Real Europe and angry really didn’t mean anything to him, but I know Xu Shui’s son, and I have some admiration for her tenacity. Plus, I can’t watch her fall into the hands of that pervert, so I didn’t expect to be like this.

But they can’t explain it all over the world, can they? I’m afraid it will get darker and darker, so that’s it.
They don’t expect Xu Shui, but will everyone believe her explanation? Besides, the other two deputy directors usually take the opportunity to slander the director because she is not pleasing to the eye and thinks that she is too arrogant at an early age. Although she doesn’t believe it, calming down the two aggressive deputy directors can make Xu Shuier "take a vacation"
Wait till this thunder passes!
Of course, Xu Shuier is very unhappy in his heart, but there is no other way to get rid of some thieves who hit the gun. At that time, the bj underworld atmosphere was much better
In the eyes of the secular world, Xu Shuier can look up to the mountains and say that the S-class master has a prominent status. The deputy director of the Power Bureau is equivalent to the commander level. Once in 20 years, the top ten beauties in the world have her. She can be said to be at the peak and state.
But it is only in the eyes of the secular world that Xu Shuier knows the real dark world in her heart. Her strength is only at the level of Batman, and even if she is among the top ten beauties in the world at the same time, Gongsun Re and Lin Su ‘e will definitely surpass her.
For beauty, it’s even worse. Since she went to Duanmuming’s house once, she never dared to recognize herself as a beauty again.
Too hit!
So Xu Shui has become such a role in the crevice. People in the secular world think that she is a Duanmu Ming and belongs to the dark world, so they are wary of her. People in the dark world think that she is a secular world and they don’t accept her easily. Xu Shuier can’t find her own position in both worlds. Of course, she is very depressed!
I can’t be so decadent all the time. Xu Shuier decided to find something to do for myself.
What she wants to do most is to find Duanmu Ming, a genius who says that Chinese and American female killers are enemies of men. She just wants to see if Duanmu Ming is handsome or right. Otherwise, how can she fascinate so many women? However, the probability that she has seen a fat Duanmuming handsome boy can be ruled out.
Xu Shui always wants to find Duanmu Ming to be uniform if he is not angry, but this Duanmu Ming actually threw his women away for two years, regardless of the complete disappearance, which disappointed Xu Shuier. This plan naturally ran aground.
Next, I have to investigate my own affairs. I think that at the beginning, Xu Shuier was a volunteer in the experiment of transforming people. Most people failed in this experiment. Only seven people successfully completed the transformation, but all of them left some sequelae. In the follow-up experiment, the scientist who was in charge of the experiment discovered the ambition of several people and found that mysterious forces intervened, so he decisively stopped the experiment.
Chapter 12 Trouble
A bloody battle took place that night, and the test base was suddenly attacked by unidentified people. Almost all the people who presided over the test were martyred or missing, and these seven people escaped there with their special abilities.
However, after arriving in the safety zone, the seven people immediately split up. Some people want to go back to the headquarters-that is, the power bureau accepts further instructions, while others feel that they are strong enough to start their own world. The two sides are lovers, and immediately there is a big war. In the end, no one can stand it, and no one can go their separate ways.
Now, except for Xu Shuier, six of them have disappeared or died, but the world has repeatedly seen the figure of remoulding people, and Xu Shuier has found something similar to their transformation technology. She has a hunch that something is not good and must find out!
After a period of investigation, she finally found the haunt of these remoulding people. Although she was not sure whether it was their lair or not, it was necessary to find out what happened. So on a dark night in a month, Xu Shuier quietly came to this seemingly gloomy old house.
Still acting alone is still not telling people that Xu Shui’s son is quite a lone ranger, which means that he has completed the final breakthrough. Xu Shuier’s body vice has almost dropped to a minimum, while she has two kinds of powers to finish.
Her two abilities are very real. The first one is the ice flame, and her snow and rain sword can make this kind of ability play to the extreme. But now this ability is uncomfortable. She can’t shine brightly in the middle of the night. Isn’t that telling the enemy where she is?
Xu Shuier’s second ability is called perspective, which, as the name implies, is to be able to penetrate obstacles and see things behind. However, this ability is also limited to people who are stronger than themselves or have special abilities, and if it is used against people who are stronger than themselves, it is likely to be discovered by the other party.
But for Xu Shui’s son, the ability advantage of some underdogs is revealed now. These people who are moving around and transforming are obviously some lower-level producers, most of whom are in the level to B level. Xu Shui can easily arrange them and touch them clearly. The whole big house has been touched without moving.
The whole big house is divided into three parts: front, middle and back. The front is the gate and the courtyard gate. There are two people in the courtyard. There are still three people hidden in the bushes. These five people are all about B-level. Xu Shui can easily kill each other in a few seconds without warning his companions in the direction.
