Just like the ancient sound and the mother tree.

If the mother tree is their mother, then they are almost the same as the mother-killing, which is ridiculous.
"The three of them should be divorced …"
In the process of in-situ thinking, the three of Ding Ke, who are in a hundred years, have all returned to their places.
Baiya looked at Chixiao with a smile and said nothing, but her eyes seemed to see something.
"It’s a little interesting. Now you’ve really changed a lot."
"I’m busy. I’d better not say such nonsense without nutrition."
"Ha ha I hope so."
Baiya said that the release technique evokes a white door, which is stable and powerful enough to make the discerning warlocks feel awe.
Even Ding Ke and Chixiao felt that this skill was not simple.
"Almost one side has stabilized the world," Ding Ke underestimated.
"Hum" is a cold hum.
Although she also knows that baiya may be very strong, she will not admit baiya.
Too many things have happened in their past, and many times they can’t judge each other right or wrong.
Chixiao and Ding Ke took the lead in walking into the door.
Chixiao hesitated a little when he entered, but soon he stepped in firmly and directly.
But after both of them entered the door, Baiya stopped in place and turned her head in the direction of Xu Le.
She nodded slightly with a polite gesture.
This made Xu Le very surprised.
"Was it discovered?"
Xu Le consternation baiya has turned and entered the delivery door.
Red Crescent taboo to restore peace and those angels hovering in the sky let Xu Le know that everything was not an illusion just now.
Baiya has found him and confirmed his position.
What do you mean by nodding? Be nice? Friendly temptation? Show that you are not hostile?
Or … Seduce? "
A character like Xu Le always thinks others are bad people.
Even Chixiao and Ding Ke were young companions, and he was equally treated here.
The other side is very powerful, and its observation and perception are also very keen, so you can easily find yourself hidden in the shadow world.
And she and ChiXiao Ding Ke also don’t talk much.
In general, this is a person worthy of attention.
"After they left … by the way"
Xu Le suddenly remembered that Chixiao had lost something before.
The situation was too dangerous just now and I didn’t have a chance to look at it carefully. Now I am at leisure.
Take out the thing that Chixiao threw, and Xu Le found that it was actually a soul-eating tree branch.
There is a piece of paper in the branch, which shows the tree mark that Xu Le once painted in front of Chixiao.
The mark on the branches is powerful enough to stabilize the breath and dark particles.
When all these conditions are in place, it means that he can send it in the dark.
That is, the fake flying Raytheon
The question is how to determine the location of Chixiao.
Xu Le felt a wave of psionics as soon as he had this idea.
There is no way to confirm the position of psionic particles before, and it has gradually become clear at this time.
Dark particles have great penetrating power, which can penetrate all forces.
But at this time, Xu Le’s perception of those dark particles became weak and hazy
It’s not that the number of dark particles is scarce, nor that his ability to control the dark forces has decreased, but that some kind of special dark particles are being isolated
"It is at least the same level of strength to be able to isolate the dark particles to this extent."
What are the forces in the red crescent that can compete with the dark particles and the night demon?
It’s very simple. The Three Gods
This dim and indifferent power is completely different from the slightly overbearing form of the full moon god, which is probably one of the other two gods of the Red Crescent.
"God with the power of isolation … If it weren’t for the fact that the dark force has almost the strongest corrosiveness and penetrability, the base would be isolated by this force. There are really enough powerful characters."
After confirming the position of dark particles, Xu Le didn’t try so hard to lock and send them.
Because those hazy particles are still moving at a very fast speed
Xu Le speculated that either Chixiao was still moving at a high speed without stopping, or some special force was interfering with the grain or his perception.
In either case, he needs to wait.

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