You can’t tell her that his candidate is easy to see through. Surveyors don’t show any negative signs. Anthropologists are compassionate and pay attention to details, but she has proved her value demand. You are not sure whether this is a advantage or a disadvantage. Because of this demand, she will urge herself to keep making progress. But what will the region think? Linguists are too talkative and lack of province, but she is a local in the southern border and has shown absolute loyalty many times. She is Lori’s favorite candidate and therefore has various advantages.

Before this interview, you met Viterbi, and he came out to discuss in your increasingly chaotic office. What you talked about most was the importance of biologists to keep her suspicious, withdrawn and unsociable. In addition, biochemical components in the brain sometimes change naturally, and Lori’s secret experiment is to artificially promote this change-because her husband has gone to the area to "know it", it is a unique opportunity in terms of configuration because this connection has never happened before.
Biologists go into the area to explore together, unlike Viterbi, you don’t need to lead a team, but you go ahead like your father went to the mall when he was a teenager, so you don’t look at him the same way, but often look back to see where he is going.
As the questioning goes on, you become more and more convinced of your intuition, and you recall the area. Biologists remind you of the area.
The archives of biologists are amazing, covering a narrow but very rich area. You and she drive through the desert together to see the owl get out of the cave. You get lost in a high place where no one is seen. A cougar quietly follows the golden grass behind you until it reaches your knees. The bushes are burnt black and accompanied by silver ashes. You trudge through the mountain bushes and climb huge rock legs. Every muscle protests, but you are occupied by excitement and fanaticism. Even if you are tired, you keep moving forward. You follow her. Back in her freshman year, she rarely confessed to her roommate that she wanted to be alone. The next day, she moved into her apartment and walked five miles from campus to home in absolute silence, only through a hole in her shoe.
It’s certain that you have to pay a certain price to keep Lori away from biologists, but whatever it is, you are willing to pay it. You made this decision in the bar of Yue Planet Pavilion and ordered a whisky for a change of mood. I ordered a whisky for all four people in the bar for a change of mood. Because it’s getting late, because today is the weekend, customers of Yue Planet Pavilion are getting old, including yourself. The doctor told you that cancer has spread in your ovaries, and before you can get used to this idea in the blink of an eye, it will spread to your liver, which is another thing that no one needs to know.
"If we want to sell that house," the real estate agent told you, "we have to peel off ten layers of wallpaper first. In the past ten years, that woman has pasted wallpaper on the house over and over again. There are so many wallpaper, which is like a warning sign. Wrap her room from the inside out. I’m telling you, I’ve never seen such a thing."
You smile and nod, and you have nothing to say, nothing to add, but you are willing to listen to the last interest and strong interest.
That’s ordinary cancer, which is different from the accelerated canceration of the last member of the eleventh exploration team. It’s time to destroy you. You can receive strong chemotherapy and leave the Nanjing Bureau and finally die. You can also insist on joining the twelfth exploration biologist to cross the border and never come back. You have had secrets before. What about one more?
In addition, some more interesting secrets were revealed because Grace finally found out Jackie Severance’s information, including a large number of black materials, including her son’s scandal-a failure led to the death of a woman-but so far nothing really happened. A top secret list was not from Jackie’s active service document, but from Jack’s historical document. Because it was easier to find Jack, he retired in his early 70 s and he worked partly in paper records.
"Look at the fifth line," said Grace on the roof. "You’ve checked the bug. You’ve never found a bug here, but it’s always worth being careful.
That line says
"Payment Request-SB Project"
"Is there anything else?" It’s not what you think, but you can guess the meaning
"Without this article, there may be more, but at the same time, all his documents are missing, and this page should not be."
"What do you mean by SB?"
According to the previous rules, the code name should be meaningless and may be randomly generated.
"It’s far-fetched." You said, "It’s not even S&SB."
"It’s so fucking far-fetched," Grace said. "It may be meaningless, but …"
But if the real area of scientific seance is created and employed by the headquarters-even if it is an important minor project-Jack participates in the transportation and Jackie knows it …
Too many assumptions, too many guesses, too many investigations by Grace.
However, this is enough to remind you that Jackie Severance will become Lori’s new ally.
21 lighthouse keeper
….. Go back to the garden □□ (illegible) Take an axe with you in case a black bear attacks people. It’s unlikely, but it’s not unheard of. Crows, cats, magpies and sparrows are the most humble creatures of the emperor. I sit and feed them bread crumbs because they are skinny and need food.
