All this happened after the helicopter was destroyed. Zhou Xiao thought a little and understood what was going on. Because the 31 missile almost flew close to the ground-its distance from the ground was not more than 200 meters. Its extremely high-speed movement caused the gas it passed to produce extremely intense movement. It was this extremely intense movement that caused the rocks and vegetation to be destroyed, but the air transmission force was necessary, and the missile moved too fast. It looked like the helicopter was destroyed first and then the ground was destroyed.

After the jet helicopter was destroyed, there was another explosion not far behind it. Cruise said simply, "In order to prevent accidental disasters, the design of the three-one missile determines that the thermal insulation layer will be destroyed at such a high speed after it hits the target, and its surface temperature will be extremely high. The huge difference between the high temperature and the low temperature will lead to the violent explosion of the materials that make up it. It is because of this means that the killing range of the three-one missile will be controlled and will not wave to the non-combat area."
This kind of setting is extremely necessary. Without this kind of setting, a three-in-one missile can fly nearly 100 kilometers only by inertia. Maybe this is the battlefield, but there is a residential area. What if a missile leaves the battlefield and flies to a residential area? This design completely avoid that possibility of accidents.
In addition to the three-one missile, the military personnel have also adopted many kinds of attack means. Zhou Xiao is sure that there must be no less than ten satellites watching here in the sky. The government has deployed tight encirclement in this area. All these means are to prevent one person and one object from escaping from this base.
Anliyah continued to manipulate her. More than 300 jet helicopters have rushed into the sky from the tarmac. At this time, Zhou Xiao and Cruise felt that the helicopter they were riding also had a slight tremor. After a while, their vision changed, so they knew that the helicopter had also taken off.
The helicopter flew gently and left the tarmac with more than a dozen planes and came outside. At this moment, Zhou Xiao felt that his heart seemed to jump into his throat. Because Zhou Xiao didn’t know when a Sany missile would fly at him by helicopter, it was impossible for the helicopter base to escape its attack because of the horrible speed of Sany missile.
However, the helicopter that Zhou Xiao three people were riding was not attacked by missiles after all, but only by some small shells and guns. Although these weapons can cause some damage to the jet helicopter, they will also shoot down Zhou Xiao completely. So, I sat there dizzy and looked at Anliya’s hands like dancing. The control panel jumped, so the helicopter suddenly flew high and suddenly lowered, and sometimes fled with the rest of the helicopter, and sometimes returned to the base, and sometimes went in this direction and sometimes in that direction …
Anliya Cao seems to be a child’s nonsense, but Zhou Xiao knows that this is not the case. On the contrary, every change in the battlefield will be detected by Anliya, and then immediately judge and find out how to deal with it. The enemy formation changes will be closely calculated by Anliya and then find out the breakthrough route
It’s like a real-time large-scale war strategy game. The difference is that this time the game bet on the lives of three people, Anja Zhou Xiao Cruz, or … half-life freedom, which will decide whether the three people spend the rest of their lives in prison or spend half their lives in the sunshine and breeze.
Zhou Xiaofa’s description of the charm of Anliya’s exercises seems inexplicable. Zhou Xiao feels that he has left the base for nearly 100 kilometers. At this moment, there are less than 200 jet helicopters left, and there are only more than 30 with this jet helicopter he is riding. At this time, Anliya suddenly shouted, "Pay attention to our forced landing!"
Before Zhou Xiao came to understand what this sentence meant, he felt a violent shaking enveloped the whole plane. At the moment, Zhou Xiao flashed a sentence in his mind, "We were hit!"
The jet helicopter was indeed hit, but Zhou Xiao estimated that it was not enough to crash the plane, but I don’t know why Anya manipulated the helicopter and staggered like a broken kite and smashed it to the ground.
So Zhou Xiao was white. "So it was like this, pretending to crash and secretly letting the three of us escape from the ground."
As Zhou Xiao expected, Zhou Xiao was suddenly dropped by a huge impact, and he was tied up by a rope when he was shocked by seven vegetarian dishes. Zhou Xiao Anya tied Cruise at the other end of the rope, and then Anya threw her strength and let them be put on Anya’s shoulders like sacks. Anya’s hands were liberated, so Anya continued to command the residual jet helicopter in her hand, and at the same time she quickly ran into the jungle and disappeared. Together, Zhou Xiao and Cruise were close to 300.
Chapter one hundred and seventy Greed
Although it has landed safely on the ground, whether it is Anya, Zhou Xiao or Cruz, all three people know that they are not out of danger. Although the ground can be hidden by terrain, the government has also arranged a large number of troops on the ground. If there is no good way, it is only a matter of time before these three people are searched by government troops.
Anliya ran fast. Zhou Xiao and Cruise felt that their stomachs were about to jump out because of the bumps. But even so, Zhou Xiao struggled to call out, "Tyrannosaurus rex, stop! Give me the brain first … "
Anliya immediately stopped and manipulated the terminal surface, setting the remaining jet helicopters to automatic operation, and then handed over the computer to Zhou Xiao Zhou Xiao. First, he threw up his stomach, and then he took over the computer without even wiping his mouth. Then he knocked. As Zhou Xiao moved, a three-dimensional map quickly appeared, and Zhou Xiao set several parameters. The map scale was reduced, and several red dots gradually appeared and flashed.
"Recently, a hidden base is five kilometers away from Tyrannosaurus rex. You should take us there quickly. There is a tunnel leading to Hope City, and we are out of danger when we get to Hope City."
"Is there such a thing? Hidden base? Why don’t I know? " Anliya some doubts.
