Family members or relatives, investigation bureau, special warfare workers, these people know much more about Donghuang’s famous strong men, and it is not something that needs to be kept secret.

See a lot of people gather together to ask young boy more energised, he observed for a while.
"See Moltres coming out in the distance? That’s another battalion chief’ Yan’ killing Yan. The awakening ability of battalion chief has something to do with flame, and he sent out a flaming bird, which laid the foundation for his reputation as the top strong man in Donghuang."
Many students who brought their own binoculars were amazed.
Even from a distance, you can feel the aura of the strong.
It is worthy of being the top of Donghuang!
But suddenly someone said weakly, "Do you think there is a huge shadow in the distant fog and it seems that someone is fighting with it?"
That giant shadow is very far away, and it looks hazy through the fog, but its power is much more terrible than Samsung’s cunning.
Is someone at war with the giant shadow?
That’s much better than Captain Luo Cha and Captain Yan. Is that possible?
Sleep the second generation stare big eyes.
Magic dragon, a four-star disaster and evil black armor, fell to the ground with a latosolic red wound stretching for tens of meters.
Almost through its whole body.
This blow directly took away this terrible paradox.
Captain Fei BanLuo Cha gasped, "Is this the strength of the black knife of the chief instructor of the firewood? Psst ~ But it’s really reliable!"
He came to help, but this black knife brother is too fierce.
Explode on the spot
Slay this mysterious evil statue on the spot.
Yan, another battalion chief, was even more dismayed.
It was the first time he saw this black knife and had to do it.
This is the real strength of the chief instructor’s black knife! Can cut the disaster!
"It’s almost time for the biggest crisis to end this paradox."
"Not yet"
Black knife light way eyes staring at the distance with a little dignified.
There, near the sea, the thick gray fog surged up again, gathering, spreading, gathering and spreading!
This time, the fog breathing was particularly fierce, but the fog enveloped the area without the same paradox as before.
Luo Cha also felt that something was wrong, so he asked the soldiers to evacuate back and pull the core distance from the paradox gate.
at this time
When the earth shook, the sea water set off tens of meters high waves, and the wind blew over trees and rocks around.
A statue of a monster appeared in front of Luo Cha’s vision.
It’s like a mountain, with half of its body on the ground and half of its body still on the sea.
The wave that set off tens of meters high only reached the middle of it.
With the appearance of this huge monster, the whole sea surface is boiling!
at this time
The fog quickly subsided, and the behemoth was seen more clearly.
It is a mountain that grows like a blade and has four legs. Half of the mountain is particularly red, and there are thick pillars of fire spouting from the peak.
The flame fell like a meteor shower, gorgeous and full of destruction.
This is a five-star hell-level devious’ mountain monster’! And it’s a monster who is still good at figure in that hellish level of sophistry!
Man can no longer be small before him.
Like gravel!
Like fireflies and mayflies!
There is a black figure "give it to me here" before stepping at this time.
He has four senses and five stars.
But the black knife never hesitated to charge! He boarded the cold murder and wrapped himself in black armor.

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