I didn’t expect three girls, Dou, Su and Zhong, to come here with a fairy sword. I was overjoyed and let Dou Gengyan break the central sword and break a vein, leading them to escape from the Lushan Mountain. They had already disappeared when they came in.

Demons can look at each other.
Tang Xiaofeng looked at Tianpan Mountain in the distance in the dark.
Tianpanshan Mountain is mountainous and full of weather. From a distance, it makes people feel extremely sinister. No wonder even the imperial court in Tibet has no way to lure them out of the mountain and blend in with the Han people.
Xu Lirong looked left and right at the small glass mirror behind him to make sure that the sword mark on his face not only healed the scar, but also was cleaned by jet skin cream, which was still as smooth, as smooth and as beautiful as it was. This was a relief.
Tang Xiaofeng turned around and smiled at her.
Xu Lirong flew past and stared at him coldly. "If you dare again …"
Tang Xiaofeng suddenly put his arms around her pink neck and kissed her hard, threatening her back. Xu Lirong also knows that this bad guy has always done whatever he wants and threatened him no matter how much. If it weren’t for his own face, he would still be infected by evil fire.
When Tang Xiaofeng returned to the source, Dan took some medicine-pleasing ingredients and quietly spent the past. It took Xu Lirong a long time to get horny and touch her chest and buttocks before she let go of her strange smile. Xu Lirong gave him a charming look and said, "You are really used to it. Aren’t you afraid that those silly girls will have an accident?"
Tang Xiaofeng said, "If there is a broken central sword, nothing will happen to them."
Breaking the central sword, but he made it with reference to the mysterious three ancestors’ ground-drilling shuttle, not only painted with immortal seal, but also brought his own wood essence. It is good that those monsters can’t catch them just by breaking the central sword
Xu Lirong said, "Then what are you waiting for?"
"Don’t you think it’s a little weird?" Tang Xiaofeng pointed to a mountain peak in Tianpan Mountain, and many monsters were trying to protect it. "These monsters obviously came from Weiyu Mountain. They put on an appearance. On the surface, they wanted to protect the altar of the dog seal so as not to let people destroy the sacrifice of the dog seal. In fact, they fought against the head of Tianpan Mountain more skillfully. They were another trapped place. Weiyu Mountain mistook them for murderers who killed many displaced people. However, the demon gate came here today, but there was no power to encircle them. Instead, Weiyu Mountain was the main force here to avenge many displaced people before helping those bloody witches in Tianpan Mountain.
Xu Lirong looked left and right in the mirror. "You said that your wife was listening."
Tang Xiaofeng gas knot … This dead woman!
I feel in his heart that the owner of the Feather Cave knows that Tianpan Mountain is going to release five plagues, and the king still dares to send all his monsters here. Does it mean that these monsters are not afraid of resin plagues?
Afraid of not necessarily … He has ulterior motives.
Yin Qiaowen, they all pretend to be Chivalrous swordsman. Chivalrous swordsman doesn’t have a sword, and there are chivalrous swordsman. Their families are bound to try their best to prevent the dog clan from cracking the seal and releasing the five-plague corpse king. Now that they have broken the central sword, they will definitely sneak into Tianpan Mountain to destroy those blood witch sacrifices.
Those monsters in Wei Yushan will be nervous when they suddenly disappear, and they will be more vigilant. At the same time, they will also think that they may have entered Tianpan Mountain, and it is not so close to see this posture. It is not difficult to take advantage of this and dive into it.
It’s what the cave owner of Wei Yushan is going to do, but it’s a theory that if we want to make it clear first …
"Let’s go" he swept to the other side.
"Soon" Xu Lirong gently pulled out the clouds in front of the mirror.
Tang Xiaofeng swept back and looked at her seriously. "Mom … you are already very beautiful."
Xu Lirong gave him a crossed look. "Even if you don’t talk about your wife, you know that you are beautiful."
"Then don’t go quickly?" Tang Xiaofeng grabbed the mirror and flew …
Chapter 14 Battle
I wish the flowers and others emerged from an underground tunnel in Tianpan Mountain.
They dived into a wider cave.
The ground is paved with hard diamonds, and there is an altar in front of it. Many witches and wizards in bloody cloaks dance around the altar and sing strange songs.
There are two people standing side by side by the altar, covered in tattoos. It’s the crack ring of the clan chief of Tianpanshan dog clan. His face is grim. The forbidden area here was originally for the dog clan to seal the king of five plagues and release the king of corpses. It was unimaginable for the clan chiefs of past dynasties. However, now he feels that if he doesn’t do something, the whole dog clan will cut off his own hands and let go of the king of five plagues. It is he who fought back against the Han people’s drive and slaughter of the dog clan for hundreds of years.
Next to the crack ring is a hydra monster.
Snakes have nine heads to eat! I wish that during the past two years, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China, Yushan, had a certain degree of understanding of the monsters of the Communist Party of China, and recognized this monster as the "blood phase liu" of the Communist Party of China.

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