Ling Lan gritted his teeth. "I really don’t understand what you said. I’ve already cooperated with you very much. Give me a break. I’m really not interested in a girl’s house."

As soon as her voice fell, she suddenly felt something coming out of her nose as soon as her nostrils were warm. She raised her hand and wiped it, only to find that her hands were blood! Her nostrils are constantly bleeding out!
Long Qie shook his head. "Terrible nuclear radiation Linglan, you just held the plutonium bead in your hand and put it in front of me to kill me, didn’t you? You will not hesitate to expose yourself to this terrible nuclear radiation and die with me. "
LingLan was Long Qie hit home planning but fear Italy lang laughed "yes, I just want you to perish together! I know that you are different from ordinary people, which is harmful to us. You don’t care about a small amount of nuclear radiation, but this bare plutonium bead is not comparable to the general radiation intensity! You have been exposed to high radiation with me for so long that my five internal organs have been seriously damaged and my capillaries are bleeding. You are not much better! Even undead nuclear radiation will haunt your generation! "
Speaking, Ling Lan spurted out a mouthful of blood and held a plutonium bead. Suddenly, a drop of blood bead oozed from the back of his hand and fell to the corner of his eye and ear hole, but Ling Lan laughed. "Devil, you are dead!"
Long Qie was not angry. He stretched out his hand and pinched the plutonium beads in Linglan’s hand. At this time, Linglan’s palm was blistered as if it were scalded by naked skin. Long Qie held the beads together and studied them carefully. The appearance was like a metal marble. Plutonium contained amazing energy. He could feel that his life was impacted by a burst of formation rays.
Long Qie said to himself, "The principle of actual nuclear release is not complicated, that is, nuclear materials will generate heat when piled together, and this heat will boil water, and then steam will push the steam turbine to generate power, which is only to change the hot steam materials from coal, oil and natural gas to nuclear materials. The nuclear material is so huge and complicated that it is to control the harmfulness of nuclear materials. This is just like the ancients driving a monster to draw a very complicated array to suppress the monster, which is out of control and harms people. The so-called science is modern runes, spells and arrays."
Long Qie suddenly raised my hand and opened my mouth to swallow plutonium beads into the abdomen!
LingLan knew he was going to die, but he was not afraid to see Long Qie swallowing plutonium beads raw or stunned-did this guy abandon his death fast enough? Swallowing plutonium into your stomach? ! His internal organs will radiate strongly, and the cell wall will rupture directly, and the fairy will be hard to save!
Long Qie closed his eyes and suddenly the tiger roared with crystallization, but immediately he disappeared. The red lotus rune swam faster and faster, and it seemed to burst through the body and Linglan stepped back a few steps. "What happened here? How come… ! You, you are not an ordinary brother! Because I have secretly done experiments, ordinary corpse brothers will die if they are exposed to nuclear radiation! "
Long Qie suddenly opened his eyes and his eyes were full of "happy! Happy! This thing can stimulate my meridians and make my magic power further. Well, no wonder some life scientists believe that nuclear radiation from the universe promotes the formation of life. This nuclear radiation is not only harmful but also beneficial. There is nothing evil or good in this world, but it depends on how you do it. "
LingLan couldn’t hide her expression any longer. She raised her hand and pointed to Long Qie "You, you, you actually swallowed plutonium beads and said that what magic solution can promote you! What have I done? If I had known this would happen, I would never let the nuclear fuel rods fall into your hands! "
Long Qie looked at LingLan with pity. "How can you mortals know the power of the gods now? I finally ask you, would you like to submit to me? Your dirty is disintegrating and I can save you. "
LingLan wiped a handful of canthus blood "no! No matter what god or devil you are, you can’t let me sell my soul! " Linglanli jumped over the railing and jumped into the heavy pool of the core. After struggling for a few times, his face washed and floated with heavy water.
"It is a martyr" Long Qie nodded and walked away from the core room.
The radiation in the core room was too strong and Linglan jumped into the heavy water with a shielding atmosphere. Long Qie did not sense that Linglan jumped into the heavy water and quietly reached into his arms and poured a tube of turquoise liquid into his mouth.
This turquoise liquid is taken by Ling Lan from wandering around the corpse brother’s body, and then a small amount of nuclear radiation is continuously irradiated to see if the infected corpse brother virus can be treated by nuclear radiation-this principle is the same as that of nuclear radiation killing cancer cells in hospitals.
