The emperor’s words fell on Shen Meng and his eyes danced with sadness.

"Since the emperor is in charge, I have no objection. I have a small request."
"What requirements?" Emperor’s eyes closed
"The emperor also knows that Mrs. Wei Chen has been ill in bed. She has been looking forward to waiting for Yan Xue to come back all day. We have kept this from her. We didn’t tell her and didn’t dare to tell her. I was afraid that she couldn’t bear the stimulation. Some time ago, a wandering doctor gave her a prescription. At this time, her condition improved slightly. Now this March is the most critical treatment period. The stimulation can’t stand it. This morning, she heard that the emperor returned to the DPRK with everyone today and has been clamoring to meet Yan Xue in person. She was stopped by the inconvenience of her eyes."
Mo Qianyu frowned slightly. "Where is it?"
Obviously, I’m a little impatient to hear if this has pulled a lot.
"I want to ask the night workshop owner to help me pretend to be Yan Xue to cheat my wife in this critical March. Anyway, I can’t see her eyes, and the night workshop owner is similar in age and figure to Yan Xue. The most important thing is that the night workshop owner can dress up as a man for so many years, but no one can tell the truth that the night workshop owner has a high ventriloquism, so I can imitate the female voice of Yan Xue so well …"
Before Shen Meng’s words were finished, the emperor devoted himself to Qian Yu and did not respond. One person had already refused.
No, look, everyone knows who it is
Of course, it’s Feng Ying Mo, the master of Taiwan.
He let go of his arms at night and took a few steps in front of Mo Qian Yu, bowing to his fuels. "The emperor is not for other reasons, but at night, he is pregnant now, and his body is very weak. How can he take care of others if he needs someone to take care of himself? Let her go to the meeting and take care of it carelessly, which will miss Mrs. Shen instead. "
This time, Shen Meng did not wait for the emperor to go out, but immediately took the Phoenix Shadow Ink words.
"This Fengtai master can rest assured that I can’t help Shen Fu bossing maids and women. There is still no need for the night workshop master to take care of herself. It is to let her dress up as Yan Xueyan. Her mother wants to see Yan Xueyan and spend time with her when she wants to talk to Yan Xueyan."
"That won’t do either!"
Without thinking about it, Feng Ying Mo rebuffed it again, so there was no room for discussion.
Shen Meng face also some would don’t want to say anything to him, turn your eyes to stranger thousand feathers waiting for the emperor to make a decision.
The field was quiet.
Devoted to thousands of feathers pursed their lips slightly and didn’t appear immediately, which seemed hesitant and difficult.
Really difficult
Mrs. Shen Meng was seriously ill and her daughter died. It is not unreasonable for him to make such a request. He really needs help.
If you can help others with emotion and reason, you should help others.
But Shen Yan’s death in the snow is not because the phoenix, the shadow and the ink are separated from the night. They have no meaning to do it. It is their freedom to help or not unless they are willing. At present, so many people in the country will say that he is forced to do things by the emperor.
Although although he really agreed with Shen Meng in his heart.
He almost cheered Shen Meng in his heart.
This meeting is timely.
In this way, the marriage will have to be postponed
She can’t marry Feng Yingmo immediately.
Don’t delay these three months.
"I want to hear the opinion of the owner of the night workshop."
After a long silence, devoted to thousands of feathers finally came out, but did not give a positive answer, but threw the question to the night.
"Thank you, Lord Shen, for your respect of night departure."
Everyone is shocked
Phoenix shadow ink is startled to look back at her in disbelief.
Night away lowered his eyes and didn’t look into his eyes.
Devoted to thousands of feather eyes, the light is happy, but it is hidden in an instant.
"That being the case, I’m sure the Prime Minister will treat the Night Fang Master well. If anything happens to her, the Fengtai Master will not let you go and I won’t spare you lightly!"
Devoted to thousands of feather light hook lip Angle half-joking and serious tunnel
Shen Meng bowed down and said, "I must remember it!"
"Everyone is scattered!"
The emperor raised his sleeve and motioned for everyone to retreat, and then he took the dragon chariot himself.
Everyone is ready to send off.
When the dragon chariot entered the palace gate, the queen mother and all the concubines also drove back to the palace one after another, and the people dispersed one after another.
Shen Mengxing leaves at night.
"Night Fang Lord is ready to come with me now …"
"I’ll go back to Jiefang to pack something. Master Shen can rest assured that since I promised, I won’t break my word. When I’m ready, I’ll come to Shenfu to worry about it myself."
Night took a glance from phoenix shadow ink will Shen Meng words interrupted.
Shen Meng is not forced.
"all right"

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