They said that I would give birth to …
Saul stayed in the village bar to test Brad’s determination or not to meet Henry outside or because Charlie had to leave him.
So he drank a few more beers. Although the room was shaking, he accidentally ordered oysters, fried fish and chips. He rarely had such a good appetite. Usually, it didn’t appeal to him. But tonight, he felt very hungry. Fresh shelled oysters just came out of the steamer without dipping in seasoning. Then he ate fish and his hands would tear the fat fish. With the mouth-watering smell of grease, his tomato sauce dipped in French fries soon made them go crazy with fried fish, enjoying food. At the same time, he realized that he was bulging his cheeks and helping him gorge himself. His hands kept moving.
He ordered fish and chips, an oyster and a glass of beer.
After the last piece of music, the musicians still stayed in the bar, but most of them left, including Trudy’s glass window. The dark sky and the ocean made people’s faces and bottles behind the bar stained with shadows. At this moment, old Jim was left to play the piano, and his musicians wandered around. As the number of people decreased, he could vaguely hear the subtle meaning of the ocean pulsation in the background. Maybe it was the pulsation in his mind. His sense of smell became very sensitive, rotten and sweet. The smell must come from the kitchen, just like spraying perfume all over the room. It seems that the rhythm of piano percussion matches each other.
He pays attention to ordinary details. There is an ashtray on the table next to him. The gray ash is like a curved worm. Pieces of ash are still flashing and burning, and there is a throbbing red dot in the center. Just like the rear brake indicator lamp, there is a greasy finger print next to the ash, which is made up of ashtray stains accumulated over the years. It is always difficult to erase the ashtray from burning cigarettes. Someone tried to fingerprint the lettering next to it, but the result was only a J and an A.
Is the piano playing a little uncoordinated because his hearing is more sensitive … or worse? He sat on a stool against the wall and pondered over the beer in his hand, and the people around him became more and more blurred, as if they were all mixed together. His skin gave off waves and buzzed, and there was a buzz in his ears. It felt like something was approaching from a distant place-it entered his body, and his throat was dry and astringent. The beer tasted strange. He put the beer around the room.
Old Jim can’t stop playing the piano, but he plays badly. His fingers hit the keys stiffly and the keys are stained with red blood. He sings. Saul has never heard the lyrics of this song, and he doesn’t know what to say. Most of his musicians sit around old Jim and their instruments fall from their hands. They look at each other as if they are scared. What are they scared of? Sadie cried and Brad said, "Why did you do this? Why on earth did you do this? " But Brad’s voice came from Sadie’s body and blood dripped from Brad’s ear. People collapsed in the bar … Did they just collapse? Are they drunk or dead?
Old Jim suddenly got up from his seat, but he continued to play. He shouted at the top of his lungs that the song was going to climax in chaos. His knuckles broke one by one, and blood splashed from the piano to his knees and fell to the floor.
There seems to be a suspended object above Saul’s head, and he also emits something, just like a broadcast, but the frequency is too high to be heard.
"What have you done to me?"
"Why are you staring at me?"
"Don’t do that"
"I didn’t do anything"
Some people crawl, perhaps because their legs can be dragged forward. Some people hit their heads against the black glass near the gate. Sadie convulsed and rolled into tables and chairs, and her legs broke into pieces.
It was completely dark outside, and there was no light. Saul got up and walked to the door. Old Jim didn’t know what to say. The songs were more like intermittent screams than growls.
He doesn’t know what is outside the door. He doesn’t believe in the scene behind him or the complete darkness. However, he can’t stay in the bar to discuss whether it is a real scene or an illusion. He must leave.
He twisted the doorknob and walked out of the cool night air to the parking lot.
There is nothing unusual about one person in his field of vision, but everything in the room behind him is distorted and abnormal. No one can make the noise of recovery even more terrible. Others also scream. That sound is not like the sound from human mouth. He finally found his pickup truck and inserted the key into the ignition. He first backed out the car and drove out of the parking lot, shelter and lighthouse, just half a mile away.
He didn’t look in the rearview mirror and didn’t want to see something overflow from the house into the night. The stars were so far away and so close in the dark sky.
22 Ghost Birds
During the trip, the ghost bird often has a strong feeling that it is like reliving a familiar experience. Even if it belongs to another person-the memory of drowning is endless. The untrustworthy sentence in the diary of a drowning biologist finally suffers from her torture. She finds that the ghost bird doesn’t want to remember it-and she doesn’t want the manager to be behind him. You should not sacrifice yourself to the area. The best you can do is try to disappear, but even this may not be possible.
