Chen Yi went home to hide in the room, took out the ancestral bird paper in the affairs box, and looked at it horizontally and vertically, but found no special place. He had to continue to put it away and carefully place it.

Compared with this goal, the pressure of truth remains the same.
Chen’s group transportation is difficult, and if there are official or semi-official attacks such as taxes, although they are not as violent as the previous period, they still make people feel breathless. Even if Chen Yi does not participate in the company’s affairs, he can still feel a thing or two through various situations.
Holding the magic scroll can’t help the family solve problems. Chen Yixin is unwilling, but he has his worries about telling his parents the secret of the scroll.
After all, the subway can enter by itself. If one day you tell others to make the subway disappear or regenerate the trouble, isn’t it worth the candle?
About the same mind, my little sister rushed home again at the weekend
Although it is quaint, the younger daughter has always been the best fruit in the eyes of parents. On this point, the eldest brother Chen Heng or Chen Yiren can’t compare.
Fang Manyi came home and cooked a big meal for her brother and sister. Chen Fu picked up some green vegetables and ate rice, hardly moving.
It’s still my little sister talking about interesting things at school for a while, praising a dish with her mouth for a while, and blaming my second brother for grabbing food, which will make my parents laugh quickly.
In view of this, Chen Yi is also quite cooperative.
When lunch was about to end, my little sister suddenly said, "Second brother, don’t forget that you want to play the Fushan platform with me this afternoon."
"When will I say …" Chen Yiyin is getting smaller and smaller.
Sure enough, mom doesn’t care if he said it or not. "You have fun with my sister when she finally comes back."
Little sister smiled smugly and wiped her mouth with a clean bowl of rice. "Second brother, let’s go."
"Hey," Chen Yinai followed her slightly, and then whispered, "What’s the idea of this fight?"
"Where is it?" Little sister Ma cried foul and immediately said, "Let me show you a good thing first."
She threw herself into Chen Yi’s room.
There is a big box on the bed with a strange notebook and grinning beasts and cute monsters in it.
I noticed that brother Chen Xi was embarrassed to cover up the sticker and said, "Let you see it is inside."
After entering the notebook computer, it is really not a normal interface.
Look at the little sister’s pile of English alphabet exercises. Chen Yi waited for a while before saying, "Then?"
"I just connected the supercomputer in the computer center of Jiangning University, isn’t it?" Chen Xi showed a corner of the screen in front of him. "This is a client of Jiangning Supercomputer. Through it, I can make the supercomputer, I can calculate and so on, and I can use it to do things."
"then?" Chen Yigen didn’t cooperate.
Chen Xi begged, "Then the supercomputer helps to analyze whether invading his brain is twice the result with half the effort. The reaction is naturally faster than others."
She opened her eyes wide and tried to get Chen Yi’s approval.
The latter stood still and said, "Will it be discovered?"
"No, I will pretend that you haven’t seen my level for a long time. Now the guys in the computer association of Jiangning University are going to bow down to my feet." Little sister proudly said, "When this invasion is completed, I can lead the whole computer association of Jiangning University."
Chen Yi doesn’t believe that it may not be very difficult to see little sister get a foothold in a university computer association. After all, most students come into contact with real computer programs only at universities, and school-level associations should meet the development goals of most people.
However, it is no less difficult for a university to become a leader than for a dove to beat an old duck. After all, Jiangning University is expected to be famous, and there are bound to be some so-called geniuses in the number of students, especially the top social talents. The world of computer science always belongs to young people.
But little sister seems a little too young.
Finally, I got a satisfied look in my eyes. My little sister said with a smile, "When I can order the Computer Association of Jiangning University to prepare for the invasion of Fushan platform, I even finished the second brother who can enter the formal attack stage …"
Proud little sister once again changed her attitude and entered coquetry mode.
Chen Yinai said, "Do you still want to invade Fushan?"
Even Chen Yi, the first in Jiangning University, is not optimistic at all. After all, she is a little girl who doesn’t even have an ID card, but Fushan platform is the largest game platform in the world. Knees want to know that it’s not that simple.
Little sister wriggled up and said, "attacking Fushan is the ultimate goal. Let’s take it step by step."
She clenched her fist in her right hand and made an exciting expression. "Second brother is now ready for everything. I owe 10 thousand. I got part of the supercomputer. You said at that time that if I wanted it again in a few days, I would give it to me."
Chen Yi immediately remembered that he really said something similar last week when he wanted to slow down his tactics.
Little sister shook his arm and kept pestering "OK?"
Think that I just got 30,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan. It’s no longer a big problem. Before agreeing, Chen Yi slowly said, "I want money, but I’m a partner. Whether I win or lose, I have my opinion in the process. When I want to participate, you must not stop me, but also help me to distribute the final gambling money."

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