
Gong Sunqi sneered and pointed to his head. "Did you go out with the title of the new king in your head? Why should I gamble with you and what kind of chips can you take out?"
"I! !”
At that time, Lei Yin was speechless. He just really wanted to have a game with Gong Sunqi to see who was stronger than who. What he just said was just to stimulate Gong Sunqi, but it was him.
"I take money as a billion."
"A hundred million? !”
Gong Sunqi gasped for a billion dollars. How long did he have to struggle? His money was only a million dollars, and he won a new king with a hundred million bets.
Chapter 111′ shame’ GongSunQi
Gong Sunqi’s address to the new king has reached a point where it is worthwhile. "I just don’t know what the third month evaluation is. If the third month evaluation is the same as the first month, then the title of the new king will be there. If it is not the same, it will be nothing."
The title of Newcomer King is just that Gong Sunqi has already finished half of it, so he needs to get the other half.
In order not to let Lei Yin see that he really needs money, Gong Sunqi looked at Mu Chenxi and Shui Yirou. "What do you think? Do you want to gamble or not?"
Instructor took the microphone and growled at GongSunQi and Lei Yin, "Are you two finished or is it time for class evaluation? You will solve your problems when the evaluation is finished. That’s your problem. Stop it now."
A teacher said that Sun Qi looked like a koo. "Teacher, it seems that I didn’t pick things up. He picked things up first. I just sat next to him and became a melon eater. He provoked me first. I demanded compensation. My little dream was frightened."
Poof ~ ~’
I’ve never seen such a shameless person, and I can still blackmail at this time.
Gong Sunqi said that "everyone is blind and there are cameras over there. Moreover, according to Yunxi High School regulations, it is not allowed to interfere with the normal life of others. Now Lei Yin has seriously interfered with my normal life. I want to be a melon eater, so he interferes with what I said and I demand compensation."
"You you ~ ~"
Lei Yin gasped for breath and could not speak.
"Well, teach the master this rule, but it is very clear word by word that students’ life should not be disturbed during class or during rest. If one party is disturbed by the other party, they can fight and apply to the school for compensation from the other party."
Gong Sunqi took out a Yunxi high school rule from nowhere and really turned to that page and said it word for word.
"So I want to fight you."
On a whim, Lei Yin heard a duel, but he didn’t hear Sun Qi’s face.
Gong Sunqi pointed to his head again. "You 44sb, I was disturbed by you, which decided that I didn’t. You did. I applied to the school, not you. I’m going to apply for Lei Yin to compensate me."
"Cough ~ ~ ~"
Lei Yin wants to show Gong Sunqi a good look, but now he can’t stand it. This is really shooting himself in the foot, and many students are watching.
Mu Chenxi seized the opportunity to speak with a high decibel. Many ironically said, "Lei Yin didn’t expect that you are talented but have no brains. Alas, you are still excellent. I didn’t expect that people with no brains estimated that people like you would be dragged down by your IQ in minutes and finally killed. There is a saying that opponents are afraid of gods and teammates are afraid of pigs. This is estimated to be you."
"poof ~"
Shui Yi-rou couldn’t resist laughing first. She knew that Mu Chenxi’s divination was a terrible escape.
"Everybody be quiet."
Teach the Lord to drink a strong temperament and release it instantly. This momentum is especially aimed at Lei Yin and Gong Sunqi.
Two more teachers came to put Lei Yin and Gong Sunqi back in their original positions. He waited and taught the Lord that if he compensated instead of fighting, he was worried that the evaluation would arrive next month. If it did, it would be bad.
"All right, teachers, take your class students to the evaluation, and then bring them back when the evaluation is over."
The instructor raised his hand just after Gong Sunqi said, "Teacher, I want to apply for compensation. Lei Yin has interfered with my life and I want to apply for compensation."
Team LeiYin almost didn’t fall to have so shameless?
"But you have to apply again after this evaluation."
The instructor glared at GongSunQi. He really wanted GongSunQi to stop. Even if Lei Yin provoked it first, it should stop. How do you say Lei Yin is also a noble and talented male brother? It is very likely that he will become a family leader.
"By the way, I can hit my face in public. Thunder Yin’s face must be very loud."
GongSunQi more think more stimulate sit back position waiting for the people to return.
Near dusk, the teacher finally brought the students back and listened to the teacher’s last speech, and then the class was over.
