Zhang Lan obeyed and appeared in front of a huge European-style palace building with the name "Eden Federal Bank"

"Have you ever committed a crime?" Lotus excited way
"The laws are made by the person in charge. Is it a sin for me to live?" Zhang LAN said
"Then let’s have some excitement. Now I want you to rob a bank. It’s not much money to take 10,000 federal dollars out of the vault. It’s not allowed to make weapons and guns. If I give you an hour, I can’t do it. There are remedies to kill everyone in the bank! Hard grab! " Lotus rarely gave Zhang Lan a multiple-choice question.
"You insult my brain? Now the timer "Zhang Lan Watch set up a countdown to enter the bank.
The door is near, and there are no guests in the grand hall like a palace. Now everyone is used to the network to handle the financial situation and need to go to the bank to deal with it. Most of the industries are large amounts of money.
The security situation of the federal bank can be said to be lax and endless, probably because all the people who can live in Eden belong to the super rich, and there is no need to rob the bank, and all the immigrants will undergo strict screening, which also eliminates the possibility of such cases from the root.
In this bank, Reagan doesn’t have any sealed counters or armed security guards. The symbolic guardrail made of floating metal can be turned over with little effort. Although the yawning security guards are equipped with rifles, the waist ammunition shows that they are all rubber ammunition, which is shocking.
Zhang Lan sat in the waiting area and looked around. All the cameras swung at different frequencies and angles, and immediately set up a set of detailed processes.
In this case, the detailed information of the federal bank has been read out through the search program, presenting Zhang Lan’s crystal display screen.
Zhang Lan dug out the words of the president of the Federal Bank from the data and directly played in the past. "Hello, I am the head of the Foreign Affairs Department of Xiaoyao City-Zhang Lan, I want to talk to you about a business deal, which is probably worth about 100 million federal dollars, right? If you don’t pick me up, I’ll be in your bank. "
Zhang Lan finished hanging up, and it didn’t take three minutes for the bloated bank president to rush out of the administrative area with a ticket supervisor just like taking over the driving company, and quickly surrounded Zhang Lan in the hall, just before he knelt down.
"Zhang Lan’s adult hand really makes our small bank shine! Ha ha ha! " The bloated governor, hehehe, flattered
"It’s too modest for the Federal Bank to become a small bank in your mouth. Can the president speak for a moment?" Zhang Lan looked at his watch and got up in time after 15 minutes.
"Of course, please go inside!" Zhang Lan came to the president’s office in such a welcoming way, and a group of supervisors bowed all the way, but in the end they didn’t even have a chance to introduce themselves, so they were rejected.
There is a bloated president in the office of the president, and a plump secret is responsible for making tea and watching the president be very happy. Even if Zhang Lan does the secret on the spot, he will cheer and shout.
Zhang Lan is not interested in tea and younger sister. She has set up a huge lattice floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the beautiful scenery of the enemy canal outside the window.
"President, you should know that Xiaoyao City is about to establish a black Odin metal trading center, right?" Zhang Lan turned his back to the president and said
"Of course, I know that there is no one in the world who doesn’t know such great things!" The president also knows that Xiaoyao City is about to become the most profitable city. No matter what the past is like, Xiaoyao City will be in full swing. If it can continue …
"Then you should also know that putting such a huge amount of money in our Xiaoyao City Bank is also extremely disturbing. We need to build a huge vault just to hold so much money." Zhang Lan threw her own bait.
"That’s not necessary. Our federal bank can take care of your capital flow security problem. Hahahaha" The president has already checked.
"I think so, too. Today, I was specially entrusted by the Queen to discuss a matter." Zhang Lan turned around with his hands behind his back and put them in his clothes pocket. The monitoring robot recorded what happened. "Dare you ask how big is the throughput of this Eden Federal Bank vault?"
"Zhang Lan’s adult, please rest assured that the main bank of Eden Federal Bank has the largest vault and the most secure system. Even if there is a world war, it will definitely guarantee your financial security." The president patted his fat chest and assured him.
"Of course I believe the president’s guarantee, but I need to be responsible for such a huge amount of money. I want to see your vault. Is it ok?" Zhang Lan directly cut into the subject.
