However, this place can’t stay long. They are the law to send those people, and they will soon think that at the other end of the array, they can escape and cross the road.

Those guys will definitely search back.
So they flew out of the canyon together.
Just outside, suddenly all over the sky, arrows rushed in.
Having got rid of the enemy, he found himself ambushed, which even startled Tang Xiaoshan.
Is it because the enemy has long known that there is a law hidden in this place and is waiting for him here?
Although the five women were caught off guard, they were not only good Lin Xiangren, but also the most careful. Even if they just got rid of the enemy, she did not relax at this moment.
She feels that she is the oldest and most responsible.
Zizhi Yuying’s uncertainty about her life and death made her extremely sorry. For example, she had to keep her young lady safe with her sister, Yunzhi and Hongying.
If anything happens to anyone, she thinks she will have no face to see the public.
Sharp arrows rushed like showers, but she instantly visualized herself with three eyes and ten hands, husband Guanyin, ten treasures, and Qi Fei rolled all the arrows clean.
Tang Xiaoshan said "Chong"
Most people will shrink back consciously when they see someone lying in front.
Tang Xiaoshan’s idea is different from the so-called virtual reality. These people are lying in ambush in front, so there must be many enemies hidden behind them. As soon as they retreat, they will become attacked before and after, so it is better to rush forward with one momentum.
In the past few days, Lin Xiang and others have relied on Tang Xiaoshan’s wisdom to avoid the enemy’s trust in her. When she said that she rushed Lin Xiang and others, she did not hesitate to rush forward.
Lin Xiang Buddha’s treasure sacrifices Yang Mo Hong Ying Hua monster Tang Xiaoshan is offering a symbol paper, which turned out to be invincible for a while.
Stopping them is a group of masked men in black.
Unlike those men in black, such as the Big Dipper Ape and the Hand Guanyin, they are not much different from ordinary people in the outside world in terms of size alone.
These masked men in black have retreated in front of them, but someone gave an exciting roar, and then there was a clang, and the air kept rushing into the clouds.
Kill the men in black across the hillside. There are several luxurious carriages. There are more than 20 people beside the carriage. Those men in black are fighting into a ball. These people are scarred or immediately cheered up when they realize that someone has helped them. Lin Xiang and others are inside. Those men in black have fled when they find that the situation is not good.
Tang Xiaoshan Lin Xiang looked at each other and realized that these masked men in black didn’t appear until they ambushed them. They came here for these luxurious carriages, but they stumbled into them by mistake.
All the men in black retreated and there were some bodies left.
The people who escorted the carriage looked at each other when they saw the rescue.
A man in a golden dress looked at them in a carriage and said, "Wang Binglu, thank you for your help. May I ask your girls’ names?"
Tang Xiaoshan imitated the ancient sound made by people in this day, saying, "My daughter, Tang Xiaoshan, and several sisters happened to pass by here. Seeing those people’s evil intentions is not only a matter of helping others, but also a matter of helping others." Actually, we were forced to give aid. If we had known something was wrong here, we would not have gone this way.
Wang Binglu looked at her eyes with a flash of light. "Are the girls not Chinese?"
Tang Xiaoshan Nai’s hometown accent had retained some pre-Wei and Jin pronunciations, and she also read through the rhyme. Although she had never talked with an ancient phonologist before, she still knew which words were pronounced differently. Although she felt that her imitation was very similar, she didn’t expect to be heard by this person.
Sure enough, Zizhi just can’t?
Not as good as her, she said, "We are really not Chinese."
Wang Binglu looked at her intently. "Does the girl’s accent come from Chaozhou in Lingnan or Xunzhou?"
Tang Xiaoshan Lin Xiang looked at each other again.
Accent is something that many people can recognize, but they can recognize the region. This person can not only recognize that Tang Xiaoshan is from Lingnan, but also that he is from Xunzhou, which shows that he knows the outside world very well.
Wang Binglu looked at Tang Xiaoshan and looked at her for a while. "Is the girl’s name called Xiaoshan?"
Tang Xiaoshan saw that he looked surprised and said, "Exactly."
Wang Binglu added, "Xiao Feng on the hill … Do you have a younger brother named Xiao Feng?"
Xiao-shan tang more surprised way "exactly"
Wang Binglu was surprised. "You are both a Lingnan person and a surname of Tang. You call yourself Xiaoshan and have a younger brother named Xiaofeng. Is your father Tang Ao Tang Ting?"
Tang Xiaoshan asked, "Is Mr. Wang an acquaintance of my father?"
Wang Binglu sighed "is more than an acquaintance? But I didn’t expect to meet my old friend and daughter here after more than ten years, and said with a wry smile, "How did you come to a place like this?"
Tang Xiaoshan was surprised, happy and deeply touched when he saw this man. He guessed from his own name that he had a younger brother named Xiaofeng. This is obviously a good friend of his father, and it is still an excellent kind. Otherwise, where would ordinary people remember other people’s female names? What’s more, he said that he hadn’t seen his brother for more than ten years. Didn’t he all be children ten years ago?
Thought of here, her heart moved "Wang Bing deer Wang Bing deer …" If you think in your heart.
Wang Binglu regrets that Tang Xiaoshan, the most luxurious carriage in this suspicion, has an elegant female voice to "Wang Daren, this little girl is …"
Wang Binglu came to the car and whispered through the curtain, "It’s the niece of Thaung Myint, a female of Tang Ao in Lingnan."
The woman in the car was also surprised to let Tang Xiaoshan come over. Tang Xiaoshan Lin Xiang looked at each other and felt that they didn’t seem to have any malice. Tang Xiaoshan came to the car and the woman in the car whispered, "Miss Hill came to this day?"
Tang Xiaoshan said, "I didn’t know there was such a place before because I was looking for someone to come here by mistake."
The woman in the car sighed, "Even so, the kingdom is in an extraordinary period. No outsiders are allowed to enter. If you are found, it will be a bad thing. I will arrange to send you out of this …"
Tang Xiaoshan said, "I’m not leaving until I find someone to look for."
Wang Binglu said, "Who are you looking for? How can you find such a place? "
Xiao-shan Tang just a thoughtfully low way "I’m looking for my uncle Thaung Myint".
Curtains, suddenly, flash is obviously a woman in the car with a quiver, and then she was lifted to reveal a beautiful and extremely feminine face. The woman looked at Tang Xiaoshan and was extremely shocked. Wang Binglu was even more stunned there. "How can your uncle be in this world?" In the middle of last year, I met him in Mount Tai and advised him to go back to Lingnan … "
Tang Xiaoshan said, "Uncle Min returned to Lingnan, but I don’t know who sent him a letter. After reading the letter, he wanted to leave, but he was robbed by the wicked. My brother sent a man to look for him. The man told me that Uncle Min was tied up in this world."
Wang Binglu was shocked by the woman in the car, but she was dismayed that "I hurt him."
Wang Binglu whispered, "Thaung Myint’s brothers have always been humble and unhappy. He was robbed this time and even someone …"
I haven’t finished yet. Bob lives in the distance. Two people are flying in. One old man is one-eyed and the other is a middle-aged man.
The two men were shocked to see the dead body, and then they bowed to the one-eyed old man in front of the car and said, "Is the empress okay?"
The woman in the car said faintly, "It’s a good thing that someone saved us. Are the two generals here now?"
The one-eyed old man said, "I didn’t leave too early in the afternoon when I received the handwritten letter, but later someone found the messenger dead in the river and realized that what we saw was a fake."
The middle-aged man looked at Xiao-shan Tang, Lin Xiang and others. "These girls are …"
The woman in the car said, "It was these women who came to the rescue when the other palace was in distress."
Tang Xiaoshan Lin Xiang looked at each other. The two men called the woman in the car "Empress" and the woman in the car called herself "Palace" … What is her identity?
Wang Binglu saw that Tang Xiaoshan looked puzzled and whispered, "The car is surrounded by the emperor of the kingdom. These two are General Wei, the one-eyed pale tiger and General Lu Wu, the sixteen gods of the kingdom."
It is strange that Tang Xiaoshan imagined nicknames like "one-eyed pale tiger", "Si Tian Lu Wu" and "Five Poisons Not", but it seems that everyone has one of the sixteen gods in this kingdom.
"One-eyed Canghu" Wei wrinkled "Si Tian Lu Wu" and looked at the women Wei frowning slightly. "Two days ago, several overseas girls entered the kingdom through the mirror. General Jin Mu, General Zhu, General Xia and General Yao were chasing …"

