Virtual city is really a magical place.

Chapter 33 High-end dinner
Fan Li’s girlfriend Pepe is a little careless.
First of all, Fan Li’s friends are poor and have not seen any potential stocks at all.
A Pepe is also looking forward to the rich second generation and new rich class of the knowledgeable person who "suggested buying a house in Jia Hu, Fan Li".
Not far from Zhuang, Pepe’s eyes lit up when she came running from Da with Lolo.
Not far from pulling Zhuang, this tenant farmer was the one who first went out to be a tenant farmer. His family has more than ten suites and nearly 100 million yuan of assets. His car is also a million-level, so he can be regarded as a small local tyrant
Seeing that there were not only luxury cars but also drivers not far from Zhuang, Pepe talked with others with anticipation and asked, "Was that you just now?"
Rub the car?
Pepeton lost interest in Zhuang not far away.
Not far from Zhuang, Pepe casually picked up a hand with Zhuang when she called her sister-in-law cheerfully, and she was indifferent.
"Sorry, your sister-in-law is tired and in a bad mood today …" Fan Li embarrassed to help his girlfriend explain.
"It’s nothing, big star. It’s normal." Not far from Zhuang, he walked over and said that he is a person who is not very sensitive in his daily life. It is like receiving a large group to discuss with Fan Li there.
Pepe was completely disappointed when a large group and his friends arrived.
Pepe, it seems that this is just a gathering of some poor students who just graduated and some smelly and stupid soldiers! I can’t be more arrogant. I’m not forced to be with them. It’s just lowering my level.
There are no feasts, no luxury cars, no imported high-end wine, and no spotlights and reporters.
Yes, a bunch of poor kids brag and fart.
Pepe has been in and out of high-end occasions since she entered the entertainment circle, and her vision has long been high.
Where is the patience to wave these people
What’s even more annoying is that these poor people still don’t take her seriously.
They all revolve around Lolo.
"How old are you, Lolo’s little sister?"
"Little sister is at most in high school, but she should study hard."
"Little sister is really strong. How to practice?"
"It’s the first time that Lolo’s little sister met. Let’s call these gifts."
Hui Ge pulled out some shell casings from his pocket and handed them to Laura.
"Are you like this?" A large group of people can’t help but roll their eyes. This group of comrades-in-arms have been in public places for a long time, and they don’t know how to coax girls. How can little girls like shell casings?
Who thought that Laura’s eyes suddenly lit up, stretched out his hand and took it, sniffed it in front of his nose, and then carefully put it in his mouth and chewed it.
"The barbecue tastes delicious!"
All "…"
"Zhuang Zhuang Zhuang Zhuang … Lord …" A large group of people stuttered. "Laura ate the shell casings …"
"Oh?" Zhuang not far reached out and touched Lolo’s head and asked, "Is it delicious?"

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