Chief Xu’s ears suddenly moved in the house, and there was movement in the house!

"Come and see what’s going on outside!"
"Yes!" Xu, the head catcher, responded quickly. Although he didn’t hear anything here, the head catcher is an innate expert. Since the head catcher said he would go out to see it.
The catcher turned to lift his leg and was about to walk to the stairs leading to the ground when suddenly a loud noise came from the door.
The sturdy iron gate at the door seemed to be knocked upside down by a wooden stake.
The iron gate is not sharp at all, but the edge of the door handle is cut off. I just turned around and didn’t come to see what happened. It’s as easy as a sharp knife to cut tofu!
The iron gate fell with a bang when Xu’s catching head also grabbed the body and stared at the door with his eyes fixed on the direction.
"Who dares to rob a prison!"
Xu, the head catcher, greets him with a silver sword.
The white man threw the sword in his hand with a wave of his arm at the door.
The sword in the dark cell just left the white man’s palm, and then the silver light passed away and reappeared. It has penetrated Xu’s head and neck and deeply nailed the opposite wall of the cell!
There are a lot of captors left in the cell. Deep in their hearts, they are occupied by deep fear. Xu’s captor is an innate master, but now he was killed without even catching a move from the other side! Chief Xu is dead like this, so they …
"poop-poop …"
Sword to kill Xu catching head white man finally raised his left hand without moving, and with a wave of his hand, the palm shadow filled the cell one by one, even including the prison felons, except Li Chuan, who had just been taken in!
The white man walked to the wall, and a smoke was deeply inserted into the strong sword and slowly walked to the eyes of Li Chuan.
"Waste!" The white man’s sword flashed to Li Chuan’s neck and said coldly, "It’s bold of the head to send you outside to collect money by the name of a robber, but the head didn’t let you burn, kill and commit adultery and make such a big deal out of it."
"Master Cheng … I don’t want to. If I don’t do those things, I’m afraid others will doubt my identity, and most of the time I need to talk to other Jiang Yang thieves. I can’t help myself! But you should believe me, Master Cheng Zhong. I did it all the same. We really sent students to give us more money! "
Li Chuan looked at the handsome face in front of him, and his mouth twitched violently, showing that he was afraid to the extreme.
"You know fear, too?" The white man grinned with a sword in his hand and suddenly cut it.
"Click, click …"
Two crunchy Li Chuan hands and feet strong chains were instantly cut off.
I’ll let bygones be bygones after all the years of your sects’ hard work. The white man still has his sword in his sheath, but his sharp eyes are still staring at Li Chuan. Today, although I rescued you, you are not suitable to stay outside. You’d better go back to your peace of mind and recover from your illness. You tell me the place and I’ll collect it myself.
"Is everything heard as a young master?" Li Chuan nodded repeatedly but sneered at one in his heart. "After all, I knew that the sects would send someone to save myself. After all, I still have a lot of money in my hands over the years. The leader won’t let himself die. I didn’t expect that this time it was Xiao Chengzhong who came to save one of my own."
Li Chuan’ s thoughts in his heart once re-exported and said, "Master Chengzhong’ s money was taken away by that silly young master named Chang Sheng."
"Silly young master? Changsheng? " Xiao Chengzhong asked in some disbelief, "Is that the guy who took you?"
"Yes, that is, he caught me at the place where I lived, and I knew at that time that the wind was tight outside recently and I was going to give the money to the sect office first. In the past few years, I restrained the money and took it with me when the fool took me away."
Li Chuan said that he had made up a lie. Yes, Chang Sheng took some money at that time, but that money was recently robbed by him outside, which is far from the value he has restrained over the years.
"This Xiao Chengzhong is younger than himself. He is the second brother of the owner and his name is Xiao. His other identity is the grandson of the owner! Don’t say that your hamstring is broken, even if you are intact, Xiao Chengzhong can easily kill yourself! "
Li Chuan secretly thought, "You are no match for Xiao Chengzhong, but Chang Sheng? Although Xiao Chengzhong is a genius, Chang Sheng is even more horrible. He can pretend to be stupid and deceive everyone. This is really terrible and ruthless. Such a person must have a deep card to frame him. Xiao Chengzhong must settle accounts with him and then he will have a chance to escape! "
Li Chuan knew that if Xiao Chengzhong didn’t get the money he had been searching for over the years, then he must be An Xiaozheng, and he wouldn’t die if he didn’t get the money. What if Xiao Chengzhong was killed by Chang Sheng? Then he would be free!
"What Li Chuan was rescued? ! Didn’t you say that there were innate masters guarding him? How could he be saved by others? "
The news that Li Chuan was left early the next morning immediately spread all over Mengshan City.
"The momentum of Mengshan City has now gone into decline." Chang Sheng sat in his room and felt annoyed at the change of momentum of Mengshan City.
The momentum change in Mengshan City must be due to the fact that Li Chuan was robbed of a Jiang Yang thief who had been wanted for so long. He finally agreed to catch the result and was taken into the prison. It was still robbed that night in the county jail. The citizens naturally lost confidence in the county government when they got the news, so it was on the verge of governing the world and declining. It is not surprising that Mengshan City entered the decline.
"It’s a pity that I met the man who robbed the prison car on my own road. Although people killed themselves, I should have thought that since they didn’t succeed at that time, they should come to rob the second time and the third time until they succeeded! I should have found a reason to stay in prison yesterday! "
"There is also a treasure secret in Li Chuan. I plan to find another chance to ask him today. I didn’t expect that I had been rescued before I saw him!"
Chang Sheng sighed and walked behind him in the direction of the prison with ethereal and Guo Feng. They sent the present person and were robbed. They naturally came to see it. Besides, Chang Sheng still has an official position.
Looking for a captain, his duty is to protect the peace of a city and catch Jiang Yang thieves, but this is his duty.

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