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    导语:随着生活节奏的加快,人们越来越注重身心健康。在杭州,桑拿作为一种休闲养生的方式,越来越受到家庭的青睐。今天,就为大家推荐几家杭州亲子桑拿体验馆,让您在享受健康的同时,与家人共度美好时光。 一、杭州亲子桑拿体验馆推荐 1. 杭州悦榕庄亲子桑拿体验馆 悦榕庄位于杭州市西湖区,是一家集餐饮、住宿、休闲娱乐于一体的豪华酒店。其亲子桑拿体验馆设施齐全,环境优雅,服务周到。在这里,家长和孩子们可以一起享受桑拿带来的健康与舒适。 设施:悦榕庄亲子桑拿体验馆设有干蒸、湿蒸、水疗、按摩等多种项目,满足不同年龄段的需求。 特色:酒店还提供特色亲子套餐,如亲子按摩、亲子水疗等,让家庭在享受桑拿的同时,增进亲子感情。 2. 杭州世贸君澜大饭店亲子桑拿体验馆 世贸君澜大饭店位于杭州市江干区,是一家集客房、餐饮、会议、休闲娱乐于一体的五星级酒店。其亲子桑拿体验馆设施先进,环境舒适,是家庭休闲养生的理想之地。 设施:亲子桑拿体验馆设有干蒸、湿蒸、水疗、按摩等多种项目,同时还提供足浴、美容等服务。 特色:酒店特别推出亲子桑拿套餐,包括亲子按摩、亲子水疗、亲子足浴等,让家庭在轻松愉快的氛围中享受健康生活。 3. 杭州四季酒店亲子桑拿体验馆 四季酒店位于杭州市西湖区,是一家豪华五星级酒店。其亲子桑拿体验馆环境优雅,设施齐全,是家庭休闲娱乐的好去处。 设施:亲子桑拿体验馆设有干蒸、湿蒸、水疗、按摩等多种项目,同时还提供茶歇、水果等服务。 特色:酒店特别推出亲子桑拿套餐,包括亲子按摩、亲子水疗、亲子茶歇等,让家庭在享受桑拿的同时,品味生活。 二、亲子桑拿体验注意事项 1. 亲子桑拿体验前,家长要了解孩子的身体状况,确保孩子适合桑拿。 2. 亲子桑拿过程中,家长要时刻关注孩子的反应,如有不适,应立即停止。 3. 桑拿结束后,家长要帮助孩子做好身体恢复,如喝水、休息等。 4. 选择亲子桑拿体验馆时,要关注卫生状况,确保家人健康。 结语:在忙碌的生活中,让我们抓住每一个与家人共度的时光。杭州亲子桑拿体验馆,为您和家人提供一个休闲养生的好去处,让健康与快乐陪伴左右。

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