The instructor took some lists from the teacher in his hand. "I believe everyone knows that this evaluation is different from last month. I’m sorry to tell you that there are still some students who continue to study in Yunxi High School. This list in my hand will soon be sent to the corresponding people. Those who have got the list will leave Yunxi High School."
The instructor put the list in a file bag and sealed it on the spot. "Now, there are still two days to evaluate the one-month evaluation, and the third evaluation method is different."
On hearing this, Gong Sunqi’s excitement would have been fine if it hadn’t been the same as the first evaluation.
"Everyone should have experienced the jungle life in military training, and the second time is less than half a month. This time, the third evaluation will let you experience the jungle life for one month."
This student has fried the pot, and they have all been frightened by this military training, and they are afraid to come again this time.
"Be quiet and listen to me." Instructor angrily patted the podium. "You should have a brand-new life after two military trainings, and you should be more thoroughly transformed after two months of further study in school. This third month’s evaluation is also the meaning of school leaders. This evaluation does not adopt the class system. You can form a team with whom you want to experience."
Regardless of class? Unlimited number?
Gong Sunqi didn’t understand what he meant by this. "Wait, there seems to be a problem." Gong Sunqi made a bold assumption that "they are going to act."
Gong Sunqi looked at Yao Zi Ling. He knew that Yao Ziling must have known about this third evaluation, but Yao Zi Ling didn’t say to himself, was it hiding something?
Chapter 112 I changed my mind
After teaching the Lord, Sun Qi stood up and said, "Lord, I have something to say."
Teach the Lord to look at GongSunQi and know whether it’s time to come or not. "Tell me what’s up."
Gong Sunqi came to Taiwan to teach the main position and said into the microphone, "I just believed that the magic class also knew that Lei Yin provoked me to disturb my life first. According to the school rules, I have reason to fight him or apply to the school for compensation, asking Lei Yin to compensate me."
Power class obviously don’t know this matter, they whisper to each other and even ask Yao Zi Ling.
Lei Yin stood up and acted as a brave man. "What do you want me to pay for it? Or do you want to fight me? I will accompany you. "
GongSunQi hook up the corners of the mouth LeiYin hook "haven’t you always coveted the title of the new king? You’ve also offered a hundred million duels. Do you know that this title of the new king is very valuable and you can’t get any money for it? Besides, I haven’t got the title of the new king yet."
This is a fact. As soon as Gong Sunqi’s words tickle Lei Yin’s heart, he is more eager to get that title. The title of new king is not only as simple as evaluating it, but also has a lot of characteristics. Especially, these special Gong Sunqi know a little about it and don’t know it yet.
"What do you want?" Lei Yin asked.
Gong Sunqi looked at Shui Yirou. He had just chatted with Shui Yirou’s private mobile phone and knew the benefits of the title of Newcomer King. "Ten billion wants you to take out one billion to make a bet and win the title of Newcomer King. If you lose the one billion, I’ll see if you dare. Of course, you can also be a coward and refuse. If you refuse, I will apply to the school to ask you to compensate me for one hundred million."
Gong Sunqi asked Shui Yi Rou not only about the benefits of the title of new king, but also about Lei Yin’s personality at most.
How much do you know that just now, GongSunQi is exciting Lei Yin? If Lei Yin refuses, then he is a coward, and he still admits that he is a coward in front of so many people. If he dares to take up the battle, then one billion will go to GongSunQi, and GongSunQi is absolutely sure to win.
Anyway, you can win money anyway, can’t Sun Qile?
Lei Yin Guo is really frustrated. Lei Jia’s name is so proud that he is not allowed to call him a "coward". He must not be ruined by Sun Qi. "I bet."
"No problem, then it’s a day. Anyway, it’s a weekend holiday, and we’re here for everyone to witness it."
Gong Sunqi looked at Lei Yin, and the more he looked at Lei Yin, the more he felt that Lei Yin was a god of wealth, and he would be able to buy good things with ten billion yuan.
Ten billion yuan is just a month’s total salary for Lei Jia, who has deep pockets, but it is a lot for Lei Yin. It is very good that he can have one billion yuan, which was rewarded by his family when he was admitted to Yunxi High School.
LeiYin cold face staring at GongSunQi LeiYin eyes GongSunQi has been defeated by his hand.
GongSunQi eyes also reached GongSunQi natural and unrestrained left Taiwan, he already knew that the third month evaluation has been pat on the ass to leave, but he still has something to talk to water, and they said it was left until the end.

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