They discussed with each other for a while and soon determined that nine leaders plus Wu Feng and Lin Han eleven people should go to explore before making a decision.

This dark cave looks strange, it may be full of danger, it may also contain treasures or even some big chance.
They can stand out from the major forces, and they have more or less adventures and opportunities, and they also have enough courage to face such a situation, so naturally they will not miss it at will.
The rope was quickly sent over, and there were several bundles of ropes.
Wu Feng holds a fire scale cane in his right hand, and the cane rises like a torch to release the fire red light.
Zhang Haohao picked up a rope and volunteered, "I’ll take the lead."
He has the mirror ability, and can bounce back all injuries, even mental attacks. Even if he suddenly encounters some kind of danger, he can bounce back. Although the risk of hitting the head is the greatest, if he has a chance, he will have the greatest chance.
They all had no objection. Zhang Hao took a rope and carefully followed the cave
Wu Feng controls a fireball in the suspended fireball and suspends Zhang Haotou to take his photo.
This cave looks dark and unpredictable. Even a fireball can illuminate a few meters in Fiona Fang.
Zhang Haohao slid down the cave, and the cave tilted at an angle of three or four meters.
LAM Raymond pulled the rope and put it down slowly.
"This side is inclined like a slope." Zhang Milli’s voice came from all directions.
Wu Feng is the second one to follow closely with a rope in one hand and a fire-scale cane in the right hand.
Lin Fengze is responsible for slowly putting down the rope, followed by Wen Ying, Gao Shengyi and Su Li.
That Lin Han fell behind, and his hands were shining with white light. His main responsibility was to take photos for the people behind.
Eleven people followed the dark cave one after another, and Su Li’s muscles entered a defensive state, adding a "demon barrier" protector and pulling the rope carefully with his left hand.
Almost all the people who entered the cave showed their own defensive means, and no one dared to be careless when entering this unknown cave.
Su Li found that the cave is an inclined slope about three or four meters away. The slope is steep and gradually gentle.
Everyone will soon be able to follow the slope steadily, and the cave is getting bigger and bigger. After about 30 to 40 meters, it is no longer so dark, and the distance around it is blurred.
Nine leaders, Wu Feng and Lin Han followed the cave one after another, and finally all the people stopped to look around and were dazed.
No one would have thought that there would be another cave in this cave. There is another very huge cave in Fiona Fang, at least it is about 100 meters. It is not absolutely dark here, and it can be seen that there are stalagmites hanging upside down to the top about ten meters high. The walls around the cave are round, and there are giant holes at the bottom. No one knows the way to the square.
Su Li carefully counted ten holes in the surrounding cave walls.
"His mama this side should have so much this is a bit unusual? The flood has only reached the 30 th floor, which is only 90 meters deep. It looks like a shell, and its appearance is about the size of a football field. Why is it so big? Is this unreasonable? " Zhang Hao Hao finally called to get up
Gao Shengyi mused, "I don’t want your common sense to guess where we are entering now. I estimate that this place should already belong to another time, just as we often say that three-dimensional and four-dimensional ago, I read an article in a science magazine, which said that if we human beings are compared to a balloon and there are many small raindrops adsorbed on the surface of the balloon, these raindrops all over the surface of the balloon are actually one by one. We may also enter these raindrops through the balloon in a special way."
Su Hao said, "Brother Gao means that this cave in front of us is actually the raindrop attached to the balloon? We entered this small raindrop department through this cave? "
Gao Shengyi pushed the bridge of the nose glasses frame slightly, and said, "Yes, I guess so."
Su Li didn’t speak, but looking at this huge cave beyond imagination, he was sure that it should be just that he peeped into the mirage data and found that the mirage was hidden.
Zhang Haohao said, "Now whether this thing is a balloon or a raindrop, what should we do now?"
Su Hao said, "There are ten caves around here that should lead to different places. We can each choose a cave to enter and have a look."
Haven’t spoken Sun Guowei finally said "a person? Is that too dangerous? "
Ding Huidao: "Yes, let’s go first. It seems that this place is much bigger than we thought. We need enough people."
Gao Shengyi said, "Although this is a small raindrop compared with balloons, it may be huge for us humans. Imagine that we need enough people to explore this mystery."
Su Li nodded, "Let’s talk about it first."
They walked back along the rope through the sloping passage and soon climbed out of the cave one by one.
"How’s the boss?" They have just climbed out of the cave and have been around, so they can’t help asking questions.
Everyone was curious about the bottom of the cave.
"The face is too big. It is estimated that it needs a lot of people." Wen Ying asked Zhang Feng and Wang Xiangyu for a simple reply
"Su Ge, what do you say?" Zhang Haohao looked at Su Li and asked him what he thought.
Su Li said, "Each of us can organize a team to see whether the number of people in the team is dozens or one or two hundred."
Su Hao said, "I agree that there are ten holes on that surface. We nine people will choose a cave first, and then divide these holes into No.1 hole, No.2 hole and No.10 hole according to the order from left to right. Then we nine people will divide them into an order, and each of them will correspond to a hole. When the exploration of these nine holes is over, we will jointly explore the last hole."

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