Behind him, the grandparents and grandchildren of the Zimo people are assembling houses. For them, this cold weather seems to have no feeling at all. In 20 degrees, they are wearing thin clothes and show their solid arms.

Next to a few hammers, I squatted and looked at the big wood. I was very upset and shouted, "Do you look at the old work here?" Don’t hurry to help? "
Hammer Man Manor is probably the lowest-ranking creature because most of them are prisoners.
The ink-painting people are also used to yelling at them.
These hammer people themselves are well aware of their position. When they hear this, they will jump forward to help.
Who would have thought that not far from Zhuang, he saw a striding rush and said, "Wait!"
Several hammers and inkers froze.
"How can you let the hammer work? We built this base to protect the hammer people and give them a chance to live again. How can these jobs be done by the hammer people, right? " Not far from Zhuang, he said bluntly, and then he said kindly to the hammer next to him, "Come here, come here."
The hammer man walked to Zhuang not far away, shivering all around him.
Zhuang is not far away. They can smell cruelty and blood. This is definitely a tyrant! Super tyrant!
Next to the ink man, he also looked stupid and forced the owner to be crazy.
If you don’t do this, Master Zhuang must be trying to do something wrong.
Zhuang took the hammer man to the camera not far away and said, "As everyone can see, this is the best habitat we can find for the hammer man."
"But it’s not easy to build a hammer rescue camp here," Zhuang said. "It’s too cold here. Our workers are very inefficient and many people are frostbitten."
The reporter’s camera took a picture of the worker next to him.
The ink man looked at the camera with bare arms with a blank face.
Zhuang made a wink to them not far away, and they hurriedly pretended to be shivering.
Reporters said …
Can you lie with your eyes open?
Not far from Zhuang, change the subject quickly. "Even people who have never been afraid of cold hammers are shivering with cold …"
The camera turned to the hammer man next to it.
Not far from Zhuang, the manor owner turned around and stared at the group of hammer people, shaking like wrecks.
"We have tried our best to create a warm and comfortable environment, but the materials are really in short supply at present. Do you sympathize with these poor people and hope to give them a better home before they need us to create a video camera together in the future?"
"I’m here to appeal to every caring person in the world, everyone who sympathizes with and likes hammers. Please extend your hands to help hammers build their homes and give them a brand-new day … They are a group of poor people whose homes belong to them. We should let them feel the warmth of the world."
"Our hammer rescue organization is a non-profit organization, which mainly relies on donations to maintain its operation. At present, there is some shortage of funds. I beg the world to donate and let us hammer people together to create a better day."
"Our donation account is that we accept various donation methods and various coins. You can log in directly to the network …"
Next to several manor servants and chicken knights looked at each other. "What is this, Master Zhuang?"
"My shallow knowledge shows that the landlord is trying to cheat money again."
"Who cheat money?"
"Of course, it’s those hammer fans." Not far from Zhuang, the interview ended and leaned in. "Didn’t you see that a large number of people on the Internet called for help to hammer people’s lives? Some of them … who dares to say a bad word about hammer people? They can’t wait to fight hard with others."
"There are so many hammer fans on the Internet that if one person takes out a knife, there are at least tens of millions of knives!"
"Don’t look at these hammers. They are also the God of Wealth." Zhuang patted a servant on the shoulder nearby and said, "Learn to make money anytime, anywhere!"
Servants immediately nodded to SHEN WOO, not far from Zhuang.
Then Zhuang is not far away, waiting for all kinds of donations to fly from all directions like snowflakes.
In the evening, Zhuang asked Liu Jinge not far away, "How much money is in the donation account?"
Liu Jinge glanced at the way "25 …"
"2.5 billion dollars?" Zhuang is not far away. I’m so happy. Look at it. It’s earned 2.5 billion dollars.
"Master Zhuang, what do you want? There are 25 knives … "
"What?" Zhuang is not far away. I can’t believe it. That’s all you donated?
"Wait …" Not far from Zhuang suddenly thought, "Isn’t 25 dollars the amount left in our previous time?"
"Mom sells batches!" Zhuang was not far from upset. "These goddesses shouted loudly one by one. When it was their turn to pay, there was none!"
Zhuang not far turned to look at the group of big ye like squatting next to hammer humanity "still stay there? Get to work quickly! Don’t you see so many houses to be built? I will sink anyone who dares to be lazy! "
Hammer people hurried to work, scrambling for fear that they would sink into the river not far from Zhuang.
Not far from Zhuang, I didn’t expect this picture to be taken by reporters again. Soon, the network was boiling again.
"It is forbidden to abuse hammers!"
"Hammer man is our friend, not our slave!"
"Tyrant! Ignore people’s hands! "
"Please be kind to the hammer man and the world!"
"Death to the tyrant!"
Even a demonstration broke out in some places, strongly condemning Zhuang’s ill-treatment of hammer people not far away.
"Hey, you goddames are active when you don’t pay?" Zhuang is not angry. Aren’t you upset? I’ll make you even more upset
There is another advertisement on TV.
The side of an iceberg floating in the sea was flattened, and a huge target was painted with red paint.

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