"This ….." It’s a little difficult for the president to "tell adult Zhang Lan that the federal government has regulations that foreigners who want to enter the vault need special approval from the CSRC, otherwise it will violate the laws and regulations on fund custody."
"It’s a pity that I know that the president has concerns about the president, but it’s also very simple for the queen to give me an order to find a vault. I can’t even look forward to talking to his bank. If I remember correctly, there are two banks in Eden with the same name as you. I wonder where their vault throughput is enough?" Zhang Lan sighed and wanted to go.
"slow!" Shouted the bloated governor
Chapter two hundred and seventeen The regiment is a cancer of mankind.
The governor knows very well that the rule is that the dead are alive, and it is necessary to be able to pick up this business brought by Zhang Lan. The amount of funds allocated to them every year can be completed even if they break their legs and lie down.
He did his duty faithfully and acted according to the rules and regulations, but it will be hehehe whether his two presidents will do so.
The bloated governor believes in the gold master, Baba Zhang Lan. Now, don’t show them the vault. Even if they want the two old guys in the vault, they will not hesitate to take off their pants.
Throwing caution to the wind at the thought of bloated governor here is also personally picked up the key to the vault and came forward. "Zhang Lan’s adult actually wants to visit the villain vault. Of course, it’s a privilege for the villain to rule that kind of thing. How can it be to prevent the villain from obstructing Zhang Lan’s adult obstacle? Come and let the villain take the adults to see our vault! "
"Is that really good? Not difficult, right? " Zhang LAN so embarrassed way
"If it’s someone else, of course, it’s difficult, but Lord Zhang Lan is not a VIP forever for our Eden Federal Bank!" The bloated governor walked over and kowtowed.
In this way, President Zhang Lan led a layer by layer to break through the most heavily guarded vault. What kind of face recognition laser system, deputy armed and heavily armored guards, self-propelled, killed spiders and attacked robots. President Zhang Lan signaled that he had lifted his hostility to Zhang Lan.
After entering the largest vault of the federal bank, when the third floor door was opened, it was exposed that the most terrible wealth of mankind was gathered. The huge shelves of Jinshan Yinhai placed dense banknotes and precious metals like a library, so much money that a shelf collapsed and killed a row of people.
"It’s hard for the president to manage such a large amount of wealth alone. Is it also hard work?" Zhang LAN is sincerely sighed.
"How can there be a federal citizen? Zhang Lan’s talent is struggling to handle the huge transaction volume of black Odin metal alone, and it is not imaginable by ordinary people. It is best to let the villain help you share it. We will give you a professional financial accounting team a clear point and give you the most complete investment and financial management plan to ensure that the money you put here will increase by 1% every year and never depreciate!" The president has this strength.
"It sounds tempting." When Zhang Lan spoke, she went to a shelf and weighed it. She picked up a platinum gold brick weighing 2 Jin. "According to the line price, this brick should be worth 136,754 yuan, right?"
"Zhang Lan’s adult is so fierce! I’m telling you, the price is exactly the same !” The governor took the calculator and knocked it out, and the price was exactly the same.
"I’ve seen the president’s adult, and both the hardware and software meet the requirements of our happy city, but what benefits can I get?" Zhang LAN turned and smiled and said
"eh?" Although it is a matter of course that the person in charge of such a big deal is polite and bribed, it is so refreshing to meet Zhang Lan for the first time, and the president is also shocked. "Zhang Lan’s adult’s villain certainly remembers that he never dares to forget himself and intends to take out 3 … no, no,no. Take out 5% of your hard work."
The president is also throwing caution to the wind to buy and sell five points, which is also scary. Wealth is instantaneous enough to create a ball. The top one in the rich list comes out, but Zhang Lan is indifferent to this kind of reward.
"Don’t" Zhang Lan shook his head.
"Too few?" The governor sighed in his heart. I should have added two more points.
"I’ve spent a lot of money in Eden recently, so I’d better take this brick." Zhang Lan weighed a platinum brick in her hand, which just met her robbery standard.

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