Two people at the same time alpha males butterfly orchid reaction faster a line of eyes light suddenly cold to sweep away in the sky for several miles away.

Li Jue’s figure is like a monkey passing through branches and leaves and instantly transferred to another tree, and then moved in twos and threes, pulling the distance of the butterfly orchid.
He’s just lost his figure three miles away, but he’s tall and tall, and his solemn eyes are also projected, such as the golden snake flashing in the virtual, staring at the face of Shuidielan without interference
With the appearance of admonition and blame, the level of this chase has suddenly improved to a whole level.
Water butterfly orchid low hum a slender body like lost in a layer of fog ethereal can’t find the real place.
From this moment on, if she blames, she can’t see who is stronger after fighting for a while.
Li Xun’s ear also whispered into the water butterfly orchid.
"Xiao Zhong!"
Li Jue nodded and motioned for the white figure to turn and fly over there. At this time, he snickered in his heart and let Song Yuan-yi go, which obviously had an effect.
To contain each other, such as Yuan Nan, admonition and blame, and other real-life experts heard the news, and just rolled the butterfly orchid into the eye to see the situation, and the effect was not bad.
Through the butterfly orchid, Li Xun blocked the speed limit for him, and gradually shortened the target distance ahead. Xiao Zhong seemed to be really injured. Li Xun could feel that the speed of the other side dropped rapidly. At first, it was not the same.
"Do you want to let go of the puppet?" Li Xun thought to himself, "If I want him to disappear for a while, I will have a chance to make him disappear forever, so it may be safer … why?"
A chill passed over Li Jue’s body in the oblique thorn, and then he found himself forgetting one thing. Where is the trouble?
As the alarm sounded wildly in his heart, the lush branches and leaves suddenly swung wildly in the same direction. Li Jue’s ears seemed to have set off a big tide and rumbled over a loud noise, and there were some sharp screams like ghosts crying in this ring.
Seven ghosts shoot the sea and break it!
Li Xun directly faces the secret law of hades!
Li Xun has rich experience in dealing with all kinds of methods of hades Sect. However, he met only a handful of top monks of hades Sect today.
The Sect of Hades is located in Zongmen, an archipelago called Qiguijiao. It is surrounded by reefs surrounded by the sea, and there are many formidable undercurrents and eddies around the reefs.
And because Pluto is good at exorcising demons and taking pictures of ghost islands, I don’t know how many evil spirits and ghosts have been put into it for thousands of years. When the waves roar, ghosts cry and cover the sky.
This is also the origin of the name "Seven Ghosts Shoot the Sea and Break it"
At the time of the Yuan Dynasty, Li Xun had not yet arrived in France to directly experience the opponent’s hand.
At this time, in the face of these seven ghosts, he felt that his heart would be found out by this strange roar, and the flow of vulva fire was much more astringent. It seems that there is a different force to penetrate from his pores and squeeze his soul out of the body.
Li Xun didn’t hesitate to make the Yin fire protect the spirit and retreat.
According to his idea, Yuan’s difficult goal is to let Xiao Chong out very well! It was he who forgot for a moment what kind of role the ghost Taoist was in the eyes of Hades.
That is to say, once in and out of gear, it is difficult for Yuan to blink and stare at Li Xun’s face, "A hundred ghosts?"
Li Xun finally thought of something wrong.
In particular, he still remembers that there seems to be one yuan among the two seven-ghost ambassadors he abolished, and some relatives regret that they can’t come to listen to the yuan. Li Xiao, a tsunami in the atmosphere, made the devil cry ten times.
When Li Xun was a "Lingzhu", he was also hit by Yuan Nan, but at that time, on the one hand, he was far away, on the other hand, he had reservations before he identified himself.
But at the moment, the situation is completely different. It’s hard to be angry and strike again. The pure demon ghost force is like the waves of the waves, and it has accumulated 3,000 weights in an instant!
This high-density, high-purity, high-intensity atmosphere gives a groan of impending collapse as soon as the Chinese side comes out of Li Xu Fangyuan. It can be seen to the naked eye that the atmospheric ripples sweep away and hundreds of trees collapse when they pass by.
Li Xun also groaned-but he wouldn’t wait to die like those big trees!
The ghost ring at the bottom of the body almost instantly hit a small door leading to Jiuyou area.
A little bit of the purest and purest atmosphere seems like a drop of water slowly pouring out from that door and then dripping into the depths of the bottom ghost ring.
The outer circulation of the bottom ghost ring is wrapped in yin fire, which seems to have been poured with a bucket of oil and overflowed to every corner of the body.
Li Xun’s hand knotted a rare seal, and a little gray gas mans slowly lit up from the tips of his two index fingers.

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