slapped him. Chen Weichen’s body slammed and Chen Weichen’s body exploded, and a bloody storm broke out.
He Yuan Ying rushed out of a cloud of blood fog and was stained with filar silk blood.
As soon as Yuan Ying appeared, he pinched a cloud of smoke to run. Hai Kui’s eyes were miniature. I’m afraid this Yuan Ying can actually cast spells in the later stage.
He reached out and grabbed at the smoke, but it vanished in an instant.
Haikui frowned. I didn’t expect this Chen Weichen to be one step away. If he crossed today’s failure, he would be himself instead of Chen Weichen. Ten years ago, this Chen Weichen repair grew fast enough.
But since Chen Weichen is going to disappear, how can he let Yuan Ying run away? Haikui has a well-thought-out look, and with a wave of his hand, Chen Weichen’s flesh is condensed in front of him.
"You ran away, but your body is still here. I can still find you with your flesh and blood soul induction ability. You are dead today. If I let you escape successfully, I’m afraid it will be my death when you enter the distraction period." Haikui looked at the distance and said with a smile.
If Qian Haikui’s enemy runs away, he will definitely stop chasing him, but now it’s different. Haikui already knows that there must be a life-and-death way to cultivate immortality, or it will be really dead if the other side retaliates, unlike everyone who has a legal constraint, here is where you are strong and he will die.
Putting Chen Weichen’s flesh and blood together is a bloody mess. If a mortal sees it, it will be disgusting, but Haikui has already felt it. There is no such thing as nausea for the first time.

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