"Xu Le you …"

Cracks were hit in the chaotic fog, and Xu Le’s figure disappeared directly in front of Baiya.
I don’t know what to say when I look at the endless confusion and fog for a long time.
Life is always like this, I will always do something that I regret, and I won’t have a second choice.
At most, I can say "I don’t regret it" …
This is probably the case at Baiya at this time.
I have been thinking about what the Red Crescent Temple will be like in the future.
"The future … must be light, but the Red Crescent Temple is not necessarily light."
Baiya doesn’t make sense to think so
At present, the three known strong men are the one-eyed owl-Chixiao, who was arrested by the Red Crescent ban and sent by the former temple master Cange Red Crescent Temple.
And finally, Senator Zion-Xu Le.
All three of them are likely to innovate in the era, but unfortunately, none of them has the side of the Red Crescent Temple.
It’s like she made a lot of right choices, taking care of the overall situation and taking it for granted.
But the end result is wrong.
It doesn’t feel so good, but it has changed something.
"Ah …"
Unknown dissimilarity
Pieces of cobwebs are wrapped around a tall tower, and Xu Le is in front of it.
Whenever he wants to go around or fly, the tower will naturally stay away from him.
It seems that there is only one road left in front of his eyes.
Obviously, these new rules are understood or developed by rose herself, and they do not belong to the ancient sound, just like the puppet track.
"All this time still play these chat tricks? You are not a puppet, you have no chance to escape. "
Xu Le seems to be making a final declaration of death in front of the door.
But rose naturally won’t surrender at this time. She is the most powerful creature in the ancient world.
"Ha ha ha ha lucky little home has always wanted to dote on you, but the nightmare won’t let me.
I didn’t expect you to come this far. It’s a little slow, but it’s really rare that you have accepted all the rules. I used to do it with the night terrors.
But even if you are strong, Ai Gu will not surrender.
If you want to go home and crawl on your feet, then come to the top of the tower and let me see it. "
"I have no interest in spiders."
"Don’t worry, I’ll become what you like."
Rose sound more and more far Xu Le didn’t continue to ask.

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