But today, in a small corner of the earth’s killing field, there was a fierce battle for a moment. During the renovation period, Bai Xiaofei learned from his teacher and activated the life sharing that has been lost for thousands of years!

Bai Xiaofei’s golden skeleton faded to silver with the naked eye, and at the same time, the minotaur’s wound healed quickly. The dying minotaur suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Bai Xiaofei. "You saved me and set me free."
Bai Xiaofei shook his head. "Free will has long been in your heart. It was a coincidence that I awakened freedom."
Minotaur took a deep breath and it seems that even the blood gas is free. He lowered his huge head and asked Bai Xiaofei, "What shall we do?" Do you want to take advantage of the dark day when the magician calls us back to another world? "He made a knife gesture across his throat.
Bai Xiaofei mused, "If we suddenly attack, it is indeed possible to kill the Dark Sun magician, but what about the millions of summoners? Do we throw them to the earth? Do they kill each other? Many of the summoners are still your people, and many of them are my friends. We must never give up and abandon them. "
Minotaur scratched his head "don’t call the beast? After we kill the dark sun magician, they should automatically return to another world, right? "
Bai Xiaofei frowned and shook his head. "It’s hard to say that this summoning technique is really magical, but I didn’t know that summoning had the ability to share life until I saved you. What if we killed the dark magician and left the earth to summon animals and couldn’t return to another world?"
"I can’t make such a complicated matter with my head," said the Minotaur. "It’s up to you to make a decision. Just tell me what I should do."
Bai Xiaofei said, "It’s very simple to save people and save more summoners! I found that the moment when the summoner was dying, I could get rid of the summoner’s control. At that time, it was the best time for me to implant free will in their hearts. We were going to save more summoners who were in danger of death, and at the same time they lit one free fire after another in their hearts until all summoners were freed from the slavery of the dark magician and Jack the Great! "
The minotaur nodded heavily. "Okay, I’ll listen to you. What do you need me to do?"
Bai Xiaofei said, "We need more vitality when we save other summoning animals. I can’t sustain such a huge consumption by myself. I need your help."
The minotaur laughed. "My life is no problem if you save it or give it back to you and let me die!"
Bai Xiaofei said, "Rest assured that life sharing is a magical spell that will not kill people, but it is true that our skills will be greatly weakened."
Minotaur long body "that what are you waiting for? Let’s save more summoners together! "
There are many other summoners dying in this remote battlefield. Bai Xiaofei and Minotaur soon found dozens of summoners to share their lives and saved them. At the same time, they planted free fire in their hearts. These summoners who regained their self-awareness unanimously decided to save more summoners by sharing their lives as much as possible.
After being saved by Bai Xiaofei, a Gryphon beast said in a respectful tone, "I know you are the Lord of China, Bai Xiaofei, and I swear to recognize your Lord from now on." Bai Xiaofei’s bones have turned iron gray because of excessive vitality consumption. He chuckled, "There will be no king, monarch, master and slave in another world. Every monster is his own master!"
Chapter 66 Melee, chaos and fierce fighting (7)
This is a single spark that ignites life and free will.
Bai Xiaofei and Minotaur were repeatedly summoned to the earth and other worlds. Their life sharing way saved a batch of dying summoners and awakened their free will. Like wildfire, more and more summoners were rescued and awakened, and then they went to save and awaken more summoners.
The change of the front line was finally fed back to the Jackie Emperor, and the black witch excitedly reported to the Jackie Emperor that "the battlefield of respecting the emperor and summoning animals has finally taken over!" According to my investigation, the loss of summoning animals has dropped greatly, which means that the earth Coalition forces can’t beat us! The war is about to win! And you will be the master of the earth! "
Black Witch One was forced to be a minister because of the strength and bloodiness of Jackie Emperor, but now he finds that Jackie Emperor can really enlist the whole earth and immediately become a loyal slave. Now he hates that he can’t come out with a long dog tail and shake it at Jackie Emperor.
Jack the Great laughed proudly. "The final victory belongs to me, of course. I have an endless supply of slaves-millions of summoners. They are willing to give my life. The so-called human Coalition forces are a group of Ukrainian allies. How can they be my summoners?"
The Black Witch hesitated. "But I found that the summoners have consumed their skills after fierce fighting. Many summoners are barely alive and almost have a breath left."
Jackie Emperor nodded. "Well, I also found this situation. Summoning animals is not immortal after all." But his face immediately became ferocious. "Now the war is at its most critical time! The summoners’ skills have been exhausted, but the earth Coalition forces are also exhausted. There is a saying in Gu Yanhuang that when the two armies meet, the brave will win! If we work harder, the Coalition forces will be completely finished! I’ll make all summoners attack regardless of casualties! Attack! Even if it is death, give me a dead attack road! "
The order of Jackie Emperor soon reached every summoner. The Minotaur looked at Bai Xiaofei. "Jackie Emperor has ordered us to charge to death. This time, many summoners will be injured and many summoners will die. Even if you share the vitality, you can’t support it."
Bai Xiaofei is now responding to the word "white" in his name. He has become a white bone. As soon as he walks around, his white skeleton jingles. With several times of life sharing, Bai Xiaofei’s vitality has been overdrawn to the limit, and his skill consumption has faded from the original golden skeleton to an ordinary white bone.
Bai Xiaofei cracked his mouth and smiled. He patted his ribs. He naturally knew that this skeleton of his body would not last for a few days if he returned to a different world and harsh environment. At most, he would throw the earth, that is, he would be a teaching skeleton of a medical university, Malfoy Lin, and maybe he could last for a while, or even the dog would not bother to chew it.
Bai Xiaofei asked the Minotaur, "How many summoners have we planted the flame of freedom?"
The minotaur thought for a moment, "I can feel the free will beating in my heart-Bai Xiaofei, you should also feel it, right?"
Bai Xiaofei shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, I can, but I’m too weak now. How can I feel myself?"
Minotaur sighed, "Bai Xiaofei, you share life too much. If you go on like this, even if you don’t consume all your vitality, your body will fall apart if you are randomly bombarded on the battlefield."
Bai Xiaofei touched his broken ribs "in a gun will fall apart? I’ve been chopped down by a wood chopper a few times, and I’ll be finished. Well, tell me, how many freedom fighters do we have? "
The minotaur said, "One million-less than a little."
Bai Xiaofei opened his dark mouth and seemed to smile, "Oh, a lot."
The minotaur shrugged his shoulders. "It’s a pity that the millions of freedom fighters are vulnerable to the first world war. Most of them were awakened by you and me at the moment of death. Although they have free will, their combat power is too weak. Now the Jackie Emperor has forced the summoner to attack on a large scale. I am worried that it will be difficult for you to save the freedom fighters."
Bai Xiaofei asked, "What are you going to do, big guy?"
Minotaur straight wait for a while tunnel "my way is very simple, since the freedom fighters have awakened, they can resist the slavery of the Dark Sun magician and the Jackie Emperor to a certain extent, then we will let the freedom fighters try their best to protect themselves in the war and let those who have not awakened rush ahead to protect our strength."
Bai Xiaofei didn’t speak for a long time before he said, "Big guy, you mean to sacrifice those soldiers who didn’t wake up and let them be cannon fodder to cover us?"

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