"If there is no danger, Hou will take out such treasures as Feng Xue Xuan Gang as a reward?"

Zhou Jia opened his mouth and looked at Feng Xue Xuangang, who was close at hand, and then thought about the trip. There was a struggle in his eyes.
Long square slow track
"I … consider one"
Hou Hao nodded.
"Give me an answer in three days"
Chapter 41 Discovery of Source Star
Thinking for a long time, Zhou Jia didn’t promise after all.
He started Fengxue Xuangang in order to increase his strength and protect himself. Now he has to take risks to get it.
Isn’t it contradictory?
If it is nearby, it can be considered.
It is not worth the loss to go deep into the area covered by the great power of the dark mother emperor.
Even without Feng Xue Xuangang’s ordinary iron essence for ten years, he can push the plough to the sixth place.
Even worse, you can visit similar gold and iron objects.
It’s really unnecessary!
On the contrary, Bai Lingxiao didn’t know what Hou Hao promised him, but he was moved to invite friends to help.
Zhou Jia advised two sentences to see no effect.
A month later.
"Jia Tangzhu!"
Visiting guests today surprised Zhou Jia.
"A rare guest is a rare guest!"
In some years, I haven’t seen Jia An’s body more dead and decadent, and there was a special mark on his high forehead.
That’s a sign of guilt
Because of the Ma family’s old mountain gang, many disciples were arrested and killed, and the powerful forces were almost ruined.
Even the sixth-order silver, he will go to the front to make amends and make meritorious deeds.
Nodded Jia an didn’t polite going mouth.
"I heard that you met Hou Hao some time ago?"
"Not bad"
Zhou Jia is one leng.
"Is there a problem?"
Jia dark face cold way
"Hou Hao privately invited a batch of silver to the dark territory, and now there are successive deaths. Jia was ordered to investigate this matter."
"Death?" Zhou Jia’s eyes are slightly moved
"Nobody came back?"
Jia’ ankou
"Bai Lingxiao came back, but he retired when he was halfway to the dark territory."
"Others are still alive"
Zhou Jia’s eyebrows are dazzling, but he is alert!
"Today is wartime, and everyone should abide by the wartime rules." Jia An looked gloomy.
"Every silver has his own responsibility. It’s wrong to go AWOL, and it’s even more stupid. They deserve to die."
"But there are two of the nearly ten silvers missing, and someone must be responsible for the sharp decline in the defense of the fifth-order Xiaoping Mountain."
"Yes" Zhou Jia nods
"Zhou did visit Hou Hao and wanted to start with him, but he also heard that he was going to the dark territory."
"But Zhou did not agree."

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