From that day on, Jianbo became a so-called "wise man"

Anyway, people who really knew the wise have long since passed away.
"Although I am not a wise man, I can answer your questions," said Kimber.
"The race you are looking for has been extinct since the end of the manor, and there is naturally no exile era."
Not far from Zhuang, I never thought I would get this result with my eyes wide open.
Chapter 3: Beating Little Monsters with Big Soldiers
Jianbo and the elders huddled together at the gate of the owner’s house of Lanshiye Manor like aggrieved kannika nimtragol.
In the face of an unknown cruel manor owner, both of them feel that their lives are threatened all the time.
Not to mention, Zhuang was very angry because he couldn’t get the answer he wanted. He was like a trapped animal walking around the gate of the pyramid, and it seemed that anger would burst out and burn the whole world in a second.
And they will bear the brunt of Zhuang’s anger directly.
Especially the Nasonia people, whose sense of smell is abnormal. It seems that Zhuang is not far away and is shrouded in violent inflammation. My mind can’t help but flash for a few times. I have heard the stories of cruel manor owners since I was a child, and the terrible stories of wandering, cramping, peeling, knives and mountains and frying pans have scared me trembling.
Not far from Zhuang, he was really angry and looked forward to it for a long time. The wise man turned out to be a fake, and the best headhunter even suffered from Waterloo.
Not far from Zhuang, I want to find someone to vent my anger. Naturally, I brought a fake to Sazle, but I can’t bear to be too hard on the best headhunter when I think of my hard work and bruises. He can sigh
"Mom eggs all say that academic fraud harms people’s integrity? Say good faith? ! Cheating is damn it! "
Jianbo turned pale with fear and hurriedly said, "Master Zhuang’s adult villain is not a servant teacher, but it’s not uncommon for him to be well informed. Although his medical skills are superior, he is very weak, and his fighting capacity is very poor. It’s very rare that there are often many manors with a clan of Wu Ling. In the late period of the manor, the workload of the Wu Ling clan increased due to fierce war, and he was often angry and beaten up. Many people died of overwork, but they could not be effectively supplemented …"
"Don’t manor owners don’t need to cure? Why don’t you cultivate more Wu Ling races? " How important is it to ask the doctor not far from Zhuang? How can it be extinct?
"The owner of the manor is the most powerful life in the universe, which is almost immortal. Even if there is a virus that can infringe on the owner of the manor, the final result will be tamed by the owner of the manor … For the servants, the pathological change is just that the owner of the manor screens the tools of the servants … Just let the servants die and die. The owners don’t care."
Mom, this is really a typical picture of whether you don’t need a doctor or not. Are these manor owners idiots? Don’t you know that a boat can be overturned by water? I’m afraid that by the end of the war, the Wuling clan had run out of money, and the servants suffered a lot of casualties, but they couldn’t be treated. It’s too late to regret it.
It was not accidental that the manor owners fell, but they died by themselves.
But their death is miserable. Zhuang is not far away.
When I thought it was still frozen, several Erhuozhuang, such as Dahu, sighed.
I just want to treat a few dogs. What’s so difficult?
Not far from the villa, Jianbo frowned and quickly said, "Master Zhuang doesn’t know whether you have a serious illness and need treatment from the Wuling clan?"
Said the two men also took a glance at Zhuang not far away, but it’s hard to hide.
"Mom eggs! There is no nonsense in fart! " Not far from Zhuang, he waved his hand and slapped him, beating them to tears and never thinking again.
More than ten kilometers away from the manor, members of the Tieshi Town Guard who have just escaped are hiding at the edge of a pyramid and looking at the direction of the pyramid with a telescope more than one meter long.
"No, the wise adults and elders have been caught!"
"Cruel manor owners beat wise men and elders!"
"The wise adults and the elders have been beaten and cried!"
"The wise men and elders were beaten and cried again!"
"If you hit the wise men and elders like this again, you will be dead. What about the captain!"
What should we do? I don’t know what to do!
Take the lead, captain, with a tangled face.
He twitched consciously, and his nose was filled with cruelty. It was terrible not to wake his opponent at all times.
And just now, so many of them have been defeated by a face-to-face meeting, and now there are less than half of their associates who are crying and crying on their faces, and they will not be able to restore their combat effectiveness for a while.
But they are the Stone Town Guards. If they can’t protect the wise and the elders, what kind of guards are they?
Struggling for a long time, the captain gritted his teeth. "On the theory that we can’t be so humiliated by wise adults and elders!" Let’s go back and save them! "
"But the elders told us to run quickly, and that’s the cruel manor owner. What if we are caught …" A guard member next to us said weakly.
Every Nathanian’s childhood is a cruel manor. In the story, he fell asleep, and he was born with a fear of the cruel manor.
"members of the body guard should put their lives and deaths at risk!" The captain said impassioned, "Who wants to come with me?"

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