Zhou Xiao said with a wry smile, "This is the last backup of our base, and it’s when the boss prepares to escape as a last resort. Well, this is the day before the boss lost contact with us. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t expect to get these things …"
Cruise doesn’t care about these things. He cares a little. "That is to say, these secret bases have bosses and you know? Rodriguez doesn’t know? "
"Yes, the boss and I know," Zhou Xiao said. "Rodriguez must not know there."
"Well, then don’t talk nonsense about five kilometers … if it’s flat and there are no burdens on you two, I can get to the present and add you in at most minutes … I need fifteen minutes less to get there. We’ll start." Anliya decided immediately and got up again, shouldering Zhou Xiao and Cruise again and then moving forward quickly.
Anliya’s mind may be a little simpler, but Zhou Xiao and Cruise are both first-class people. At this time, both of them happen to think of the same thing, that is … Li Yunfan told Zhou Xiao about the secret base at the last moment. Does this mean that Li Yunfan had a presentiment that there might be an accident? Rodriguez may be a traitor?
But if Li Yunfan really foresaw this, what did Li Yunfan do to deprive Rodriguez of his power? Or ….. This is just a feeling of Li Yunfan to prevent Li Yunfan from taking precautions in case?
It’s quite possible that Li Yunfan is also a person rather than a god after all.
AnLiYa with two people fast shuttle through the jungle in the sky is constantly flying over all kinds of armed aircraft from time to time there are rumbling gunfire explosion situation is really dangerous to the extreme and this dangerous environment … Three people have not seen for a long time in memory.
It’s all because Rodriguez couldn’t be in such a bad situation if Rodriguez hadn’t betrayed the three men.
Fortunately, I didn’t encounter any accidents all the way to the scheduled place. Anliya put them away and still didn’t face red and breathe. She then asked, "Where is the secret base?" How can I not see anything? "
There is really no shadow of a secret base here, except for withered leaves and scattered rocks, like trees and weeds elsewhere. Zhou Xiao struggled to get up. First, he called up several parameters from his brain, then calculated a little, then he entered a long string of passwords, and then he pressed the confirm key. Then suddenly a weird bang sounded in the jungle, and then a stone next to him rose to reveal a dark hole.
"Let’s go in" Zhou Xiao got in without hesitation. Anliya and Cruise glances followed and got in. After all three of them entered the pit, the big stone slowly fell down again, so from the outside, there was no trace at all. It was still weeds, fallen leaves and rocks in the jungle, and no one had moved.
Zhou Xiao was holding the portable computer with one hand. After a while, I didn’t know what Zhou Xiao pressed. The dark passage lit up in an instant. By this time, three people could see the layout in front of them. It was a small room. In the middle of the room, there was a car with a very strange shape. Zhou Xiao knocked on a keyboard. The car looked like a light flashing on the east and west. So Zhou Xiao nodded and said, "Let’s go."
Three people took the car in turn, and the car sank toward the ground and touched it next to Zhou Xiao and touched several respirator interfaces. So the three people put the respirator in their mouths to breathe the oxygen that had long been good. Zhou Xiao touched it again and pulled out some ordinary clothes that seemed to be easy things.
In the dark tunnel of the car, three people have already changed their clothes and makeup, and they are busy. Suddenly, there is a dull rumbling behind them. Cruise and Anya are dazed, and Zhou Xiaoze shrugged their shoulders. "These secret bases are all self-destructed at one time."
So the three people no longer pay attention to those things. In about five minutes, they finished wearing makeup and changing clothes. At this time, the car also stopped. Zhou Xiao three people groped from the car and came to the end. When they pushed the outside, the dazzling sun shone.
Obviously, this is the exit. Three people climbed out along the exit, carefully concealed the exit, and then left here sadly.
It’s at least 200 kilometers away from the base, and it’s not worrying about being tracked for a short time.
Although it still belongs to the mountainous area, there are traces of human life here. Zhou Xiao fucked a portable computer and a flying car flew over. Three people took the car and ran to Hope City next to it.
With a large population, it is hoped that the three people in the city will have 10 thousand ways to hide themselves perfectly from the government and reach the city, which means that the three people are really safe
Until then, three people breathed a sigh of relief and came to the secret stronghold in Hope City. Zhou Xiao and Cruise immediately collapsed their seats and gasped for a long time.
"Hey, don’t just sit there. We have to discuss what to do next?" Anliya yelled, "Black holes are hopeless. I’m sure the military has turned it into the most secure place in the world. We can never steal black holes from there. What if there is no black hole blocking plan? Are we going to watch the whole earth fall into that vast universe? Also, according to the calculation, the huge turmoil caused by the fall of the earth is very likely to tear the boss into pieces in his spaceship. What should we do? "
"The three of us can’t discuss anything here." Zhou Xiaoyou said with strength. "Although there are still some bosses on the earth who have not been known by Rodriguez to be able to be taken by us, I don’t think it’s urgent to save Zhao Lan from the responsibility of blocking the plan. The boss must have his own reasons for choosing Zhao Lan … I think Zhao Lan may have a way."
"Then what are you doing? Hurry up and search for information to see where Zhao Lan has been taken. We must work out a rescue plan quickly … It’s two and a half months before the final calculation. We must hurry up. If it’s too late, we really can’t come." Anliya cried.
"Well … I’ll go." Zhou Xiao muttered a little reluctantly, and took over the portable computer to search for information in the network world. Anliya was like standing on a soldering iron and kept turning around in the room, looking very anxious.

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