However, Ling Lan found that after a continuous trace of nuclear radiation, the corpse brother virus still retained its activity, but the original corpse brother virus was different and its aggression was much weakened.
Ling Lan has been carrying this special corpse brother virus with her. She wants to make more similar corpse brother viruses and report them to the government and the military, hoping to invest more scientific research power in research.
Unfortunately, several experiments have failed since then. It seems that the corpse brother virus is very sensitive to nuclear radiation dose, whether it is too high or too low. Linglan’s success is a mutation
Ling Lan decided to drink this special corpse brother virus when she jumped into the heavy pool, because it was her only hope to save herself-I hope that when she wakes up again, she won’t be stupid enough to devour the corpse brother, otherwise it’s really a shame that she graduated from Junior University of Science and Technology at the age of 19 and became a nuclear physics engineer.
Long Qie doesn’t know Linglan tricks. If she does, she will laugh-women always like to play some natural tricks in front of men.
Long Qie strode out of the core room to greet the black and white martial arts, saying, "Take out all the nuclear fuel rods in the core pool and seal them and transport them to the library. I have a big one."
Long Qie did not stop until he reached the seaside built by the seaside nuclear power plant. It was because of sudden accidents that seawater could be used to cool the core, and at the same time, a large amount of unit cooling water could be discharged into the sea. This cooling water carried trace radiation, but it was no problem once it was discharged into the sea and diluted by huge amounts of seawater.
Of course, this is a natural idea of human beings. No problem? -How can there be no problem! Nuclear radiation is against natural products, and even a small amount of nuclear radiation will have an impact on life. What’s worse, it is to discharge cooling water into the sea for years!
However, this move by human beings has also helped Long Qie a lot, because he really needs a living body that has been exposed to nuclear radiation for a long time to make powerful weapons.
Tens of millions of corpse brothers from Long Qie flocked to the seaside to meditate on the summoning spell and raise their hands toward the sea. "Come on, I will give you a new life."
Boom! A huge figure is splashed on the sea surface. breaking the waves floats on the sea surface and sees it with a heavy carapace, a long neck like a snake and four heavy short legs. It’s a turtle in the sea!
However, the turtle is much bigger than ordinary turtles, the size of a van, and the back armor is covered with pus, tumors, baldness and long neck, with a lot of skin shedding and rotten meat bleached by seawater.
The turtle climbed the beach and nodded at Long Qie, with tears in his red eyes.
Long Qie raised his hand and stroked the glans gently. "I know that you used to be an ordinary turtle. The sun shone and broke out to eat plankton and seaweed, and the world grew freely. But this human-made nuclear has discharged radiant cooling water for many years, which made your body mutate and turned you into a monster."
"But don’t be afraid, son, I will give you a new life, let you be my mount and I will fight together. You are no longer an ordinary turtle injured by nuclear radiation, but-Aolong!"
The turtle nodded repeatedly and seemed to understand the words of the dragon. It put its huge head on Long Qie’s feet to show its respect and obedience.
Long Qie suddenly returned his hand and tore his chest abruptly! See a shiny plutonium bead floating on his chest!
Turtles sensed the familiar nuclear radiation of plutonium beads-which was tens of thousands of times stronger than cooling water-and were a little timid, but still lay on Long Qie’s feet and didn’t dare to move.
At this time, Long Qie stretched out several black wires in his chest to wrap the plutonium beads round and round, and finally formed a heart and a black heart.
Long Qie stretched out his hand and took the heart wrapped in plutonium beads out of the body. "Aolong, this is what I give you. It combines the strongest scientific and technological radiation heart of corpse brother! Plutonium beads will give you endless power like mountains and seas, and the existing weapons of human beings in front of you are unstoppable! "
Chapter 214 The strongest offensive and defensive weapon in history!
Long Qie jumped at the sound of his voice, punched the back armor of the Aolong and smashed it. Long Qie reached deep into the Aolong body, pulled out a beating heart, threw it into the sea, and then put the radiating heart back into the Aolong body.
Aolong howled and the whole body suddenly changed-the radiation heart has both the corpse brother and the nuclear radiation power, which made it produce multiple mutations in an instant!
Seeing that the body of Aosaurus expanded rapidly and became like a house, the back armor was thicker and the edge was covered with sharp bone spurs. The skin floated and thick scales grew at the tail, and a huge bone hammer was also covered with bone spurs.

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