Zhang Chongxuan showed his appreciation. Although a slave soldier is ordinary in his eyes, he has an advantage that few people have, that is, belief can actually dominate himself in life. If belief is lost, then this person loses his soul.

Faith is also the general belief of the Yuan God. It is also difficult to cultivate the Yuan God, but the belief is weak. Then he will have a strong slave physique. Judging from his early cultivation, it will definitely be a waste of effort, but in the later period, the cultivation of the Yuan God will be like a duck to water.
Zhang Zhongxuan nodded, "You are very good. From now on, you will be our apprentice."
"Is the teacher" slave soldiers weak way
"Yang Mu, you also get up."
"yes, master"
Yang Mu patted his clothes and said to Zhang Zhongxuan, "It’s time for the master apprentice to stay in the army and go home. Please tell the master that you will stay in Xianju until the apprentice has dealt with my family’s affairs and come back to learn."
"Since you have a family problem, you don’t have to follow me." Zhang Zhongxuan said and took out a horn-like crystal and handed it to Yang Mu. "This is a signal crystal. If you crush it, I can appear by your side."
Yang Mu took the signal crystal and put him in his arms, saying, "Master, that disciple is leaving now."
Zhang Zhongxuan nodded his head.
Watching Yang Mu leave, the slave soldiers also said, "Although Master ACTS worships your teacher, I don’t want to leave the army and ask the master to forgive me."
Zhang Zhongxuan didn’t ask the slave soldiers why they never left the army. "What’s your name?"
Slave soldiers firmly replied, "I am called an iron heart."
"Iron heart, the slave word on your face and forehead is too ugly. Let me help you get rid of it."
Tiexuexin immediately refused, "I don’t need this slave word carved by my parents, and I don’t want to erase what they left me." When Tiexuexin’s parents were captured by the army, they personally printed this slave word for him, in order to make him remember this slave word and inspire the new general to get rid of the fate of slave soldiers and become an adult.
Iron-blooded heart has come from suffering since childhood and cherishes all his things very much. Every time he is bullied in the army, he will touch his forehead and make himself full of confidence in life. It is suspected that this slave word is the wealth of his life. Naturally, he will not let him disappear like this.
Zhang Chongzhu was a little weak and mused, "Don’t erase it, but since you are my disciple’s face, there is a slave word that can’t be said in the past. Tell you what, I’ll give you a method to cover the slave word on your forehead for ten years, and then you can make a decision, so that you won’t erase the slave word and lose my face."
Iron heart know this is Zhang Zhongxuan bottom line or promised to come.
Zhang Chongxuan’s right index finger flicked his middle finger and murmured something in his mouth. What he made was to hide a hundred to ten thousand small things in the celestial world! Said the celestial smoke screen "hidden" Zhang Chongxuan drank a pair of fingers and pointed at the iron heart. Suddenly, a white light flew out of his fingers and sank into the iron heart. A white gas emanated from the iron heart’s forehead, and slowly the slave marks on the iron heart’s forehead disappeared.
Look at the sky. Zhang Zhongxuan is afraid that Xie Kexin and the two sisters are worried about the iron heart. "I’ll come back to you when I get back."
Iron heart naturally should be.
(The first shift today)
Chapter ninety Iron Dan Xin
Chapter ninety Iron Dan Xin
One day later
After dealing with some things at hand, Zhang Zhongxuan thought it was time to fix the truth with the iron heart. When the black dragon rope came out, he flew to the frontier barracks. Since Zhang Zhongxuan slaughtered the camp, it was deserted again and again, and there were dead bodies everywhere. I don’t know where the iron heart is.
Looking around with four eyes, Zhang Chongxuan’s figure flew towards the hill together.
The hill is located 100 feet away from the military camp, but it is lush in this autumn, and the iron heart is sitting in the grass in the forest. In front of him are two graves, which have been repaired neatly. There are no weeds at the roots of the graves. Obviously, someone often comes to clean the graves.
Zhang Zhongxuan gently landed beside the iron heart and saw the iron heart sitting in front of the grave. He looked at the grave like a stone and didn’t know what was going on in his mind.
"Master" turned his head.
Zhang Zhongxuan glanced at the two graves and said, "Thinking about your parents?"
Iron-blooded heart got up and looked at his parents’ graves and remembered, "Today is the anniversary of their death for ten years."
Zhang Zhongxuan oh a "what are you going to do? Stay here all the time? "
Iron heart way "no, I want to stay in the army"
Zhang Chongxuan looked at the barracks and said, "But the barracks are gone."
Iron-blooded heart affirmed that "the frontier reins are important places in the country, and the court will definitely send more troops to station them, and then I will enter the army."
Zhang Zhongxuan said, "Why do you want to join the army?"
Iron heart cast a glance at the grave and revealed a sad smile. "My father personally branded slaves on my forehead in the hope that I could become a general one day."
Zhang Zhongxuan looked up at the sky and said, "Don’t you just live for your father?"
"No, it’s me. My parents were both orphaned when I was three years old. I have been bullied by everyone, whether it’s slave barracks or those waiting for soldiers. I will endure it because I believe that I will let them all face me one day. When the two armies are fighting, my little slave soldier will also be sent to the battlefield."
