The The six great divisions in the wheel of karma passage has been closed.

This passage is blocked, that is to say, I don’t care if I return the seal of Taishan Mansion.
Fortunately, there is a special channel leading to the reincarnation of the small universe in heaven, otherwise there will be nothing to do
Xu returned the seal of the two emperors, and this passage was hit instantly.
Don’t worry about Xu’s retreat, unless Di Zun holds a flag to cut the fairy and cut Sendai to wait for him, he will be safe.
On October 14, Xu retired and re-explored the reincarnation universe and successfully fell into the reincarnation universe to cut Sendai.
After entering, Xu retired and understood the reason why this passage was not closed.
The channel is subordinate to
The main body of the The six great divisions in the wheel of karma channel of the reincarnation universe is the reincarnation universe, which is the leading outward channel of the reincarnation universe.
The Ministry is closed. If you want to enter, there is only one way to storm.
But the main body of the Sendai channel is heaven, and the small universe is the channel from the outside.
To close is also the closure of the small universe in heaven.
Of course, the normal situation is the same from the closed words, but the closed strength is much weaker.
But what’s special is that it’s cutting Sendai.
All power belongs here except those with special tokens.
These are the two cosmic willpower rules of samsara and heaven, which people can violate at present.
In this way, it is impossible to reincarnate the small universe even if it wants to close this channel from the department.
Xu tui easily reached the small universe of reincarnation.
This laid a solid foundation for the future plan of taking millet from the fire.
Of course, exploration is not limited to this.
The whole chop Sendai was quiet.
Xu retreated without moving the imperial seal and moved to the edge.
Walking for hundreds of meters is a stay.
There are many flags and armies in the Sendai passage.
From afar, there are many mental and physical light spots, and the number of the army is hundreds of thousands.
Xu tui frowns
In terms of hell, it should be expected that someone will come in here to cut Sendai and arrange an army around here early.
In an instant, Xu retreated a little, suggesting the great power of the imperial seal to let his spirit cut Sendai, and then Xu retreated his spirit like a spider’s web and spread it in all directions.
At the same time, it also urged the seal of Mount Tai to retreat during the Second World War. The seal of Mount Tai controlled but did not take away the ghost. The handsome ghost will understand the intelligence.
There are 200,000 elite ghost troops on the edge of Sendai, surrounded by a five-fold defense circle.
But also mobilized the elite who were not born here in hell, including Huang Quanwei.
Only retreat can sense the breath of Jiuwei as high as 3,000.
Its 200,000 elite ghost army doesn’t have a second guard.
Under normal circumstances, this kind of power, the strength of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force, let alone the reality, can’t be killed even if it is turned ten times.
But Xu retreat don’t worry.
By then, he will be an army all the way
This surrounded the defense line to prevent the army, but it could not prevent the teleport avatar from retreating.
So don’t worry about it.
The plan to take millet from the fire should be able to proceed normally.
After half an hour, Xu retired and got the secret reward from those ghosts.
To sum up, it is about a cycle of small universe chaos. After half a day, there is no hell here, and the The six great divisions in the wheel of karma channel is completely closed, and all the ghost armies in hell are tied up and guarded
The whole hell has finished martial law, and all actions outside military orders are prohibited.
At the same time, the willpower of hell has fluctuated frequently in the past three months, which has made a lot of ghosts handsome and quite uneasy.
In the past, cloudy days were rarely seen, so stable morale appeared frequently.
After half a day, Xu retired and left the small universe of reincarnation.

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