Is studying a spirit of the earth breath suddenly from the number one main base foaming at the mouth like waves to impact!

"Someone tried to break through the quasi-planet?" Wen Shao suddenly froze!
Chapter seven hundred and seventy-seven Both breakthrough conditions
Wen Shao exclaimed, Xu retired, and telepathy flooded the past and found the source of breath in an instant.
"It’s a light snow or a light snow breakthrough!"
Dazed for a second, Xu looked back and looked at the temporary knot base a few kilometers away. Evie, Harun and Ruan Tianzuo were there.
What’s going on here can’t hide from these three stars.
Will these three people come and sabotage it?
hard to say
Xu retired, and now he has no choice but to be a Jedi. Predicting strength and greed will change a lot.
"A Huang San phase thermal explosion bomb launcher preheating mode?"
"Command the take-off department of No.1 and No.2 fighter formations to lock the temporary junction base with small equivalent three-phase thermal explosive bombs, and carry out three-phase thermal explosive bomb barrage bombardment as soon as there is any change in the base.
Light snow breakthrough no accident "Xu ordered back.
Almost at the moment when Ah Huang’s voice landed, Ah Huang’s voice suddenly tightened. "Someone is coming from the temporary transit base. It’s Ruan Tianzuo Harun!"
"The warning ordered their horses to stop approaching."
Ten seconds later, I looked back. Ruan Tianzuo Harun stopped two kilometers away from the outer wall of No.1 main base and four kilometers away from the breakthrough point of An Xiaoxue.
This is not a safe distance.
"Everyone enters the battle and prepares for all the stars and quasi-planets to enter the southeast to prepare for war until An Xiaoxue successfully breaks through!"
A series of streamers rushed up in less than 30 seconds, and An Xiaoxue came from afar to watch the fun. Ruan Tianzuo Harun formed an artificial isolation zone.
At this time, Xu retired and rushed to AnXiaoXue, complaining slightly, "Light snow broke through and didn’t stop. Tell me how this will suddenly break through?"
Didn’t we agree to break through together when our 72-point big gene capability chain is complete or close to complete? "Xu back some urgent.
The breath of the whole body is rising. An Xiaoxue looks quiet and auspicious, and her long hair ponytail flutters like snow because of the impact of her spirit.
"I want to break through early! If I break through the inevitable ability, I can also threaten the planets and the planets.
In that case, you will be much more relaxed. "
Xu tui has nothing to say. Xiaoxue is sensible and makes people feel distressed.
"Don’t pay attention to them."
Is a breakthrough in the light snow looked at the distance two star-rated strong added, "you carefully observe my breakthrough process should be able to give you reference.
Let’s see if you can be more secure or have a bigger increase when you break through. "
Xu retreated with a light nod and directly took out a silver box and threw it in "take this meeting"
"I shouldn’t need it."
"When the Eldar experience breaks through to the quasi-planet, a silver box will make the breakthrough more stable and smooth."
Watching AnXiaoXue absorb this spirit silver box breath fluctuations rise again and make a retreat. Psychic induction also slowly enveloped AnXiaoXue’s peripheral micro-sensory observation breakthrough process at the same time.
Los Ann light snow body spirit breath is very much.
Many members of the Tongtian Wasteland Group also watched.
As An Xiaoxue said, this is a very good reference process.
Especially an Xiaoxue and Xu tui have a certain degree of consistency in their cultivation direction.
Although both Mr. Ji and Mr. He have given experience to each other before, Sigh also said that the breakthrough from the transmutation to everyone is different
You still need to understand the mystery yourself.
"The mental body seems to have a certain rhythm at a certain frequency between heaven and earth?" Xu back close your eyes induction.
"It seems that …"
A moment’s retreat reminds me of what Cai Shaochu said and the law?
Can you fit some original frequency when you break through?
Or the so-called Tao and Fa?

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