Look, Tang Tang went into the kitchen. He lay down on the pillow. Tang Tang cooked delicious food. His stomach was spoiled by her. He didn’t want to eat bread and biscuits or anything.

It’s like a lifetime ago to think about camping around with a bag in the army.
Even after he retired from the army, he worked hard to recover, and then he found a breadwinner with a wife and children, and his life was perfect.
His only wish now is to live such a dull life, so don’t make any waves again.
The small fresh apron in the kitchen was changed to a darker color. She likes to divide it because of the heavy oil smoke here.
There is a dish in the refrigerator that she bought from the supermarket a few days ago. I rummaged through it at random and found no meat.
Glancing at the living room, Dong Yan’s body is recovering, and he can eat without meat, afraid of nutrition and can’t keep up.
Think about it, take off your apron and return to the bedroom.
Sleeping on the sofa Dong Yan saw Tang Tang’s face in a hurry and closed the bedroom door, but he was afraid of seeing what he shouldn’t see and making Tang Tang unhappy.
In a few minutes, Tang Tang came out of the bedroom in a winter suit with a bag on his shoulder.
"Where to go? Run away from home? " Dong Yan is irrelevant.
"Go ahead and go out to buy meat. There is no meat at home."
The word Dong Yan at home warmed his body and mind. He sat up on the sofa and said, "I will go with you."
"Why don’t you wait at home? The road outside is slippery and snowy. What are you going to do?" Tang Tang frowns
"I’ll take your things and pay for them."
Dong Yan patted the leisure cotton pocket.
"Okay, I like it when someone helps me pay for it, so I can’t buy more food to go home. You pay for it anyway."
"No problem. I’ve saved more than a decimal for so many years. You can eat and drink without worrying."
"It would be a shame if you can’t afford it."
Tang Tang took the initiative to cross Dong Yan’s arms and go out, even if he was holding it, he had to look good.
Driving, they went to a large supermarket some distance from the community.
The supermarket has fresh ingredients and fruits. Tangtang has always liked to come here.
Walking in the supermarket, when you are on duty at this time, the number of people here is reduced by half compared with usual, and there is no congestion.
Tangtang’s head is almost 1.7 meters short. Together with Dong Yan, they are quite suitable for each other, and they belong to the group of handsome men and beautiful women.
In particular, Dong Yan, who is full of masculinity, frequently attracts the eyes of little girls in large supermarkets.
Tang Tang’s heart is beautiful. Who doesn’t want to compete for others’ attention? It is even more proud to have a handsome boyfriend.
"What do you want to eat? What do you want to dream about?" Dong Yan pushed the supermarket shopping cart and asked 1
Tang Tang gave him a white look. There is nothing to dream about. She is so beautiful that it will take off soon.
"Eat sugar" Tang Tang took a big bag of sugar and put it in the basket.
"No, too much. Eating too much is bad for your health. Do you still want your teeth?"
Dong Yan severely reprimanded, then put the sugar bag back in place and took a packet of small bags from the shelf again, with more than a dozen.
"Although this import is less expensive than yours, I am not reluctant to give you money."
Dong Yan fondled her forefinger and poked her high and asked softly, "OK?"
Tang Tang bent his lip angle and nodded.
After two people visited the food area, they wandered slowly to the vegetables.
They are not only suitable in appearance, but also not much different in taste.
Watermelon red, broccoli, lotus root, pork chops, pork belly, etc. Choose a variety of carts to check out.
Few people here put it in front of the cashier to scan her.
Dong Yan is injured, but she is stronger than Tang Tang and does what her boyfriend should do.
Tang Tang always couldn’t find anyone else with a smile and an eyebrow. When she was sick and needed him especially, he couldn’t take time off when he was in the army and wanted to accompany him.
Now that he’s always guarding himself, he can try the kind of happiness that little women rely on their boyfriends.
"Hello, sir, it’s 610 yuan altogether. Will you pay or charge?"
The cashier polite way
Dong Yan nodded and took out his wallet. "You don’t have to swipe your card to save money."
The camper handed the poss machine to Dong Yan, but it was very refreshing to brush the card.
Tang Tang obediently waited aside, and suddenly behind him came a magnetic male voice …
"Are you? We met again. "
Dong Yan looked up at Tang Tang and then turned around. How many people can they refer to?
"Hello, come out to buy things?"
"Well, hello."
Tang Tang recognized that he met a man from the other mountain yesterday, but this man feels attractive in all aspects and is not easy to forget.
"This is your boyfriend?" The man pointed to Dong Yan and asked
"We came out to buy food and there was no food at home." Tang Tang took Dong Yan’s arm and looked up at him and said, "Let’s go and go back to cook."
Dong Yan was curious about what they meant by listening to the two chatting. It was not the first time they met, but in front of outsiders, he said nothing but promised Tang Tang to "go well."
Tang Tang bowed his head slightly. "Thank you yesterday. Go in and buy what you need. Let’s borrow one."
The man is blocking the exit, and both of them can’t get out with the shopping cart.
The man leans over.
Tang Tang dragged Dong Yan head also don’t back out of the supermarket door.
Put the food into the trunk of the car, Dong Yan returned the shopping cart, and Tang Tang got into the driver’s seat alone.
At the end of the home, Dong Yan hesitated to ask out "who was that man just now?" See you don’t like familiar but can talk. "
Tang Tang gave him a leer and said lightly, "Don’t you care so long to ask?"
⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ 931
Section 176
"I didn’t dare to care how it is possible before. I wonder if he is pursuing you."
"Poof … cough cough cough"
Dong Yan suspected that Tang Tang was choked by saliva. She held the steering wheel with one hand and waved it with the other. "Don’t talk nonsense. I am so good that I deserve it."
"Very self-aware"
"What do you mean? You don’t think I don’t deserve you, do you? "

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