A long time ago, if the biologist hadn’t bent over and stared at those words, it might not have produced such a pair of memories and crept into the depths of the earth. She might have returned to her special place with a completely white mind, which would not serve as a mirror of biologists but reflect the disorder of time and place.
How strange it is that the writing on the comfort wall is still the same, and the way of writing is still the same. She can even interpret the remnants of the alien ecosystem as if the crawler and the tower failed to complete the impact on the earth. Is it not feasible? Because this is not its purpose-leaving a little trace here is to show that it comes from the side and represents a kind of meaning. What is the idea?
She refused to wear a filter mask. She believed that the area was not in the middle, and the narrow place was not a step. She was more familiar with the area in the luminous text than they were. The area is not limited to a symbolic location, it is an abnormal day, it is the main pipe to the plant, it is the sky and the earth, it can ask you from the location, you may not even know it is an inquiry.
They walked in the twilight and clung to the right wall. The ghost bird didn’t feel strong, but she wasn’t afraid either.
Memory and reality overlap. It may be a powerful engine or a heartbeat. She knows that even the main manager can hear and guess the source. From here, they move forward quickly until they reach the place where there is no turning back, find the monster and evaluate it. It appears a corner much earlier than expected.
"I want you to stay here," she said to the manager and also to John.
"No," he said, as she expected, "No, I won’t stay." There was an unexpected warmth in his expression and a tired determination in his words.
"John Rodriguez, if you follow me, I can’t help you. You will see everything. You can’t hide your eyes."
At the end of all this, she can’t help but admit his name. If it really comes to that, she can’t help but allow him to die. It’s already said.
With the memory and the main ghost bird, I walked to Fang Guangming.
The crawler is huge and tall, and it seems that it can’t see the top at a glance and spreads to both sides, occupying the whole field of vision of the ghost bird. There is no distortion in memory and no reflection of her own fears and desires. The huge body shows the truth in front of her surprisingly.
Its body is roughly bell-shaped, and its surface is semi-transparent, but it has a strange texture, just like the pattern formed when running water freezes into icicles. There is a layer of surface at the bottom of the skin that rotates slowly. She can see the floating pattern as if it still has a layer of skin and the material attached to it is similar to soft armor.
This kind of exercise has a confusing effect, a bit like the director’s hypnosis. She dare not stay in sight for long.
The crawler has no recognizable appearance and little recognizable face. It moves slowly and constantly, improving the wall, and the characters extend to the ground. I don’t know that there is a mysterious and fine driving mechanism hidden under the body. It is amazing that it has a left arm at half the height of the body, and it is blurred in continuous movement. It accurately creates words on the wall, which is more like waving than writing. She sees the splash light and knows that it is burning and scattering biological tissues. Its arm is an information tool, and the words flow out from it. Now that I am pregnant. Cultivate the seeds of death … This thick arm is wrapped in mud or moss. If it used to be human, this dancing arm is the only human feature it has left.
There are three rings rotating clockwise around the crawler, and a wave of energy surges and passes along the crawler’s body. The arm surface of the first ring rotates a little like drunkenness. It is an irregular half-moon object that hangs like the slender tentacles of elegant jellyfish, twisting and searching for something in vain. The second ring rotates faster on the writing arm, as if many small black stones gather together to form an endless belt. However, when these stones collide with each other, they will deform like sponges. Reminds her of soft tadpoles and creatures that fell from the sky on their way to the island. These objects have a kind of whether they are part of the crawler’s body structure or some kind of symbiotic creature. She never knows that both rings have a solid sense of substance.
However, the third ring didn’t give her a definite feeling. It was like a halo of ten to twelve golden balls spinning rapidly in the crawler’s side. I can’t tell whether it was lighter than air or heavier than air. They were spinning so fast-she couldn’t see what was going on, but she believed that they were dangerous and might be described as "defense" or "attack".
Perhaps the lighthouse keeper has always been an illusion, a region that creates illusions for biologists. However, she doesn’t believe in the scene before her. This monster is like a rubber prop, which is specially shown to scientists so accurately and meticulously, or this is the truth, because its appearance has changed a little, and it hasn’t transformed his form.
"It’s just horror show," the ghost bird said to the manager behind him. He was still and silent. I don’t know whether he was observing or being taken away.

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