Besides, it’s good to keep these people as shields to attract opponents’ attention.

Nangong Hanxi is filled with heart trouble. Is he despised for IQ?
"What do you mean? Call me stupid? "
Ji Yue blinked wittily, and Qing Qing was smart and lively. "It was stupid and foolish."
The charming and beautiful appearance makes Nangong Hanxi look crazy.
He reached out to her armpit and tickled the moon. "Haha, don’t tickle me, stop it."
Although I was in a busy street, a group of guards blocked the eyes of many onlookers.
第126章 我是很得意炫耀
Nangong Hanxi is not only not afraid, but even more obsessed with bright eyes and surprising sparks. "It’s so fierce that my heart is pounding. Feel it."
He took her little hand and pressed it on his chest. Ji Yue heard the drumming and his heart beat violently.
Her palm was crisp and numb, and her heart beat faster. She withdrew her little hand and put it behind her back.
She forced herself to calm down. "Is this frightened? Nangong Hanxi, when were you so timid? "
The Nangong Hanxi spit out a mouthful of blood and was depressed. "Mu Ji Yue, you are too puzzled. This is what you mean."
He is showing his love, okay?
Mu Jiyue’s face is reddish but she is very embarrassed. "I don’t know your routine very well."
Mom, the egg is so shy. Is it swollen or broken?
The nangongshan cold city in distress situation this reaction is drunk.
"You’re not romantic at all. Forget it. Let’s go to dinner."
He looked depressed and felt that his cavity was really smashed.
As soon as he left, he secretly heaved a sigh and his face returned to normal.
Looking at the listless man in front of him, Ji Yue thought about it, and before he left, he reached over and said, "This is for you."
It’s a white jade crown with a man’s hair tied and exquisite workmanship
Nangong Hanxi’s eyes are bright. This thing looks a little familiar. It seems that I just visited the jewelry shop in Dianzhen.
He was pleasantly surprised. "Give it to me? When will you buy it? "
Mu Jiyue smiled and said, "I gave you a present just now. Do you like it?"
The first time she saw this white jade crown, she felt it was suitable for Nangong Hanxi.
The nangongshan cold city eyebrow eye smile in a good mood "like ji month you really have a heart, you must like me very much, right? I won’t laugh at you if you say it. "
He seems to have got a treasure, and his heart is about to float.
Mu Ji’s white face turned red and glared at him, but he was soft and had no strength. "I’m so hungry to eat."
She took the lead in moving forward, and Han Xi of Nangong froze and quickly chased her. "You are shy. Ha ha Ji Yue, you are so cute."
"Shut up" Mu Jiyue glared at him fiercely, but he still smiled like an idiot.
I found a restaurant at random and ordered a few signature dishes, Ji Yue, holding the bar and drinking fragrant tea slowly.
It’s silly to sit opposite Nangong Hanxi and keep smiling like taking medicine.
"Haha, it was really shy, so cute."
I don’t know how many times I’ve said this over and over again, but I’m tired of it. He’s still saying it.
Ji Yue grumpily threw a piece of braised pork into his bowl. "Let’s eat your meal. It’s really wordy."
The nangongshan Han Xi leaned in with the cheek "you feed me"
He looks like he’s begging for a hug and a kiss. This is a public place, okay?
"Did you hurt your hand?"
"Ji Yue, this is fun …" Nangong Hanxi mumbled a few words in a dead-end style. "Why are you looking at me so much?"
Ji Yue’s eyes are cold and a face of disgust. "It seems that you often go to brothels and know all about those tricks …"
The nangongshan Han Xi couldn’t help being anxious "no, no, I didn’t"
He was red in the face, shaking his head desperately and nervous.
Ji month eyes turn "didn’t go? Or … "
Nangong Hanxi hesitated for a moment and finally didn’t dare to hide it from her. "I went, but I didn’t order a girl. I went to watch."
The problem is that he can’t hide it if he wants to. Ji Yue’s dark guard is not a vegetarian.
"Watch?" Ji Yue has a strange feeling when he hears this new word.

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