Chuhang knows what kind of person Lu Xiong is. After the martial arts school in his hometown doesn’t go, he will definitely rush to all parts of the world to show his adventure. Sooner or later, he will encounter extraordinary power, and Lu Xiong’s combat power will definitely be noticed by the college.

Blood mourning always separates people from normal society and brings people together who should be gathered together … to keep warm.
When Lu Chen finished the work, it was already three o’clock in the afternoon. If this is the office of the Lionheart Association, maybe Milara and Susie have already made tea before continuing to correct the documents.
It’s a pity that this is the far north ice field, and they didn’t bring such elegant things as tea.
The energy drinks sent by the executive department can last for half a day after drinking a bottle of calories after heating … Of course, it is not for Lu Chen and Xianchu Airlines.
The waiting time is long, considering that there may be a big war after entering Nibelungen, several people are not used to sitting and chatting.
One tent let Sakatoku Mai rest for four hours based on the principle of ladies first, and then Liu Chen gritted his teeth and squeezed a sleep.
At eleven o’clock in the evening, several people packed their bags and carried the necessary materials.
Liu Chen also changed his coat inside, carrying a huge black Xuan behind his waist.
At eleven forty-nine, it was as dark as "Sister Yaji" said.
Chapter one hundred and fourteen Nibelongen residents
At first, the huge sun wheel was dyed with black edges, and then the darkness gradually spread, like a hidden star monster gradually eating away at the light.
"Like a dog eating the moon"
Lu Chen also saw the solar eclipse for the first time, but he heard a lot in his hometown in his previous life, saying that he was not lucky enough to see it.
According to Norma’s calculation, this solar eclipse will probably be the longest in the century, lasting six minutes and forty seconds, when we have sufficient reaction.
Sakatoku Mai said that she was full of energy after a short rest, and she was a qualified ninja with two short blades tied behind her.
"Brother … do you think Brother Chu is okay now? Can I take back what I said before?"
Finger Lu Chen behind some make unintelligent.
"ah? Didn’t you say that you would come with me to avenge Brother Chu, the Dragon King? "
To atmosphere a little nervous by finger such an interrupt Liu Chen also smiled.
"Teacher younger brother, I was joking. After my little arms and legs went in, I cheered for you. Maybe I was shot dead when I passed by the first, second and third generations of dragons."
Finger has a sad face.
"Well, I’m joking, too, but I’m not joking, senior brother. Don’t pretend to be unintelligent, etc. If Nibelungen really inspires you and Sister Yaji to stand by and don’t go in."
Lu Chen looked serious. He knew that finger was habitually swearing and pretending to be unintelligent. Actually, he didn’t flinch.
"Of course I’d be happy to wait outside to win. When I get back to my grade point, I’m going to Cuba. When you come to me, I’ll definitely arrange it for you."
Finger laughed and didn’t look Liu Chen in the eye.
Sakatoku Mai looked at this team and felt very interesting. She also said that she didn’t want to enter Nibelungen, but in fact, everyone in this team was not prepared to wait for the results outside.
On that day, the dog completely ate the sky, and the world should be plunged into unprecedented darkness, because even in normal nights, there is moonlight, eclipse and no moonlight 2.
But the world is not in darkness, except for the bright stars, there are hundreds of pale blue aurora hanging in the dark sky, like a pale blue gauze decoration at the corner that can cover the whole Tianchang skirt.
"This phenomenon is called the goddess skirt by the Nordic people."
Chu Hang explained that at this time, due to the phenomenon of separation, the aurora kept changing, as if there was a virtual goddess dancing in this gauze skirt, which was dignified, enchanting, holy and worldly
"This statement sounds a bit obscene."
Finger Tucao Road
Liu Chen is puzzled. Chuhang and Sakatoku Mai are also puzzled.
"Because it sounds like we’re peeking at the bottom of the goddess skirt."
Finger pointed to the skylight. "And we seem to have to get into the bottom of the goddess skirt?"
"Now that you mention it, the Dragon King has really become a guest."
Liu Chen laughed
But after a few people smiled, they didn’t mind.
Because the "goddess skirt" fell into the smooth ice, the ground lit up for a while, like the aurora of heaven and earth. Several people were in the middle of it and didn’t know that heaven and earth were like a dream.
At the junction of the ice, Lu Chen, several people looked at the distant ice, but there was a magnificent bronze city hiding the aurora curtain, which was slightly distorted with the aurora transformation.
From the direction, the bronze city is a reflection, that is to say, Fang should have respect, but Lu Chen and several people look out at the night and are not bronze city shadows except the beautiful aurora.
A few people turned to look at the "Ji Xuejie", apparently waiting for the other party to explain.
"Aurora is similar to that of Brother Chu from a physical point of view, but do you feel the element turbulence? This is Nibelungen’s hidden illusion and real cracks. Only at this special time will the ice show a projection."
Sakatoku Mai pointed to the front. "The reflection should be the real Nibelungen, but we can’t see it."
Liu Chen thoughtfully for a moment and said, "Brother Chu and I will go and see you and wait here first."
Then he motioned ChuHang with "jogging" rushed to the bronze city projection location.
However, he just ran out of a few hundred meters and stopped. Chuhang also stopped behind him to look at the ice in the distance.
The projection of the bronze city becomes more and more majestic, and the aurora of the projector is actually chaotic and swaying, just staring at it for a few seconds will make you feel confused.
"Brother, take your senior back quickly!"
Liu Chenchao finger shouted that this vision was extended from the projection of Bronze City.
He said it late, or maybe it’s the same as saying it or not, because both finger and "Sister Yaji" are not fast enough, and the spread of this vision is like the extension of light in a blink of an eye.
At that time, the heavens and the earth were all aurora, and even a little darkness never entered the eyes. The stars were covered all over the sky.
In the chaos, Liu Chen still didn’t trust to turn around and hold Chuhang’s arm and rush back to finger with his memory.
"Brother, we are here!"
Finger also shouted his position.
Moment Liu Chen with ChuHang ran to finger and "Ji Xuejie" side view this moment and gradually clear the aurora disappeared in the sky.
They are staring at Liu Chen in the vast snowfield. finger and senior know that their plan may be ruined.
It is suspected that they have entered the Nibelongan Roots to refill the snow. No, he looked back and saw a majestic bronze ancient city in the distance.

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