Besides, he’s my father. How can he treat me like this? "

Everyone nodded, but everyone always felt that something was wrong.
Suddenly Fu Xialiang shouted "No!"
"Wei Guo has a big problem waiting!"
Wei Guo frowned and asked, "What a big problem!"
"You this way, you this blood, you this life, this is just a day before tianjiao.
You and I are too Taoist to go straight to the nine kinds of great deities.
Your father is still in charge here, but what didn’t you practice avatar and achievement method? "
Wei Guo hesitated and said, "I have cultivated it. My cultivation is the best magical power and achievement method of Wu Wei!"
"What a fart! None of them are extraordinary Daoism, and none of them are shown in" Nine Changes in Life and Heartbreaking "!"
Wei Guo nu way "impossible! My dad won’t lie to me. My cultivation is the best achievement of Wu Wei! "
"Thousands of sichuan wave hand? What’s the point? Great rivers give birth to the moon? Break the body and drill the sky with three fingers? Move heaven, dry Kun, drop the tablet palm? ……”
This is Wu Weiyang’s famous feat, and Fu Xialiang’s face changed every time he said a skill.
After a long silence, he suddenly turned away from his original place.
"I’ll wait and check carefully to see what’s going on."
"Be careful and look at the situation first!"
Three people grow a sigh of relief.
But before he went out, a figure suddenly stood in front of him.
The man looks almost exactly like Wei Guo, but he looks at Wei Guo with a big smile as if the cat saw the mouse greedy.
Wei Guo frowned at the man and asked, "Second Brother, what can I do for you?"
Second brother Wei Xin suddenly laughed and said
"It has been raised for more than 20 years and finally matured. It is already a developed and developed trap!"
He laughed and laughed with murder!
Chapter one hundred and sixty-nine Born to be an outstanding person and dead to be a ghost male
Wei Guo’s face changed dramatically when he saw Wei Xin’s state.
"What did you say, second brother?"
Wei Xin sneered, "Nothing!"
Suddenly he jumped up and tore his hands like claws.
His right hand and five fingers broke out in their own power, and Jin Mu was in a state of uncertainty.
The five elements interact with each other to break all natural laws.
Many boxing methods practiced by Wei Guo are all wonderful to crack the boxing method again.
It’s like leaving the back door waiting for this day.
But Zhang Yue sneered at "Death Claw?"
This Wei Xin claw method is similar to the death claw to some extent.
In an instant, Zhang Yue handed Wei Guo many experiences in killing death claws.
Wei Guo’s sudden hand is a simple punch.
Punch according to Zhang Yue’s experience of killing death claw.
Actually, this punch is more like a sword than a fist!
Zhang Yue Jianfa!
Snap, snap, break Wei Xin’s five elements, tear his claws, and then punch him in the face.
But an inch short of stopping the fist wind blew his hair up and scared Wei Xin not to move.
Wei Guo slowly closed his fist and said, "Second brother, what did you say!"
Wei Xin’s claw method was broken, but it was not timid at all.
He looked at Wei Guo and said, "You are mature and should be eaten by us!" "
"Don’t struggle, you can’t escape from here. tight encirclement is already deployed!"
"Dad, this little thing is going to run. Come on!"
A man appeared in his roar.
This man is tall, his cheeks are chiseled like a knife, and his muscles explode like an upright steel lion.
His appearance is similar to that of Wei Xin and Wei Guo, and he is a family at first glance.
See this man Wei Guo salute shouted "dad second brother just like crazy …"
This man is Wei Guo’s father, Wei Daoqing, then the real person, the commander of the three thousand miles here!
He suddenly said, "Don’t call me dad after the fruit!
I’m not your father!
It’s time for you to repay me for raising you for so many years! "
Wei Guo turned pale and asked, "What does Dad mean?"
In this discourse, people appear around one after another, all of them are the preconditions, including Wei Guo’s eldest brother and fourth brother, as well as his brother Wu Wei, who surrounded Wei Guo sadly.
There is no warmth in their eyes anymore, just like the eyes of fierce beasts looking at their prey.
Wei Daoqing said slowly, "I named you Wei Guo because you are a fruit!
I’m not your father, your parents tried to protect you when you were born, and I killed them! "
Cold words seem like a trivial matter, but Wei Guo’s heart is shocked!
"When you were born, you were found to be a new recruit of Xianqin.
I, Wu Weixian and Qin Eternal Enemy, you will die.
However, I found that you have the practice mark of "Nine Changes for Living and Deciding Your Heart", which has kept you alive until now.

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