Nut state tank armor is not so evil!

The giant dog, who just turned to Paoge War, was really angered by the continuous attack of tanks this time.
To them, these tanks are like some kind of hate. If goliath beetles doesn’t crush it, it will always make a boom.
It turned to the tank’s low head and tail, and the fire-breathing acceleration rushed over.
At that moment, the speed of the war giant dog was as fast as the ghosting.
"so fast!" The leader came up with the idea that he heard a loud crash when the tanks didn’t dodge.
"Crunch" A barrel thicker than the tank armor was instantly deformed, and the first half of the tank was directly squashed. Like a toy, the tank was kicked out by a war giant dog and turned over a dozen times. This was only a bang and a fall.
At that moment, the leader had an idea in his heart.
Mom is 59 days old!
Watching the war, the giant dog tried to attack him, and the tank cannon rushed out again.
"Look! Eat me again! " Brother Bao thundered and fired a grenade.
"Boom" is a few rivets falling and tinkling.
In this war, the giant dog found out who was the greatest threat to him.
Those big steel beetles really don’t like canned iron. This little person who shoots at them is the most annoying thing.
This time, the giant dog of war took a look at Brother Bao and rushed over like crazy.
Step on one foot
"I’ll go …" Brother Bao rolled out of the attack range of the war giant dog.
But he hasn’t got up yet, and the other foot of the war dog is stepping on the head.
Brother Bao rolled dizzy and didn’t recover. At this moment, a light came next to him and knocked him out. The war giant dog’s paw fell on his legs dangerously.
And the light that just hit him was bounced back by him and rolled up.
"Black spots!" Brother Bao was frightened, "I almost can’t be a gun brother!"
When is the black spot and face black? Are you kidding?
Brother pao’s face suddenly changed, "hide the dark spots!"
After stepping on the war for a few times, the giant dog changed its strategy and kicked it over.
Ear a vertical black spots turned but has come to hide.
At that moment, the gun brother didn’t want to consciously jump to hold the black spot in his arms and arch his back.
Mom always has a gun brother’s name and is still a virgin!
Just then there was a loud crash.
Brother pao felt a shock in his back, but the imaginary terrorist impact didn’t come
He raised his head with his eyes closed and exclaimed, "Brother?"
Brother Gun showed up with the No.1 excavator painted. The excavator bucket was inserted into the ground to stop the giant dog from fighting and protect Brother Gun.
"hide!" Brother Gun looked cold, his pupils narrowed and he stared at the giant dog in front of him.
Gun elder brother hurriedly holding the rabbit dragon black spots a dozen rolling behind the excavator.
Gun brother manipulated the mechanical arm to push forward the war, and the giant dog was pushed backwards, but it immediately changed its pace and stabilized its body.
At that moment, Brother Gun manipulated the excavator bucket to raise like a scorpion’s tail.
Shovel suddenly
The sound of gold and iron is like a morning bell.
Chapter 616 Instructor I also want an excavator!
"Dang dang dang dang …"
Violent impact on the periphery of Lanshiye Manor echoes
The situation is particularly fierce.
The leader of the tank corps was dragged out of Tanqueray.
"How about it?" Medical soldier asked
"It won’t die …" The leader replied weakly while vomiting blood. Then he glanced at the front and was so shocked that he forgot to vomit blood.
Ten excavators surrounded the war giant dog like ten scorpions with poisonous stings.
Fighting it head-on involves its greatest energy. Brother Gun drives the No.1 excavator. Every time his bucket shovels, it will leave deep scars on the giant dog or cut off a layer of patch armor.
The war dog finally felt that the situation was not good and planned to escape. It suddenly accelerated and rushed to the No.1 excavator
"Boom" a loud noise No.1 excavator was knocked out and turned over several times.
That’s how the tank was hit just now.
This move can be called a death collision, which makes the tank lose its combat effectiveness.
However, after the No.1 excavator landed, it was like a real scorpion. When the bucket was propped up, it turned back and waved the bucket and rushed away.
Even the rogue in the war dog was shocked.
What the hell is this strange thing! How so flexible!
"Click" The right front leg of the giant dog was bent by this shovel.
"Mom!" At this time, the leader of the tank soldiers consciously covered his chest. "Mom, who did I provoke?"
I’m so lucky to be alive!
Invading the manor, this war giant dog was pieced together. Its four legs are actually the legs of ordinary mechanical giant dogs, which will appear so uncoordinated and short-legged like Ke Jiquan.
Now there is a bad leg among the four legs, and the movement is restricted again, and there is no escape from the excavator attack.

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