The middle part is a two-story big house, but according to Xu Shuier’s observation, there is another floor, but the situation is very complicated. Many Xu Shui children can also take it one step at a time. According to Xu Shuier’s estimation, this room is probably the key place.
There are dozens of people scattered on the first and second floors of the dumping room. Some are interrogating captured prisoners, some are playing with women, and there is always no one who should not be killed. After seeing these people doing "work", Xu Shuier has sentenced these people to death.
Behind it is a backyard, which is the back door except for an antique matchbox room, but the back door here is all year round and sealed, and anyone who tries to force his way through here will be stopped and set off an alarm.
Xu Shuier didn’t intend to startle her, and it was impossible to swagger in from the main entrance. Don’t forget that she was somehow but it was not difficult for her to fly as an S-class master, so Xu Shuier took the wind in the dark night and quietly landed in the backyard without disturbing anyone.
After listening to no special movement around, I also saw through perspective that there was no hidden pile. Xu Shui’s son was relieved to show his figure.
Instead of rushing to explore the big house, she first came to the strange big house and looked at it. It really looked like a matchbox. There was no ventilation at all, and there was no window. There was a big iron gate, but the iron gate was locked. It seemed that no one in it should be a warehouse.
Xu Shuier thought for a while and finally decided not to explore this warehouse. Because this warehouse is really weird, it may also be an organic ambush. With its own perspective power, it is still a few meters away from it and cannot be underestimated!
Finally, Xu Shuier rose slowly along the wall to the second floor and entered the second floor passage smoothly with the window open. If anyone saw it, I’m afraid he would be scared and haunted in the middle of the night.
A guy in a neighboring room is happily whipping a young woman hung by a rope. This young woman has been bruised and bruised all over, but this guy is still undiminished and there is a wooden bucket filled with liquid next to him. It seems that this guy whips young women from time to time with the liquid in the bucket.
Suddenly this guy felt a cool breeze blowing. "Huh? The door has been closed. Where does the wind come from? " The man turned his head to look at it, only to find that a biting chill suddenly swept over him.
This guy is worthy of being transformed, and his reaction is very rapid, but his reaction is faster than Xu Shui’s hand. In an instant, this person was shrouded in ice flames and turned into an ice sculpture without even sending out a sound.
The young woman was dying after Xu Shuier’s simple examination. Xu Shui had nothing to save her so that she could be euthanized. Maybe this was the best ending for her.
Xu Shuier is not a soft-hearted person, and a soft-hearted person can’t get into the power bureau as the deputy director of this position.
Then Xu Shui quietly killed several people in the activities on the second floor and searched every room, but she didn’t find anything valuable. Just when she wanted to go to the first floor to see what would be gained from the building, suddenly there came a car sound outside. Two cars stopped at the door, and several people came from the surface to see what would come in soon.
Xu Shuier couldn’t help feeling a little anxious. If the other party finds out that everyone on the second floor is dead, I’m afraid his whereabouts will be leaked immediately. The opposite action will be unfavorable, but now it’s too late to regret it. Xu Shuier knows that he is reckless, but watching these people torture those koo people, Xu Shui really keeps indifferent and calm.
A don’t just raze this place. Anyway, no one will find out their identity and they won’t think of checking and reforming people themselves.
Thought of here, Xu Shui son also figured it out. Anyway, we have to play each other sooner or later. It’s better to try each other’s details while there is no master here to see what weaknesses each other has, but the key is that if there is any news, it will definitely leak out.
Xu Shuier’s eyes turned to think of Europe’s anger. The sisters once gave themselves some good things when they were not needed. Now they finally have a place … Take out a small hourglass from the bosom. This hourglass Europe once passed, but now her hands are different.
The hourglass is used to make an enchantment. The larger the scope, the shorter the scope and the longer the enchantment. Now it seems that if the whole house is counted, the whole enchantment will not last more than half an hour, but for a master like Xu Shuier, half an hour can already do a lot of things.
It’s not time for a good steel blade. I haven’t figured out the layout of the basement yet. If I didn’t guess wrong, the secret here is probably locked in the basement and that one.
Outside, a few people came from the van to carry something, and several people took it out to help carry something. No one spoke and there was no light in the whole process. This is to ensure that it is safe and hidden here. If the lights are used to load and unload goods, I am afraid that you can see the darkness that is easy to expose from a long distance. For those of them who have great strength and all have night vision transformation, the roots are not a problem.
As things were moved into the big room, Xu Shuier felt a little closer to when she was found, but instead of being nervous, she became excited. Perhaps this was influenced by her natural fighting genes.

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