"That’s not what I meant." When Chen Duo saw that the two of them stopped talking, he knew that he was a little sharp and immediately apologized. "I’m sorry …"

"What did your best friend say? I’m sorry." Xu Jinyan ordered some dishes in a bowl and then looked up at Chen Duo.
She and Xia Lu didn’t know how to answer her words at the moment.
They are not married, have no children, and think that they may have themselves.
"I mean, you’ve been living on your own for five years, but I want me to choose marriage, family and children." Chen Duo also has many nai.
Where can it be that college student who thinks nothing?
Xia Lu is the hardest to say. Xu Jinyan asked her, "Do you regret it?"
"Do you say marry an old gu or be a stepmother?" Chen Duo asked, but she knew in her heart that both of them might not be so good in her best friend’s eyes.
A teenage husband who is older than himself, and a daughter who is ten years older than himself.
It’s ridiculous.
It’s better that Gu Yanling doesn’t show up and still lives under the same roof.
Although Gu Ze and his ex-wife divorced peacefully, there was always a marriage.
"It’s a lie to say that I don’t regret it. I’m a small city. It’s already a blessing for me to live in a villa in Beijing. If I hadn’t married Gu, could I have settled in Beijing? Can I give my hometown parents a good life? Neither?" Chen Duo said a realistic question: money.
In today’s society, talking about money in a materialistic environment does not hurt feelings.
How many feelings are lost to money?
"Deer deer family conditions have always been very good, just don’t have rich fiance.
I can live happily as a doctor casually because I don’t worry about buying a house and paying off my loan. I should never have thought that Fu Jingxiao looked good when I was looking for him in the university. I didn’t expect that now he has become a rich man in Beijing and won’t worry about anything, but I will try my best to be the hostess of this family, try my best to gain a foothold in their company and try my best to give my children a good life. Maybe I can find an ordinary person after graduation for 20 or 30 years, but at that time, I will be a person who has never had anything. "
Xu Jinyan tried to hold her hand. When she was upset by this kind of money, it seemed that the sky was falling.
You can go to the Olympics class, but you can’t go because you have no money.
So I want to go to the amusement park, but I can’t watch others go because I have no money.
There is nothing wrong with Chen Duo. Everyone has the right to pursue a good life.
"Well, let you come to dinner. Don’t say these things. Let’s celebrate with juice-the three of us can get together again." Chen Duo raised his glass.
Xia lulai is a very booing person, but she is a little frustrated when Chen Duo speaks, so she lifts it up and echoes two sentences.
The three people have their own ideas in their hearts, and eating is just a process.
That feeling is terrible.
After dinner, Chen Duo asked them to come. Xia Lu said that she would go to an audition with Lu in the afternoon.
Xu Jinyan came here by car. Xia Lu said she would go with her.
Chen duo can’t keep them, so let them eat together before going back to Yuncheng. If they don’t eat at home, they will eat out. Everyone is comfortable.
They should be one.
Chen Duo sent them to the door.
On the way back, Xia Lu’s car was fully heated. Xu Jinyan still felt a little cold. Xia Lu looked at her. "A little unacceptable?"
"In fact, when I came to Beijing, I found something, but I was not sure and didn’t tell you." Xu Jinyan felt that Chen Duo had changed, perhaps not her but the society.
Xia Lu tugged at the corner of her mouth. "It’s no big deal. I want to get her. I don’t know anything. In fact, I know that this circle is so small because she is our friend. I never ask. Today, she said that she was wrong and right. Money is a good thing, but she was also wrong because she had known us for so long and been my best friend for so long. If I didn’t control it, I would definitely turn my face."
"Fortunately, it’s hard for you to control her." Xu Jin bowed her head with a chuckle. "It’s harder than I thought."
"melodramatic, who let her show off in the circle of friends? No one is her competitive friend, and she will go further and further." Xia Lu doesn’t like Chen Duo’s dejected cry.
Xu Jinyan looked up. "But I hope she still knows Chen Duo."
"Maybe when people grow up, they won’t say that we will never see each other again because of a little thing when they were young. This kind of words can’t be said."
"Sister Lu is really a life mentor."

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