Iron-blooded heart said that there was a flash of lotus flower in his eyes. He said, "Slave soldiers are the lowest soldiers in the army and have always played the role of cannon fodder. For the first time in the battlefield, I was afraid to see the rain arrows shooting one living person after another in front of me. I was thinking, am I like them?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
Zhang Zhongxuan looked at the iron heart and revealed a little unexpected color. Because the iron heart was telling his past memories, there was an imposing manner in his body. That imposing manner was different. It was made up of faith. The spear man felt very fierce and seemed to have no injustice.
Iron-blooded Heart still said, "At that time, when I was young, I made a decision to lie on the ground and play dead, so I played dead and survived several wars. One day, a slave soldier was killed in front of my eyes, and his blood spilled all over my face. I saw his eyes, and I suddenly realized that I had been doing something wrong. It was a surprise that I got up and killed the man who killed the slave soldier. In that battle, I killed three people and finally fell to the ground with ten knives."
____ _w_w_w____ ___o_m
The iron heart tore the slave soldier in his arms and immediately revealed his thin body. There were ten shocking knife marks in front of him, one of which was through the heart. The iron heart grinned and pointed to the knife mark at the heart. "At that time, my body was blood and my heart was stabbed. No one died in this situation, but I came alive because at the moment I fell, I suddenly had a strong desire to live! I kept repeating this idea in my mind. At last, I couldn’t move my body, but I found my hands moving. So I climbed back to the barracks one night. Everyone in the slave barracks couldn’t believe it. I was reborn. "
Iron heart paused and then said, "I found my goal in life after the First World War. I look forward to every war. Sometimes I will keep practicing knife skills, and I will watch others move for a long time in every battle. I can better observe the surrounding situation and check the situation of the regular army around me."
"Is it because?" Wrong novel network don’t jump word Zhang Chongxuan light way
Iron-blooded heart smiled, "I want to go against the sky because it’s not fair, but my father used to be a soldier and my mother was the daughter of a businessman. As a result, the sky reduced them to slave soldiers, and I was treated as the lowest slave soldier from birth. I don’t want to be a slave soldier, but I want to be a general. Only by killing in the war can I feel my position."
"It’s a good fate to go against the sky," Zhang Zhongxuan applauded. "In that case, I will be your general Wan Xiao Jian Lei tactic."
"No, no, no," Iron Heart refused. "He is already a dead man. It’s not worth learning."
Zhang Zhongxuan looked at this moment with an iron heart and smiled. "You are so ambitious. Since you refuse to learn, I won’t force you. I will help you build a foundation and really explore your own way."
Zhang Zhongxuan said that his left hand rested on the iron mind and body force, and his iron heart was set in the middle. He was going to help the iron heart to relax the meridians and repair the truth. The master can really help others lay the foundation, but one thing is that this foundation is only to help others expand the body vein, which makes that person more conducive to practice, but it does not increase his skill.
Zhang Chongxuan, on the other hand, is not a Li Xianjie technique, which helps the iron heart to live and pulse, and the iron heart’s physique and meridians will not change a bit. At the same time, the iron heart will expand and absorb Zhang Chongxuan’s true yuan, and then turn itself into itself. Of course, even if it becomes an iron heart, its true yuan will be put into a cup like water. If it is poured out, the iron heart will remain in the other body, so Zhang Chongxuan’s true yuan will disappear in the form.
Zhang Zhongxuan naturally considered this point and did so because it was a sudden inspiration when he taught Zhao Zifeng and Weathering Cloud to cultivate the sacred meaning. Now, he has to do it again as he taught Weathering Cloud and Zhao Zifeng. Zhang Zhongxuan also asked himself that he can’t do it. Seeing that his iron heart is so ambitious, he tried to melt himself into the iron heart and let himself understand the spiritual meaning by cultivating the gods.
Tao Dao Xuan cyan Zhen Yuan released from Zhang Zhongxuan’s palm and slapped on the iron heart and body. Zhang Zhongxuan has already helped the iron heart to build a foundation.
(Daily second watch)
Chapter ninety-one Too Yang Mu
Chapter ninety-one Too Yang Mu
Zhang Zhongxuan stayed in the frontier with Tiexue Heart. Although he didn’t teach Tiexue Heart knowledge, he tried to instill some theories into Tiexue Heart by circumstantial evidence. Although he couldn’t understand it in a short time, he was able to keep the theories taught by Zhang Zhongxuan in mind with perseverance and conviction.
Four or five days have passed, and the troops sent by Beijing have also arrived at the frontier. It is said that today’s saints will be angry with many people when they hear that hundreds of thousands of troops guarding the frontier have died unexpectedly overnight. However, the frontier is an important country. Although the emperor was furious, he did not forget to send troops to defend the frontier, and the iron heart also bid farewell to Zhang Zhongxuan and walked to the newly-built camp.
Carving the iron heart is still weak, but the steps are vigorous and striding, and the road is endless. Zhang Zhongxuan stands with his hands down. Looking at the back of the iron heart, he knows that one day the iron heart will become a general.
A faint signal came to Zhang Fu and Zhang Chongxuan stopped. With a wave of his hand, his right hand suddenly produced a ripple in the sky. A vortex like a water pattern appeared in the sky, and Zhang Chongxuan stepped in and flew along the faint signal. When he appeared again, he saw Yang Mu looking forward to watching.
Out of the whirlpool, Zhang Zhongxuan looked around and saw that the whole room was spacious and the decorations around it were extremely extravagant. The most conspicuous thing was that Yang Mu’s bed was covered with a golden silk bed with a dragon in Zhang Xiu. Zhang Zhongxuan naturally saw that his place should be the palace.

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