"It’s okay, it’s okay." Xu Zhihu waved his hand if anything happened.

"So …" Yun Fan came back to the topic again. "Let’s talk about this bag … How much is a box of flower sister Shushan’s daughter-in-law who specializes in rouge?"
"Ah?" This question is like an arrow in a row. Chijie is thinking about how to explain the bag. When she hears the question, she almost blurts it out consciously-
"A small box of apricot flowers and rouge is thirty lingshi, but it will be discounted and given away every mid-term … eh?"
Chapter 217 Do you believe it?
At dusk, the sunset clouds cover the deck of the ship, and the atmosphere seems to be very strange.
Red face silly stare big eyes, although has been very hard to cover your mouth, but just speak has been closed back beside Xu Zhihu very language looked at her suddenly feel rouge gouache what really harmful …
But at this moment, who cares about the rouge shop? In the strange silence, Brother Chen and the three of them are stunned. Look at Red Sister and Xu Zhihu, Red Sister and Xu Zhihu …
After nearly half a quarter of an hour, Brother Chen suddenly shivered and stammered, "Wait, what do you mean, Sister Yun?"
"Yes, I’m afraid that’s it." Yun Fan nodded with a complicated face, staring at Xu Zhihu with complicated eyes and not muttering to himself. "It’s no wonder that I feel familiar from the beginning … it’s no wonder that hugging will suddenly riot … Take a closer look at it, even if it changes its appearance, but its tone of voice and expression …"
Okay, what, I’ll be a little square?
Xu Zhihu winked and looked around at the faces with complicated expressions. Suddenly, she turned around seriously and held the hand of Chijie, who was equally dumbfounded. "Chichi, you see, I told you. Since I entered Shushan, I always feel that there is a strange force affecting you … Well, do you often feel that there will be a lot of memories in your brain, just like becoming another person?"
What’s the matter? Chijie is silly and wide-eyed, but after a few seconds, she immediately reacts, "Right, right, think about it carefully. Does this mean that the Yin spirit is possessed?"
"Yes, it must be!" Xu Zhihu nodded with a serious face and sighed with emotion. "It seems that this situation is not suitable for us to stay in Shushan any longer, or we should go back to Dongshan first … Well, you won’t send goodbye!"
Let’s go, let’s go. He pulled up the silly red face and lady white snake conveniently pulled out the demon banners, and they were about to have a high dive. Let’s flash first.
The problem is that we haven’t waited for him to leave yet. We are on guard and monitoring several fairy ships. Suddenly, they turn around neatly. The first dozens of green lights shine in unison, and cold feelings point to his head, which has the momentum of "blowing into slag when you move".
Very good and powerful. Xu Zhihu immediately raised his hands and turned around honestly.
Just opposite him, Yun Fan and Brother Mu Yang are looking at his complicated expression with a strange face. It’s like waking up early one day and suddenly discovering that "the girl sleeping next to my bed is really a man, a man and a man". Well, this kind of entanglement can’t be expressed in words.
Instead, Brother Chen’s murderous knife-shaped eyebrows stand on end, gnashing his teeth, holding the sword handle, and the veins stood out on the back of his hand. The blade trembled slightly, and the sound popped out through his teeth.
"What I said … moved us to tears to worship and miss Brother Ning … actually … it was sent by the demon family … undercover?"
Lying in the trough, what kind of playing with feelings, and then abandoning the sense of sight after pregnancy?
Xu Zhihu’s hair stood on end, showing his teeth quickly and trying to make the smile look kind. "So what? It’s sunny and fresh today, and it’s not suitable for killing. Otherwise, let’s find a place to sit down and I’ll broadcast it in 36 cycles and tell it to you slowly."
Change the subject. This time, not only Brother Chen is homicidal and slowly forced to come, but also Brother Yang, a wooden brother next to him, and those younger brothers who are just getting started in Shushan are all drawn with swords, and their faces are silent from all sides.
At that time, the whole deck was completely deserted, with a sword drawn slowly, sharp friction, several steps falling on the deck, roaring with a cold wind sweeping through the fallen leaves, and the air temperature in Fiona Fang changed dramatically.
Well, what can I say? Xu Zhihu can sigh and look at them seriously. "Well, if I tell the truth, I am a white-browed palm Sect and go to Dongshan for double undercover … Well, do you believe it?"
Trust you!
In an instant, Brother Chen angrily drank a silvery white sword light and suddenly broke out like a purple silver snake roaring and cutting it down!
Almost instantly, in addition to a full face of eccentric Yun Fan outfield, nearly 100 Shushan brothers all drew their swords like a raging sea tide. Even if they were afraid to volley thousands of ships because of their scruples about the golden light ship, several swords merged into a turbulent tide, which was enough to cut Xu Zhihu into shredded green pepper.
If you are in an emergency … No, gather the demons!
Xu Zhihu grabbed Chijie’s face and suddenly retreated, so he drew out a gathering of demon banners, which was very numb and sighed. "Forget it. When you avoid it, just close your eyes and enjoy it …"
Sighing and shining, the green light suddenly broke out from the gathering demon banner and suddenly turned into dozens of feet. The wide circular umbrella cover will rush to the sword light river and block it abruptly!
The impact of terror Xu Zhihu suddenly slipped out with Chijie and slammed into the ship’s rail. "Wait, wait, I can explain!"
If you don’t explain it, don’t explain it. Brother Chen is furious and suddenly takes a step forward. The whole deck is violently shaking with silver hair and wind. It seems that there are fierce black gas around the body-"unforgivable! Play with feelings and cheat! Give it to me … Go to hell! "
With a thunder and anger, brother Chen leaped high, and his sword suddenly merged into a sword of hundreds of feet. With a dazzling light that makes people look straight, he chopped it down like Changhong!
Don’t talk like I got you pregnant, okay?
Xu Zhihu looked up at the sky and looked at the dazzling silvery white terror. The sword light fell from the sky and didn’t even come to dodge. Chijie was taken aback and hurriedly pulled out two pans to block the front. "Su Zhen prepares milk … er Su Zhen, what are you doing?"
Can’t come over there. lady white snake didn’t prepare to add blood. Instead, he drew a circle with a serious tail tip!
What can I say? The only thing Xu Zhihu can do is to hold Chijie and put his hand in his arms with a strange face. "Well, well, in that case …"
With a bang, he threw a red metal can and roared and flew directly towards the silver sword light!
"Stupid! Before Haoran’s righteousness, the evil instruments are all! " Brother Chen angrily drank a whole body full of awe and uprightness, and the silvery white sword light broke out, and the red metal can was chopped to pieces directly.
In the roar, the light brown liquid flying out of the metal can scattered and splashed directly on Brother Chen’s face!
However, this did not affect the noble and upright state. Brother Chen was still daring to fall from the sky. The silver-white sword light suddenly shone like the scorching sun. When it shone, it was dazzling, surging, raging and angry, and it turned the thunder into a roar, shaking the golden ship slightly-

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